Melanoma Nursing Assignment help

Essay For All melanoma nursing assignment help services is the best quality and are highly sought after by students across different learning institutions. Our professional tutors will sort you out for any online nursing writing service on melanoma. Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that, after developing, rapidly spreads to other body organs.

The disease is characterized by the formation of cancer cells in melanocytes, the cells responsible for melanin production. Cancer can affect any part of the skin. There is a need for people with melanoma to receive urgent medical attention based on the role of the skin in the body. For instance, the skin, the most significant body organ, protects the body from infection, injury, sunlight, and heat.

Besides the protective roles, the skin stores nutrients like vitamin D. fat and water while controlling body temperatures. That means a person with melanoma will likely face various challenges due to the skin’s inability to play its role effectively. Book our top-notch melanoma nursing assignment help services for a closer expert intervention.

Overview of melanoma

When understanding how melanoma affects a person, it is vital to know the skin structure. The outer part of the skin is known as the epidermis, which consists of melanocytes, basal cells, and squamous cells. Each of the cells has essential roles to play. Based on Essay For All, melanocytes are the cells that help produce melanin, which gives skin its color. That is why whenever the skin gets exposed to artificial light or the sun, the cells respond by making more melanin pigment responsible for darkening the skin.

Melanoma can affect people of any age. However, it is more prevalent among older adults aged 50. The area or body region of attack by melanoma slightly differs from to women. For instance, most cases of melanoma among women happen on the legs and arms, while men experience the disease between the hip and the shoulders. Anytime you need professional melanoma nursing assignment help, contact our experienced tutors.

Types of melanoma

Amelanotic melanoma

The uniqueness of amelanotic cancer is the lack of color or having little color since it never produces melanin pigment. People can easily confuse amelanotic melanoma with benign skin lesions as it is challenging to diagnose. However, choose our experienced melanoma nursing homework doers for professional guidance.

Acral lentiginous melanoma

Whenever a patient is diagnosed with acral lentiginous melanoma, they don’t need to panic a lot since the condition can be cured if only diagnosed in its early stages. Early treatment not only cures cancer but also maintains the skin’s appearance. The common areas this melanoma affects are under the nails, soles, and palms.

Lentigo maligna melanoma

It is a type of melanoma prevalent among older adults with more time spent in the outdoors during their active lives. That means they take different years to develop and commonly form in the exposed skin parts. The main characteristic of lentigo malignant melanoma is its brown macule appearance on the skin surface, commonly on the neck and head. Get our online melanoma nursing assignment help notes for deeper insights into this type of melanoma.

Nodular melanoma

Our professional melanoma nursing assignment helpers say nodular melanoma mimics benign conditions like acne and blood blisters. Skin cancer grows towards the inner skin layers, among the leading invasive types of skin cancer. Due to the internal spread, early diagnosis becomes very important for timely intervention followed by appropriate treatment.

Superficial spreading melanoma

It is a type of melanoma that mainly grows the skin from its place of development outwards. However, it can also extend to the inner skin layers. However, the challenge with the inward spreading is that it may spread to other internal body organs.

Risk factors for melanoma

The leading risk factor for melanoma is increased exposure to sunlight. Though sunlight is essential in forming vitamin D, there are limits to avoiding too much exposure that may be devastating. Though sunlight exposure is not unhealthy, overexposure is not recommended from its potential of increases one’s vulnerability to melanoma. Essay For All professionals consider that the ultraviolet rays from the sun are the leading cause of melanoma.

