Peptic Ulcer Disease Nursing assignment help

Come to Essay For All, the center of perfection, where you can get the best Peptic Ulcer Disease Nursing assignment help services. Peptic ulcer disease is characterized by painful ulcers or sores in the stomach lining or on the duodenum. The stomach lining stays protected by a thick mucus layer, especially from the distraction of stomach acid. The common causes of peptic ulcer disease are extended use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and helicobacter pylori (H. pylori).

Painkillers are essential in pain management. A health provider can prescribe the medications, while a person may get them over the counter. Taking precautions while using pain relievers is crucial to avoid developing peptic ulcer disease. The prevalence of peptic ulcer disease raises concern, and there is a positive response from the growing interest of nursing students in understanding how to manage the condition. As a peptic ulcer disease nursing student, feel free to seek our online peptic ulcer disease nursing assignment help.

Types of peptic ulcer disease

There are two main types of peptic ulcer disease, namely gastric and duodenal ulcer, which depend on the affected part of the stomach.

Gastric ulcer

Gastric ulcers are commonly known as a stomach ulcers. They are open sores that form on the stomach lining. An individual with a stomach ulcer will likely experience gnawing or burning pain in the abdomen. Despite the painless nature of gastric ulcers, some of the symptoms to look for are heartburn and acid reflux, indigestion, and feeling sick. A person of any age can suffer from a gastric ulcer.

However, most reported cases are among people over 60 and are more prevalent in men than women. The treatment of this type of ulcer depends on its cause. However, healthcare givers may prescribe proton pump inhibitors to help reduce stomach acid levels. According to our experienced peptic ulcer disease nursing assignment helpers, an untreated gastric ulcer can lead to internal bleeding, gastric obstruction, or perforation of the stomach lining.

Duodenal ulcer

Duodenal ulcers are the type of sores that occur in the duodenum. People suffering from duodenal ulcers tend to experience frequent cases of abdominal pain. Apart from H.pylori and anti-inflammatory medications, other causes of a duodenal ulcer are related to a person’s lifestyle. Too much alcohol consumption, stress, and excess smoking predispose one to the risk of developing a duodenal ulcer. Some of the common symptoms of a duodenal ulcer are;

  • Weight loss
  • Nausea
  • Indigestion problems
  • Stomach or abdominal pain
  • Bloating or feeling full after eating

Another warning sign of duodenal ulcer is experiencing a burning or dull pain between the belly navel and breastbone. However, the pain starts especially around meal times and may last even for several hours. To avoid further complications or to worsen the condition, it is necessary for an individual experiencing such signs to seek medical attention.

Common symptoms of peptic ulcer disease

Symptoms of peptic ulcer disease vary based on the stage of development or severity of the ulcer. A person will likely encounter very mild symptoms during the early development of the ulcer. Nonetheless, among the common warning signs of peptic ulcer disease is a burning sensation or pain experienced between the chest and the navel. This pain worsens on an empty stomach; before eating. From our online peptic ulcer disease nursing assignment writing services, other symptoms of the disease are;

  • Dark, tarry stools
  • Anemia
  • Heartburn
  • Feeling easily full
  • Vomiting or nausea
  • Lack of eating desire because of the underlying pain
  • Weight loss
  • Dull pain in the stomach

Anytime a patient explains such symptoms, there is a high chance they may be having peptic ulcer disease. However, various diagnoses are essential to ascertain the exact condition resulting in the symptoms.

Diagnosis of peptic ulcer disease

Various tests and diagnoses are performed on individuals suspected of having peptic ulcer disease. However, the choice made of the test depends on the patient’s symptoms and the ulcer’s severity. During the diagnosis, the doctor must review the patient’s medical history, including consuming pain relievers. Other possible tests to perform on a patient are;

Gastrointestinal endoscopy

It is a test that uses an endoscope to examine the upper digestive system of a patient. The doctor must insert the device down the patient through the esophagus to stretch down to the stomach and extend into the small intestine. The main aim is to look for possible ulcers. In case of an identified ulcer, a small tissue sample can be used in identifying the presence of H.pylori in the stomach lining. Gastrointestinal endoscopy often applies to older adults showing signs of bleeding or with swallowing or eating challenges.

