Inflammatory Bowel Disease nursing assignment help

Place your order now and get top-notch inflammatory bowel disease nursing assignment help at Essay For All at pocket-friendly rates. Inflammatory bowel disease entails a collection of disorders characterized by intestine inflammation. It results from the immune system attacking harmless food, bacteria, or virus in the gut, resulting in inflammation that leads to bowel injury.

Most people confuse that inflammatory bowel disease is an autoimmune disease whereby the immune system attacks the body. Though there are many types of inflammatory bowel disease, the two main ones are Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. There are many assignments that nursing students handle. Too many responsibilities will likely inconvenience some nursing students from completing all the assignments within the required time.

Therefore, Essay For All top tutors decides to avail high-quality inflammatory bowel disease nursing homework help services to help students meet their academic goals with less struggle. Register now for our online services.

Symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease

There are various symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease. The inflammation never happens continuously but only when the immune system reacts against harmless bacteria, viruses, or food. Hence, whenever it happens, that is the period through which a person may experience inflammation. Therefore, the symptom becomes on and off. Based on our inflammatory bowel disease nursing assignment doers, the few signs of the disease are;

  • Iron deficiency resulting from blood loss
  • Appetite loss
  • Weight loss
  • Fever
  • Severe urgency of having a bowel movement
  • Bloody diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain and cramps.

Nothing should be taken for granted whenever a person complains of experiencing such signs. Taking over-the-counter medications without understanding the real cause of the disease is not advisable. It is vital to visit a professional healthcare provider who can perform various tests and diagnoses while preparing a treatment plan. Failure to seek treatment in time can cause further complications in the gastrointestinal tract, especially in the intestines. The common complications linked with inflammatory bowel disease are;

  • Malnutrition
  • Abnormal passage
  • Rapture or perforation of the bowel
  • Profuse intestinal bleeding
  • Obstruction of the bowel
  • Toxic megacolon

Failure to seek medication in time can also extend the impact on other body organs. That is why people with inflammatory bowel disease can suffer from kidney and liver disorders, eye inflammation, skin conditions, or arthritis.

Diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease

A healthcare provider uses the symptoms experienced by the patient for tests and diagnosis. There are various tests available since they may have varying experiences and symptoms. Knowledge of the procedures involved in the tests is likely to impact and improve your professional practice. Anytime you need professional guidance on diagnosing the disease, contact our competent inflammatory bowel disease nursing assignment help professionals. Some of the tests are;


It is a process that entails using a sigmoidoscope to examine the last one-third of the large intestine, which specifically targets the sigmoid colon and the rectum. The best way t access the areas is by inserting the sigmoidoscope through the anus while aiming to examine the intestinal wall for bleeding, inflammation, or ulcers. The doctor may also obtain biopsies from the intestinal walls during the procedure using a particular device inserted through the sigmoidoscope.

Barium x-ray

Barium X-ray is used mainly when the doctors suspend the primary type of inflammatory bowel disease Crohn’s disease. The X-ray checks the upper gastrointestinal tract, particularly the small intestine, the stomach, and the esophagus, for any abnormalities associated with Crohn’s disease. Review our inflammatory bowel disease nursing assignment help notes for more information about the barium x-ray.

Complete blood count

Based on the essay for all tutors, the complete blood count is the procedure undertaken by a lab technician to draw blood samples from the patient for laboratory examination. Some positive confirmations for the presence of inflammatory bowel disease include a decline in hemoglobin level or red blood cell count resulting from severe bleeding. However, increased white blood cell counts reveal the presence of inflammation.

Stool examination

There are certain times when a healthcare provider can require to perform a stool exam. It helps discover the presence of parasitic, viral, or bacterial causes of diarrhea experienced by the person. The stool examination also helps look for tiny traces of blood in the stool. Based on our inflammatory bowel disease homework helpers, there are many diagnostic tests for inflammatory bowel disease. Contact our professional tutors for further guidance, including on;

  • Colonoscopy
  • Capsule endoscopy
  • Upper endoscopy
  • Radiologic tests like MRI and CT scan

Treatment for inflammatory bowel disease


Some health conditions do not always require medication; self-care can help respond to some health problems, including inflammatory bowel disease. Lifestyle changes, in this case, are an essential part of self-care that helps in addressing health complications. An inflamed and injured intestinal tract may undergo damage when it continues functioning, digesting, and absorbing food.