Most students always question how the sun can result in skin cancer. It is possible. The overexposure leads to the destruction of some DNA of the cells, resulting in their modification that may affect the growth and division of the cells. Besides, tanning beds also have ultraviolet radiation, predisposing users to melanoma risk. Other predisposing factors to melanoma are;

  • Weak immune systems
  • History of sunburn
  • Multiple moles
  • Experience on a tanning bed
  • Fair skin
  • Family history of melanoma
  • Personal history of melanoma

Signs and Symptoms of Melanoma

The typical sign of melanoma is the formation of a new mole or some changes in the existing mole. The most vulnerable areas where the moles form is the commonly exposed body parts to the sun, such as the face, arms, legs, and scalp. However, the unexposed areas may also be vulnerable to the effect of melanoma. However, such melanoma is prevalent among people with darker skin complexion.

The color of melanoma varies from one person to another. The mole size also differs and may behave differently from one person to the other. Apart from changes in an existing mole or the formation of new moles, developing new pigmented or abnormal skin growth are also warning signs of melanoma. According to our melanoma nursing assignment help tutors, more signs and symptoms of the disease are;

  • Bleeding to itching
  • The increasing size of the mode
  • Elevation of the developed mole
  • Irregular mole shape
  • Change of mole color

Hidden melanomas

As said earlier, not all cases of melanoma happen on skin areas with extended exposure to the sun. Hence, some are based on where the site is constantly under cover or less exposed. If a person is diagnosed with melanoma in hidden areas, it is known as hidden melanoma. Hidden melanoma can occur in the eye hence getting the name ocular melanoma.

The disease affects the layer under the sclera known as the uvea. Since the eye plays a vital role in supporting vision, developing ocular melanoma means having impaired vision. Another hidden melanoma targets or affects the vagina, urinary tract, digestive tract, and mouth. The challenge with such melanoma is that it is always challenging to detect since they are in internal organs, unlike those occurring on the outer skin surface.

Another type of melanoma though less popular, is the one that forms under a nail. Black communities are at increased risk of getting melanoma under the nail. Though most people never expect melanoma formation in such areas, awareness is essential to ensure regular checks of the areas in case of funny experiences for early seeking of medical attention. Get more information by contacting our melanoma nursing assignment help professionals.

Diagnosis of melanoma

The first diagnosis of melanoma starts with a skin examination, which includes looking for the presence of a mole. Besides a physical exam, a biopsy is also essential when diagnosing melanoma. In this case, the doctor may remove a mole to check under the microscope for any presence of cancer cells. The diagnosis stage, especially if the positive results, is always followed by a staging process. The process results in five main stages outlined and well explained in our melanoma nursing assignment help notes;

  • Stage 0
  • Stage I
  • Stage II
  • Stage III
  • Stage IV

Staging is a process that is enabled by performing wide-ranging tests. Based on our tutors, some of the tests performed include;

  • Blood work
  • Positron emission tomography scan
  • Magnetic resonance imaging scan
  • Computed tomography scan
  • Sentinel lymph node biopsy

Types of melanoma treatments

There are various approaches to adopt for patients diagnosed with melanoma. Anytime you contact our experienced melanoma nursing assignment solvers, you will understand the treatment options in-depth. Some of the treatments are;


The treatment entails stimulating the patient’s immune system to fight against the cancer cells on the skin.

Radiation therapy

This treatment utilizes high-energy rays to attack and shrink the cancer cells causing melanoma.

Targeted cancer therapy

As the name suggests, ‘targeted’ cancer therapy involves using medications designed to attack specific cancer cells while avoiding healthy cells. Hence the main aim of the treatment is to destroy the cancer cells.


Based on Essay For All Experts, this method extracts small pieces of melanoma from the organs.


Lymphadenectomy is a process that entails the removal of lymph nodes that get affected by cancer cells that spread in a person diagnosed or affected by melanoma. The removal helps stop the further spread of the cancer cells to the surrounding tissues.

Melanoma surgery

A surgical approach to cancer patients is the last option common in the late stages of the disease. However, surgery for melanoma proves effective even in the early stages of the disease to extract the melanoma and ensure only healthy tissues remain.

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Working with our competent tutors when you need melanoma nursing homework help services has many benefits. Therefore, register today for our online nursing assignment help services for more academic support.

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