CIPD Level 70S05 Assignment Help Example

CIPD Level 7OS05 Managing People in An International Context Assignment Help

CIPD Level 70S05 Assignment Help Example

CIPD Level 70S05 Assignment Help Example

CIPD Level 70S05 Assignment Help Example provides an example of a CIPD assignment that Essay For All CIPD experts have drafted to help students learn how to handle their assignments. The examples below considers the course learning outcomes and assessment criteria while giving a close eye for assignment requirements. Asking for help from our experts is highly recommended for students who find it difficult to draft their CIPD 70S05Assignment assignments.

Managing people in an international context is a complex task that requires adaptability, cultural sensitivity, and effective communication skills. However, to build a cohesive and effective team, developing cultural awareness, such as values, beliefs, and customs, is critical to avoid misunderstanding and ensure effective communication with your team. Adapting to different cultures is essential because each culture has its ways of doing things. This will help build rapport with your team and develop a collaborative and productive working environment.


CIPD Level 7OS05-Learning Outcome (LO) 1: Understand How Contextual Forces and Major Strategic Shape the Management of People in International Organizations.

AC 1.1: Evaluate various ways in which organizations trade and operate overseas

There are several ways in which an organization can trade and operate in foreign markets, including exporting, Licensing, franchising, joint ventures, direct investment, Contract manufacturing, and offshoring. However, there are three common ways in which organizations operate and trade overseas such as:

  • Exporting: This involves selling goods and services produced in the home country to an overseas customer. The sales can be achieved via direct sales by the organization or intermediaries like distributors or agents. Exporting is the simplest and least risky way an organization can use to enter an overseas market as it allows them to gain experience before investing significant resources.
  • Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): This involves establishing a presence in an overseas market via acquiring an existing company or creating a new subsidiary. FDI gives companies significant control over their operations in overseas markets and provides opportunities to increase their global presence, access to new markets or resources, or lower production costs.
  • Strategic Alliances and Joint Ventures: This involves partnering with overseas organizations to share resources and risks to attain a common goal. The partnership may take various forms, including research and development, technological transfer, production, and marketing. This is a good option for companies that want to leverage the resources and expertise of local partners and share the risks and costs of doing overseas business.

AC 1.2: What Are the Main Modern Ethical Concerns in The Field of International Management and Employment?

The international management and employment field present several contemporary ethical issues that are becoming more relevant in today’s global economy. The main ethical issues in this field include labor exploitation, human rights abuse, bribery and corruption, cultural insensitivity, and environmental degradation.

Labor exploitation is one of the critical ethical issues in international management and employment. Most Multinational cooperations (MNCs) operate in developing countries where there are often weak labor laws, and workers’ rights are not protected. These organizations exploit this situation via child or forced labor, providing poor working conditions and paying low wages. These practices violate human rights and create an unfair competitive advantage for firms providing better working conditions and fair wages.

In addition, MNCs operating in overseas markets with a weak rule of law or authoritarian regimes may be complicit in human rights abuse like torture, extrajudicial killings, and censorship. The firms involved in such activities may face legal consequences and reputational damage. Also, MNCs may face corruption and bribery, particularly in countries where these practices are widespread. These practices undermine the rule of law, create unfair business practices, and destroy economic development.

Ethical issues in international management and employment are multifaceted and complex. Hence, MNCs must be aware of their environmental and social impact and ensure their operations are ethical, sustainable, and responsible. This is critical in building stakeholder trust, minimizing reputational and legal risks, and contributing to a more just and equitable global economy.

AC 1.3: Examine the Core Alternative Forms of International Organizations and Evaluate Their Impact on the Management of People

Over the years, several alternative international organizational forms have emerged, each with unique characteristics and impacts on the management of people. Here are some of the main alternative international organizational forms:

  • Multinational Corporations (MNCs): These organizations operate in various overseas markets and have a centralized management structure. MNCs usually have a hierarchical structure and strongly focus on efficiency and standardization. This may lead to a bureaucratic and rigid organizational culture that does not foster innovation and creativity. It is challenging for MNCs to manage a diverse workforce across various cultural contexts.
  • Transnational Organizations: These organizations are similar to MNCs but have a fluid organizational structure. Transnational organizations prioritize responsiveness to local market conditions and give decision-making authority to local managers. This results in adaptability and innovation. However, it may lead to inconsistency across various countries.
  • International Joint Ventures: This involves forming a partnership between two or more organizations from different overseas markets to pursue a particular business opportunity. They usually have a collaborative and egalitarian organizational culture and may experience challenges managing cultural Diversity between partners and aligning goals.

