Archeology Assignment Help

Essay For All is the leader in offering top-notch Archeology assignment help solutions to history students. Archaeology studies human history and prehistory by excavating sites, analysis of physical remains and artifacts. The discipline also explores the tools and objects made by human beings and how it relates to their past environment and behavior.

Systematic study of people’s past gives a basic idea of cultural evolution. Archaeology also helps the present generation to understand why the ancient people adopted specific ways of life and how they lived. The connection of the past to the present enabled by archaeology has helped to enrich people’s knowledge of human achievements and cultural heritage while enhancing history about humanity. Get our online archaeology assignment help for deeper insights.

A background understanding of archeology

Archeology studies the ancient and current human past through material remains. So, the critical ingredient in studying archeology is material remains. Accordingly, archeologists study fossils that have existed for various durations—some fossils associated with the earliest human ancestors date back to about a million years ago. Thus, archeologists examine the past’s physical remains in their endeavor to unravel an in-depth understanding of human culture. It is a diverse specialization area. Hence, most archeologists focus their excavation activities on particular regions of the world or topics. Archeologists study:

  • Human remains
  • Animal parts
  • Ancient plants
  • Stone tools like lithics

On the other hand, some archeologists focus explicitly on technologies that aid in locating, mapping, or analyzing archeological sites. Consequently, we have archeologists focusing on examining human fossils that lie under the waters. Archeologists almost use similar methods globally. However, archeology is a branch of anthropology in other countries like the United States. In other regions, it is part and parcel of historical research.

The subject matter of archeology resonates with a historical focus. For instance, history studies the human past. In doing so, it strives to learn about the human past through the ancient communities’ fossils, artifacts, stone tools, and old plants. This allows historians to have a complete perspective of the past cultures of different societies. It also helps ascertain the patterns that have emerged from past to current communities. So, archeologists focus on:

  • Archeological sites refer to any place where there are physical remains of past human activities. They include villages or cities, quarries, campsites, rock art, ancient cemeteries, etc.
  • Artifacts- Generally, they are objects made, modified, or used by humans

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Importance of archaeology

Archaeology helps people to understand the past and link it to the present. For instance, we know how ancient societies lived, lifestyles, and cultures. The overall interaction of the people with their environment also offers insights into the evolution between ancient and present people. Discipline is also critical in the protection of the past. For instance, the identified archaeological sites can be safeguarded to ensure that the information is well preserved for access by future generations.

Types of archaeology

Environmental archaeology

Based on our tutors, environmental archaeology entails using archaeological methods and approaches to study past human ecological interactions. It is a discipline that helps students understand how ancient people interacted and used their environment. It also focuses on analyzing the impact of human activities on the environment.

Human beings promote various activities in their environment, such as land use, deforestation, fishing, and agriculture. All the activities may have a negative or positive impact on the environment. In this case, environmental archaeology helps to understand the outcomes of the activities of ancient people on the environment.


Certain archaeologists focus mainly on studying animal remains retrieved from archaeological sites. The investigation is used to determine the relationship and interaction between the animals and people and the role of the animals in the ancient communities. The specialists help in the reconstruction of past ecosystems. Zooarchaeologists also engage in the identification and analysis of animal shells, teeth, and bones.

The details can then help determine the size of the animal, sex, age, and also animal species. The discipline also helps to identify some of the animals domesticated by ancient societies. The past communities also relied on some animals for social and economic status. In this case, retrieving specific animal remains from archaeological sites may hint at the people’s social status and economic activity.


From our archaeology assignment help notes, archaeobotany studies the many remains retrieved from archaeological sites. Archaeologists can examine and study plant remains such as wood, fruits, grain, and seeds to understand the human and plant relationships in past societies.

It also offers additional information about the people’s diet and agricultural practices. Archaeobotany uses knowledge from various disciplines, such as anthropology, paleontology, botany, and archaeology. Plant remains in archaeological sites also help people understand certain plants’ cultural implications in different communities. Over the years, archaeobotany has helped unveil some of the species of domesticated plants in specific neighborhoods.