Hence, a patient with inflammatory bowel disease requires nutrition support such as parenteral or enteral feeding to treat inflammatory bowel disease. The approach gives the bowel some rest while ensuring the patient still gets access to the necessary nutrients they require for their body and supporting recovery from the disease. Taking low-residue food is also essential, especially for patients diagnosed with stricture or stenosis in the bowel. It helps in minimizing the risk of blockage, especially of undigested food.


According to the Essay For All writers, biologics is a form of treatment that aims at neutralizing body proteins that causes inflammation. Patients can do some injections, while a healthcare practitioner may do some. The commonly used types of biologics are;

  • Golimumab
  • Adalimumab
  • Vedolizumab
  • Cerrtilozumab
  • Infliximab
  • Unstekinumab

Vitamins and supplements

Vitamins are essential in strengthening the immune system and the body’s ability to fight infections. If inflammatory bowel disease affects the body’s ability to absorb enough nutrients, vitamins, and supplements can be an alternative to ensuring enough supply of nutrients in the body.

Pain relievers

Pain is common for patients with inflammatory bowel disease resulting from inflammation in the bowel. The pain can cause discomfort in a person. That is why a healthcare provider may recommend acetaminophen when diagnosed with the disease. Not any pain killer works effectively on the condition. Some pain relievers to avoid because of their chances of worsening the disease include; diclofenac, naproxen sodium, and ibuprofen.

Anti-diarrheal medications

When diarrhea is the main symptom of inflammatory bowel disease experienced by a patient, prescribing anti-diarrheal medication is important in moderating diarrhea while adding bulk to the stool.


The commonly used antibiotics in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease are metronidazole and ciprofloxacin.

Immune system suppressors

Based on our inflammatory bowel disease assignment helpers, immune system suppressors are very important when used on patients diagnosed with the disease. They intervene by suppressing the immune system by releasing inflammation-inducing chemicals into the body. However, much caution must be taken when using the drugs to avoid causing more harm to the intestinal lining.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

When a patient has ulcerative colitis, using anti-inflammatory drugs helps ease the resulting inflammation. Such drug examples are;

  • Olsalazine
  • Balsalazide
  • Mesalamine

Essential home remedies for good management of inflammatory bowel disease

There are no specific nutrients that patients with inflammatory bowel disease should eat. However, combing various dietary concerns and practices may help manage the symptoms of the disease. Our inflammatory bowel disease assignment help tutors recommend  options such as;

Eat small meal portions.

Overeating is likely to strain the intestines in accommodating and digesting the food. However, eating small portions at regular rates is very important to ensure the body benefits from the nutrients.

Limit intake of dairy products

Dairy products have always been associated with bloating, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. Since consuming the products when having inflammatory bowel disease is likely to worsen the condition, then the better option is taking reduced amounts of dairy products.

Increase intake of fluids.

People with inflammatory bowel disease benefit more by relying on fluids rather than solid foods. Increased water consumption is healthy and advisable. However, patients should refrain from caffeinated and carbonated drinks since they may worsen the intestines’ state while encouraging increased diarrhea. In this case, it is essential to consult a dietician to know the effective diet to embrace.

Effect of Smoking and Stress on Patients with inflammatory bowel disease

There are certain things that patients with inflammatory bowel disease should always avoid or limit to ensure healthy living. Our competent inflammatory bowel disease nursing assignment helpers suggest that stress tends to worsen the state of Crohn’s disease. Hence, good stress management approaches are fundamental. When stressed, one can choose to keep busy by exercising from simple to complex exercises.

Generally, exercises help in minimizing stress, relieve depression, and also normalize bowel function. Breathing exercises are also efficient for stress management. Have you found out the wonders of biofeedback as a stress management technique? It is an approach used in stress reduction. A feedback machine helps train a person to slow heart rate and reduce muscle tension. The main aim of the technique is to improve and support faster stress management.

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