These alternative organizational forms have unique opportunities and challenges for the management of people. Managers should consider cultural, legal, and linguistic differences posed by different countries and create a strategy to manage a diverse workforce effectively.

CIPD Level 7OS05-Learning Outcome (LO) 2: Understanding How and Why People Management Practice Differs in Various Countries and Regions.

AC 2.1: Differentiate various Established Political and Legal Systems in Major Global Economies.

There are several political and legal systems across the globe, each with its unique rules and regulations. Some of these systems are similar, while others are different. Managers need to understand each system to manage people in a particular region or country effectively. Some established systems include The United States of America, Japan, the European Union, Germany, Russia, and China.


China has a communist system of government with a one-party system, with the Communist Party of China (CPC) as the ruling party. The highest legislative body in China is the National People’s Congress (NCP), and the state council is the chief administrative body. The Supreme People’s Court oversees the legal system in China.

United States (US)

The US has a federal system of government, and power is shared between individual states and the central government. The basic government structure of the US is outlined by the US Constitution, and it guarantees fundamental rights and freedoms. The US legal system is based on English common law, comprising federal and state courts. The highest court in the US is the Supreme Court.

European Union (EU)

The EU is a supranational organization made up of 27 member states. EU has a hybrid government system, which is a combination of federal and confederal systems. The legislative body of the EU is the parliament, and the executive body is European Commission. The EU legal system is based on civil laws and is governed by the EU Court of Justice.

Major global economies have different legal and political systems. However, they all have a mechanism to govern and regulate their people. Individuals and businesses need to understand the different political and legal systems in their countries of operations.

AC 2.2: Evaluation of Research on How Workplace Cultures Vary Around the World.

Workplace culture refers to shared beliefs, behaviors, values, and attitudes that impact the work environment and guide individual behaviors outside and inside the organization. The cultural, social, economic, and historical factors determine the workplace culture worldwide. The following findings are highlighted in the evaluation of research on Ways in Which Workplace Cultures Vary Around the World.

Roles of Social Institutions:

Studies have shown that social institutions significantly influence workplace culture. For instance, in countries like Norway and Sweden, with a strong welfare systems, the employees value work-life balance and emphasize social responsibility more. Countries like the US, which has weak social institutions, prioritize individualism and competitive work culture.

Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Theory:

This is one of the most common studies on cultural differences and identifies six dimensions of culture: masculinity/feminism, power distance, individualism/collectivism, long-term/short-term orientation, uncertainty avoidance, and indulgence/ restraint. According to this study, cultural differences influence workplace communication style, values, and approaches to leadership.

Communication and leadership styles:

Workplace culture also tends to vary in communication and leadership styles. For instance, communication in the US is straightforward, unlike in Japan, where communication is usually indirect and relies on non-verbal cues. Leadership styles also vary, with some cultures prioritizing collaboration and consensus-building and others emphasizing hierarchical decision-making.

Workplace culture differs across the globe, and understanding the differences is essential for companies that operate globally because it can influence leadership styles, communication, and work style preferences. Besides, the differences in attitude towards Diversity, work ethics, and work-life balance can impact the employee’s recruitment and retention techniques. Thus, organizations must consider these cultural differences and promote a culturally sensitive and inclusive workplace culture.

CIPD Level 7OS05-Learning Outcome (LO) 3: Staffing and Employment Management Practices in International Organizations.

AC 3.1: Discuss the Effective Management of Talent in International Organizations.