Based on Essay For All Tutors, geoarchaeology uses principles from archaeology, geography, and geology. It is integral in depicting the relationship between archaeological sites and geological structures or features. Geoarchaeologists deploy various techniques when investigating the nature and formation of landscapes, sediments, and geomorphological features around identified archaeological sites.

Weathering, sedimentation, and erosion are some of the processes that result in the formation of archaeological sites. Human activities such as land use, construction processes, and abandoning certain buildings and structures may contribute to the creation of archaeological deposits.

Human osteoarchaeology

A branch of archaeology, also known as skeletal archaeology, studies the human skeletons retrieved from archaeological sites. Human osteoarchaeology studies human remains, such as bones and teeth, to understand past people’s lifestyles, diet, health, and cultural practices.

Some deployed approaches are mortuary practices, trauma analysis, dietary construction, bioanthropological analysis, and stable isotope analysis. The stable isotope analysis focuses on the bones and teeth’ nature to explain the ancient people’s nutritional habits, mobility, and geographic origin.

Trauma analysis checks for any evidence of trauma or injuries on the human skeletons to gain insights into the possibility of occupational or interpersonal violence in past societies. The human osteoarchaelogists also perform mortuary practices whereby they study the ancient people’s burial and ritual practices. For any clarification, contact our competent archaeology assignment help tutors.

Methods used by archaeologists

Archeological methods are the methods used by archaeologists in studying past human civilizations. Technological advancements have resulted in newer and more advanced archaeological techniques like electrical sensors, high-tech analysis using magnetic devices, and satellite photography.

There are unusual locations that archeologists may want to explore. In this case, they can deploy rescue archaeology, urban archaeology, and underwater archaeology techniques. Nonetheless, the commonly used methods in archaeology slow the extraction of remains, relics, or related evidence from archaeological sites that might have existed for hundreds or thousands of years. Such methods encompass;

Laboratory analysis

Based on our archaeology assignment help tutors, laboratory analysis is deployed by archaeologists when studying material remains of past cultures. It uses objects such as plant remains, bones, and people’s artifacts. The approach is critical when archaeologists investigate the retrieved materials’ use, composition, and age.

Laboratory analysis entails various techniques, including isotope analysis, petrography, radiocarbon dating, and DNA analysis. DNA analysis helps in the identification of organism species using their genetic material. However, the isotope analysis investigates the chemical composition of materials. In this case, archaeologists may use the approach to determine certain fossils’ lifestyles and diets.

Remote sensing

Remote sensing is among the latest innovations that archaeologists use. It helps in the study and identification of archaeological sites without excavation. Most archaeologists used or are still using excavation. However, remote sensing is gradually replacing the need for excavation.

Therefore, the approach safeguards the archaeological sites from damage. It also increases accessibility and identification of archaeological sites hidden underwater or remotely placed, such as deep in the forests. Examples of remote sensing techniques include satellite imagery and aerial photography.


Over the years, archaeologists have used excavation methods to explore archaeological sites. The result has been very devastating on the archaeological sites, such as damage to the environment. However, there has been the development of newer approaches that are non-destructive such as surveys. Archaeologists may use surveys after identifying the invisible sites from the ground.

The main survey approaches used are geophysical and surface survey; geophysical survey was highly adopted in Mesoamerica and Mexico to identify ancient cities. It uses methods like magnetometry and ground-penetrating radar to detect subsurface features. A surface survey entails walking on an archaeological site looking for ecofacts, archaeological features, and artifacts.


According to our archaeology assignment help experts, excavation entails digging up archaeological sites to retrieve evidence of past human activities. Its use is constantly reducing based on its destructive nature on the environment. It is the best way archaeologists can recover humans’ long ago buried remains and their activities. Past human activities may have evidence in various forms, such as bones, artifacts, graves, and house foundations.

