Category Nursing Papers

Influenza Nursing Care Management and Study Guide

Influenza Nursing Care Management and Study Guide

What is Influenza? Influenza is a highly infectious, airborne disease. This disease occurs seasonally as an epidemic and manifests as a severe febrile disease with varying symptoms. Other than the virus influenza strain that leads to the seasonal flu being…

Nursing Care Plans Ultimate Guide

Nursing Care Plans Ultimate Guide

What is Nursing Care Plan The NCP is a formal approach that precisely identifies current patient requirements and possible risks. Care plans serve as a mode of exchanging information among patients, nurses, and healthcare providers to attain care plan objectives.…

Anemia Nursing Care Management and Study Guide

Anemia Nursing Care Management and Study Guide

What is Anemia Anemia is associated with lower hemoglobin concentration than expected, leading to a reduced ability to transport oxygen in various body parts. In this case, the patient may experience weakness, shortness of breath, headache, fatigue, and rapid heartbeat.…

Hookworms Nursing Care Planning and Management

Hookworms Nursing Care Planning and Management

What are Hookworms? Hookworms are parasites that mainly infect the intestines and feed on blood. Hookworm infection is associated with helminth disease. Hookworm disease is the most common helminth infection associated with hookworms and is caused by nematode parasites, including…

Asthma Nursing Care Management and Study Guide

Asthma Nursing Care Management and Study Guide

What is Asthma? Asthma is a long-term disease that affects both children and adults. The condition is characterized by the narrowing of the airways due to inflammation, swelling, and tightening of surrounding muscles. The airways may also produce extra mucus…

Hemophilia Nursing Care Planning and Management Study

Hemophilia Nursing Care Planning and Management Study

What is Hemophilia? Hemophilia is a rare disorder where blood clots abnormally due to insufficient clotting factors. Hemophilia patients bleed longer when injured than it would if the blood clots properly. The main concern for severe Hemophilia is internal bleeding,…

Strabismus Nursing Care Management

Strabismus Nursing Care Management

What is Strabismus? Strabismus is a vision disorder associated with misalignment of the eyes to the point that they point in different directions. In this case, an inward deviation of eyes can make it difficult for an individual to align…

Cholecystitis Nursing Care Management

Cholecystitis Nursing Care Management

What is Cholecystitis? Cholecystitis is a chronic or acute inflammation of the gallbladder, an organ that stores and releases bile into the duodenum to help digestion. Gallstones may cause this condition in the duct, which may block the flow of…