Effective talent management in international organizations is critical in enhancing their success in the global market. Talent management is identifying, developing, and retaining talent in a firm. In the international context, talent management entails identifying potential employees and understanding and adapting to regional and cultural differences to ensure the organization’s talent strategy aligns with global business objectives. For instance:

  • Cultural Competence: This is one of the key strategies for effective talent management in international organizations. Managers and leaders of the organization must possess cultural competencies like an understanding of work norms, communication styles, and different cultural values. This is essential in enhancing effective leadership and team management across diverse cultures in different countries.
  • Localize talent management programs This is also a key strategy in talent management as it helps account for regional and cultural differences. For instance, compensation structures, career development programs, and performance management systems should be adapted to local markets.
  • Promote Diversity and inclusion In talent management, Diversity and inclusion are key, especially in problem-solving. For instance, a diverse workforce is believed to possess different problem-solving approaches and perspectives, leading to innovation and better decision-making. Therefore, the international organization must embrace Diversity and provide an inclusive working environment.
  • Develop a global talent management strategy This is a key strategy in talent management; however, it should be aligned with the organizational vision and mission and focus on developing an inclusive work environment. In addition, this strategy should identify the main competencies necessary for success in various countries and create a framework for managing and measuring talents across borders.

Talent management is key in ensuring the success of international organizations in the global market. It is easier for organizations to manage talent by adopting these strategies and developing an inclusive and diverse workforce.

AC 3.2 Discuss the Benefits of Diversity and Inclusion in International Contexts

Diversity and inclusion have become crucial aspects of the globalized economy. With most organizations expanding their operations into international markets, diversity and inclusion have been crucial in international contexts. This is because they promote a culture of acceptance, understanding and respect. Diversity and inclusion benefits are manifold and have become crucial in today’s organizations. One of the benefits associated with inclusion and diversity is enhanced creativity and innovation.

For instance, people from diverse backgrounds come with different experiences, perspectives, and approaches to doing things which drive creativity and innovation within an organization. For example, an organization with employees from different cultures and countries can have different perspectives and insights, resulting in the development of innovative products that appeal to a broad customer segment.

In addition, promoting diversity and inclusion in organizations enhances a firm’s brand image and reputation, which helps attract and retain top talent. For instance, creating a diverse and inclusive work environment where employees feel valued, supported, included and respected could result in increased employee engagement and commitment, resulting in improved productivity and retention. This is crucial in international contexts where employees may feel excluded and isolated due to cultural and location differences.

Another benefit associated with diversity and inclusion is improved decision-making. For instance, inclusive decision-making from people from different backgrounds within an organization is associated with better decision-making outcomes. This is because different people bring different perspectives to the decision-making table, allowing the decision-makers to identify their biases and gaps that a homogeneous team would miss. For instance, a diverse team is more likely to identify the various cultural barriers that would affect a product in the international market allowing the firm to adapt the product to different markets.

Lastly, diversity and inclusion in international organizations are associated with increased market competitiveness. For instance, firms promoting diversity and inclusion are better placed to compete and succeed in the market. This is because the firm is better positioned to understand the needs and preferences of a given market segment, allowing it to tailor products based on these needs.

Essay for All CIPD Level 70S05 Assignment Help experts suggest that organizations that want to achieve success and sustainable competitive advantage in the interconnected and diverse world must embrace diversity and inclusion. If you find CIPD Level 70S05 Managing People in an International Context Assignment challenging, our team is ready to create a unique and customized solution for you.

CIPD Level 7OS05-Learning Outcome (LO) 4: Understanding Effective and Sustainable People Management Practices in an International Context

AC 4.1 Discuss the various Challenges People Practice Managers face in International Organizations

People management is a crucial human resource management branch that deals with recruiting, training and optimizing employee performance to meet employees’ needs. However, people who practice management are faced with various challenges that could significantly impact an organization and require effective management strategies to address them.

One of the major challenges faced by people practice managers is difficulties managing cultural differences. For instance, multinational organizations operating in different countries have employees from different cultures, meaning employees have different working styles, values, and communication approaches. All these differences could create conflicts, misunderstandings and a lack of cohesion among employees impacting individual morale and commitment to work. In this case, people practice managers need to develop organizational strategies that create and sustain a culture of respect and understanding, such as conducting cross-cultural training, developing diversity and inclusion programs and establishing open communication lines, among others.