Computational and virtual archeological study

We live in a technological age where technology has taken hold of almost everything. As a result, people use technology in nearly every sphere to fine-tune their operations and understanding. The evolution of the information age makes it necessary for archeologists to use computer graphics and figures. This requires using various tools to boost research and archeological activities.

Finally, the drone can also be used in the archeological study. So, it is a crucial asset to enhance research in the aerial archeological survey. The good news is that our superior archeology homework experts can help you deliver quality papers. Our experienced writers understand what it takes to make your task outstanding. In addition, we are consistent in providing top-notch services to make your academic journey rosier.

Classification of archaeology

Prehistoric archaeology

This archaeology branch studies the human cultures and societies that existed before the development of written history. Hence, archaeologists only rely on the remains of the people’s artifacts since they have yet to understand any form of writing.

Classical archaeology

It is the study of the ancient Mediterranean civilizations of Rome and Greece, which dates back between the 5th to 8th centuries. The discipline seeks further understanding of the achievements, cultures, and interactions of the Romans and Greeks. Classical archaeologists compared ancient Rome and Greek cultures and likened them to contemporary civilizations.

The archaeologists also investigated burial practices and cemeteries of the ancient people to understand their customs and beliefs related to the dead and life. The people who survived during the period had learned how to write. They made inscriptions on coins and stone monuments, giving the archaeologists hints about their literacy and communication levels.

Medieval archaeology

This branch of archeology studies the archaeological remains from the 5th to 15th century. Medieval archaeologists investigated and interpreted landscapes, buildings, and artifacts, among other evidence of human activity.

Archaeologists also study the remains of manor houses, castles, towns, and villages for an improved understanding of urban development, settlement patterns, and the people’s land use. The study offers profound insights into people’s interaction with the environment, economic activities, religious beliefs, and social classes.

Essay For All is renowned for having competent and experienced tutors consistently offering high-quality archaeology assignment help services. Whenever needing professional archeology assignment help solutions, always look for our proficient tutors for the best outcomes at affordable rates. Place your order now.

Sub-topics under archeology

Archeologists study the ancient and the recent human past through material remains. Generally, it looks at fossils and remains throughout human history. Most fossils are found in Africa since it is the cradle land of man. In addition, archeology also examines the physical remains of the past in pursuit of a better understanding of human culture. Thus, it is a broad topic covering various subjects. However, reading the multiple sub-topics under this topic proves challenging to most students. Some of these topics include:


A degree in archeology and museology equip students with an understanding of the past through material evidence. For example, it involves examining manuscripts, art pieces, tools, pottery, structures, graves, etc.

It also equips you with skills to understand museum organization and management. This sub-topic of archeology also involves recovering past materials and examining them to gain more knowledge about the human past and their cultures in the ancient days.

Equally important, it teaches students about archeological practices, methods, and strategies for preserving historical artifacts. This sub-topic also covers historical techniques of preserving artifacts and structures and how the concept of museums came into practice. At Essay For All, we understand that most students find it challenging to understand the topic and its theme. Therefore, we offer online archeology assignment help to help you get professional advice and assistance with your essays.

History and pre-classical history

History studies the past. As a result, it remains relevant in our understanding of past events and their impact on our modern or current undertakings. It focuses on the history of the early years between 500 CE and 1500 CE. Thus, it requires an in-depth understanding of historical facts in the pre-classical era. Do you need professional assistance on this topic? If yes, then our best custom writers have you sorted. We are known for our consistency in delivering impeccable papers.

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Online archeology assignment help services

Our goal as an educational nurturing platform is to assist students in making the best of their academic life. Thus, we offer student-centered online archaeology assignment writing services to cushion you from homework challenges. We always do our best to give you better services not found elsewhere. The following features define archaeology homework help & answers offered by our superior writers at Essay For All:

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