Integumentary Nursing assignment help

Make sure to collaborate with complex tasks when Essay For All has quality Integumentary nursing assignment help solutions for you. The integumentary nursing program studies the Integumentary system, which is very difficult and critical in protecting the body and regulating various important processes. The main parts of the Integumentary system are nails, hair, skin, and glands important in producing sweat and oil.

The close coordination of the tissues helps increase overall protection for the body from potential injury and infections. The skin is among the system’s main parts that serve as the first line of defense from external attack. Hence, it promotes good health and safety of internal organs.

There is a need for nurses and nursing students to understand the complexity of the integumentary system and the conditions that affect it to ensure effective strategies that can be used in addressing the health conditions. Choose our tutors when you think of hiring competent tutors with the assurance of high-quality Integumentary system nursing assignment help services.

The role of the skin as the largest organ of the Integumentary system

If the human body is left uncovered without the skin, the internal body organs would be vulnerable to many injuries, the harshness of environmental factors, and infection risk, among other challenges. That is why the human skin is always considered the largest body organ and has many functions that can never be underestimated. The primary role of the skin is protection. Based on Essay For All nursing tutors, the human skin is a barrier against extreme temperatures, ultraviolet radiation from the sun, and harmful substances.

The skin has a lot of nerve endings that help in sensory functions. When exposed to increased pressure, cold, heat, or pain, the skin responds. In this case, the body is likely to respond by avoiding the cause of the sensation, especially if it may cause harm to the body. People who lose this sense are likely to suffer burns and injuries for the inability to sense things like pressure and high temperatures.

The skin also involves thermoregulation, characterized by the regulation of skin temperature. Waste excretion is another important role of the skin. Sweat is the primary waste product excreted by the skin. Book our online Integumentary nursing homework help services.

Other components of the Integumentary system


Nails are the hard protecting coverings found on the toes and fingertips. The main protein component of the nails is keratin. Without the nails, the tips of the toes and fingers would be very vulnerable to increased injuries and pricking by objects. Various health complications may affect the nails affecting their growth and appearance and interfering with their protecting role. Some of the nail disorders that require the attention of a dermatologist include;

  • Keloid scars
  • Vitiligo
  • Hidradenitis
  • Acne keloidalis
  • Nail psoriasis
  • Ingrown nails
  • Onycholysis
  • Brittle nails


Essay For All Tutors define hair as a slender thread-like structure extending from the epidermis. Keratin is the main protein compound in the hair responsible for its pigmentation. The only part of the body not coved by hair is the soles of the feet and palms of the hands. Hair helps in keeping one warm through heat preservation.

It also facilitates the evaporation process from perspiration and also for protection purposes. Hair may be found in different body parts, with diverse and unique roles. Hair care and attention are essential to ensure it plays their roles effectively. For questions about hair disorders and related treatments, choose our online Integumentary nursing homework help.


The glands are made up of cells responsible for releasing sweat and oil. The body’s two main types of glands are the exocrine glands and the endocrine glands. The Integumentary system comprises endocrine glands, which have ducts that help in the secretion of the secreted substance to the epithelial surface. From our online Integumentary nursing assignment help notes, our expert writers have captured various types of exocrine glands in the skin which include;

  • Apocrine glands: These are large and branched glands that are in the genitals and in the armpits that help in the production of odorous perspiration.
  • Sebaceous glands:  The glands help in the secretion of sebum which helps in protecting and moisturizing the skin.
  • Mammary glands: The glands are common among females and help produce milk to feed babies.
  • Eccrine sweat glands: The glands are available throughout the body. They produce clear sweat with little oil and odor. The main aim of the eccrine sweat glands is waste removal and cooling the body through water secretion.
  • Ceruminous glands: The glands are available in the ear canal, which helps in wax production. Ear wax helps in protecting the ear from foreign substances and water.
  • Ciliary glands: Since the eyes need constant lubrication and cleanliness, the ciliary glands within the eyelids help in secreting a liquid that helps in eye lubrication.