Another challenge people practice managers face is legal and regulatory compliance. It is crucial to note that organizations in different countries are subject to different employment, labor, taxation and employee benefits laws. These differences can create a compliance challenge for people practice managers impacting an organization’s reputation and competitiveness. Essay for All CIPD Level 70S05 Assignment experts suggest that people practice managers should be familiar with laws and regulations that apply to the organization in its host country to avoid associated legal and financial consequences of non-compliance.

It is also crucial to recognize the language barrier challenge that people practice managers face in international organizations. For instance, managing a group of employees from different geographic locations with varying languages can create communication problems and limit collaboration among team members. This could hinder employee efficiency and performance. In this case, developing effective communication strategies that apply to all employees, including the use of translation services and adopting common language and language training, can help improve communication.

Essay For All CIPD Level 70S05 Assignment Help experts suggest that people practice managers in international organizations must develop strong leadership and communication skills to effectively manage the diverse team and lead them towards achieving the organization’s goals.

AC 4.2 What is the Justification for Flexible Working Arrangements in International Organizations?

Flexible working arrangements and initiatives have gained popularity in today’s globalized economy. The increase in globalization and technological advancements has given rise to remote working, and other flexible working arrangements such as job sharing, flextime, part-time work and other working arrangements have become popular options for employees and employers. In the international context, flexible working initiatives are important due to the varied social and cultural contexts in which organizations operate.

Flexible working initiatives are associated with increased job satisfaction and productivity. The ability of employees to control their work schedule enables them to effectively manage their work-life balance. This gives them morale and motivation, making them more engaged and committed to work. This can result in increased work quality and higher productivity. In addition, employees who work in ways that suit their schedules and circumstances feel supported and valued, resulting in increased job satisfaction, productivity and loyalty.

Another justification is that flexible work initiatives promote cost savings for the organization/employer. For instance, allowing employees to work part-time and remotely reduce the need for office space resulting in significant cost savings, especially for international organizations. In addition, remote working reduces commuting costs for employees and employers since daily office travel is unnecessary. Other cost savings are associated with reduced absenteeism and associated absenteeism costs, and reduced turnover rate reducing the cost of recruiting and training new employees. This  results in increased productivity in an organization

Another justification for flexible working initiatives is the ability of organizations to attract and retain top talents. In the highly competitive global job market, employers seek to offer top talents attractive benefits packages to retain them and remain competitive. In this case, firms that offer flexible working arrangements are likely to attract and retain top talents and younger workers who value work-life balance.

This is important in international contexts where employees from different countries and cultures have different work expectations. Offering flexible working arrangements allows international organizations to accommodate the workforce’s diverse needs, making them attractive to top talents.  In this case, flexible working initiatives are justified by the benefits they bring to employees and employers, making them an important factor in the success of international organizations.

AC 4.3 Discuss why effective communication Practice is Important in International Organizations

Effective communication is crucial to all organizations since it allows employees to work towards a common goal. In the international context, effective communication is essential since it helps develop and maintain relationships with stakeholders. For instance, effective communication helps develop trust and understanding among diverse teams, minimizing misunderstandings and conflicts among diverse employees. Factors such as language barriers, cultural differences, and misinterpretation of messages can affect effective communication in international organizations.

In addition, effective communication promotes employee engagement. Employees who are well-informed about the organization’s strategies, objectives and goals are more likely to be motivated to work toward achieving them. Effective communication creates a positive work environment and a sense of transparency, boosting employee morale.

Another benefit of effective communication in international organizations is that it helps manage conflicts. For instance, employees in international organizations are prone to conflicts due to diverse employees from different cultures. This makes conflicts inevitable. However, having effective communication practices in an organization can help ensure conflicts are resolved on time and effectively.  For instance, open communication channels can help identify and address conflicts before they escalate.

Finally, effective communication is key to achieving business objectives and overall organizational success. For instance, failure to communicate effectively could result in projects falling behind schedule, employees and other stakeholders being left behind in decision-making, and impact business performance. In this case, effective communication can ensure all company employees are aligned with organizational goals resulting in improved productivity and organizational success.

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