Common disorders that affect the Integumentary system

The integumentary system lies on the external part of the body. Hence, any formed or developing disorder becomes very easy to notice based on the visibility of the surface, unlike internal organs within the body. Various health conditions may affect the overall well-being of the nails, hair, and skin. It requires a specialist to offer quality professional solutions. Many types of skin orders target the skin. In case individual experiences the conditions below, they should immediately visit a healthcare giver for medical attention.

Sunburns, burns, wounds, and scars

  • Skin lesions
  • Skin disorders like vitiligo, psoriasis, eczema, and acne
  • Skin rashes
  • Dry skin
  • Cellulitis
  • Melanoma
  • Bug bites
  • Blisters resulting from trauma
  • Allergies like the poison ivy rashes

Hair is also vulnerable to suffering from certain conditions. However, Integumentary nurses are trained and hence specialize in treating various hair disorders. Based on our Integumentary nursing assignment, help tutors, hirsutism, head lice, and dandruff are the common hair disorders that need medical attention. Healthy hair breaks. However, there are conditions in which people suffer not only hair breakage but also hair loss. There are multiple causes of hair loss, some of which include;

  • Traumatic alopecia
  • Telogen effluvium
  • Anagen effluvium
  • Androgenic alopecia
  • Alopecia  areata

Sweat and oils are important products released by the glands under the skin. Adequate production of oils and sweat is important. Too little or excess may signify some abnormality in the glands. Gland disorders are common, afflicting the sebaceous and sweat glands within the Integumentary system.

For instance, sebaceous hyperplasia is a skin condition prevalent among older people, resulting in small, yellowish skin bumps. Though sweating is common when people engage in rigorous activity or when exposed to high temperatures, there is abnormal sweating known as hyperhidrosis whereby a person excessively sweats. Remember to subscribe to our online Integumentary nursing assignment help services for more information on Integumentary disorders.

Causes of skin diseases

Skin disorders result from different factors. People should be able to relate the causes of their skin disorders as it supports the easy determination of effective treatment to manage the developed or developing condition. While a poor diet or lack of certain nutrients may affect skin health, there are more factors that affect skin health, including a person’s lifestyle. Nonetheless, the leading and common causes of skin disorders are:

  • Viruses
  • Bacteria
  • Fungi
  • Genetic factors
  • Diabetes
  • Sun

Certain medications may have allergic reactions on the skin, resulting in skin complications. Besides, environmental factors like allergens can also cause skin problems when it reacts with a person’s skin. According to the research performed by our Integumentary nursing homework doers, health conditions affecting a person’s immune system, kidney, or thyroid may also contribute to developing certain skin disorders.

Symptoms of skin disorders

Usually, healthy skin should be smooth and moisturized without breakages on the surface. That is why the main signs of healthy skin are an even color, smooth texture, natural feeling on the skin, and hydrated. With such an understanding, it is easy to distinguish healthy skin from skin affected by skin disorders. Symptoms of skin disorders include;

  • Skin roughness or scaly appearance
  • White or red pus-filled bumps
  • Peeling skin
  • Dry skin
  • Abnormal pigmentation
  • Lesions or open sores

Even though any disorders on the Integumentary system are easy to observe or identify, diagnosis remains essential to determine the exact skin disease and the best remedy. That is why whenever a patient visits a healthcare provider, various tests become necessary which may include;

  • The black light examination
  • Skin patch test
  • Culture
  • Biopsy
  • Dermoscopy
  • Diascopy
  • Tzanck test

Treatment of skin disorders

The skin requires good care and management to play its protective role, among other bodily functions, effectively. People can embrace healthy skin habits such as getting adequate sleep, avoiding using tanning beds and sunscreens to prevent sunburns or skin damage from sun exposure, and effective stress management. Despite embracing various practices for healthy skin, people should also understand some conditions that expose them to an increased risk of skin disease.

According to our Integumentary nursing assignment help tutors, such conditions include; lupus, inflammatory bowel disease, and diabetes. Despite the risks, there is a remedy for skin disorders especially if you consult a dermatologist or an Integumentary nurse. The commonly used skin disorder treatments based on the nature and cause of the problem are;

  • Oral medications
  • Moisturizers
  • Medicated gels, ointments, and creams
  • Laser skin resurfacing
  • Antihistamines
  • Antibiotics
  • Surgical procedures
  • Steroid injections, creams, and pills

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