Laboratory testing

Laboratory tests can become vital, especially when suspecting the presence of H. pylori in the body. The test entails using a breath test, stool, or blood test. However, the breath test is the most accurate. Therefore peptic ulcer disease nursing students must be familiar with the steps involved in the breath test. If you need a detailed and systematic procedure for the test, seek our professional peptic ulcer disease nursing homework help for instant intervention.

Barium contrast radiography

Based on Essay For All experts, barium contrast radiography is whereby a health practitioner uses specialized rays to check for abnormalities in the upper gastrointestinal tract. In this case, a patient swallows barium as the contrast solution required to coat the esophagus and gastrointestinal tract for easier identification of peptic ulcer disease.

Prevention measures of peptic ulcer disease

Certain conditions tend to worsen symptoms of peptic ulcers, such as stress and spicy foods. Avoiding such foods is a fundamental way of preventing peptic ulcer disease. Other prevention measures  based on our peptic ulcer disease nursing assignment helpers are;

Avoid smoking or alcohol consumption.

Smoking and alcohol consumption are unhealthy practices that increase one’s chances of developing or worsening their state of peptic ulcer. The chemical compounds of the substances in alcohol and tobacco thin the mucus lining essential in safeguarding the stomach lining from possible corrosion by stomach acid. Regulating the intake slowly helps in finally quitting the habits.

Stress management

A busy life with a lot of interactions is subject to some stressors. However, people should embrace effective ways of stress management. Frequent stress worsens peptic ulcers, so people need to develop ways of managing stressful situations. Various stress management tips are outlined in our peptic ulcer disease nursing assignment help notes. Contact our professional tutors and get sorted.

Use of probiotics

Millions of bacteria in the gut are beneficial, while others are harmful. Helpful bacteria are the ones known as probiotics which help in fighting peptic ulcers. An individual can increase the supply of probiotics in the body by increasing the intake of dairy products like kefir, yogurt, and cheeses with live cultures. H. pylori is among the harmful bacteria in the body. Prevention of H.pylori infection is vital in preventing peptic ulcer disease. Since most incidences of infection result from infection from an infected person through water and food, good hygienic practices like handwashing becomes very important. Consuming clean foods that are hygienically prepared is also important.

Caution when taking painkillers

Painkillers are good in relieving pain in people following diverse causes of pain. However, there are chronic diseases that make one suffer extended use of painkillers. It applies in conditions like arthritis, whereby the resulting pain and inflammation require a person to continue thriving on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Increased accumulation of such drugs in the stomach affects the mucus in the stomach lining and its ability to protect the stomach walls.

Treatment of peptic ulcer disease

Before determining the treatment for peptic ulcer disease, it is vital to determine the cause of the condition. Mostly, treatment approaches may be after promoting healing of the ulcer, killing any available H. pylori bacterium, or eliminating the use of anti-inflammatory drugs. Some of the medications effective in managing the condition are;

Drugs to minimize acid production

In this case, the healthcare giver can use histamine blockers which serve as acid blockers to control or reduce the stomach acid levels released into the digestive tract. The option encourages faster healing of developed ulcers while also relieving ulcer pain.


Anti-acids help neutralize stomach acid as a fundamental way of offering rapid pain relief.

Medications for blocking acid production

Based on Essay For All tutors, proton pump inhibitors are medications vital for reducing stomach acid by blocking the parts of cells responsible for stomach acid production. Examples of such medications are;

  • Pantoprazole
  • Esomeprazole
  • Rabeprazole
  • Lansoprazole
  • Omeprazole

There are many more categories of medications effective in treating peptic ulcer disease. Keep in touch with our professional tutors and get the best professional guidance on the treatment options for the disease.

Complications related to Peptic Ulcer Disease

Untreated peptic ulcers can become life-threatening since it results in serious health complications such as:

Internal bleeding

The formed sores exposed to stomach acidity will likely bleed. Such bleeding causes increased blood loss while increasing the need for hospitalization for medical assistance. Some warning signs of internal bleeding are black stools, dizziness, and lightheadedness.


Severe cases of peptic ulcer means the inability of the stomach walls to resist corrosion from the stomach acid. Therefore, the acid is likely to erode the stomach walls leading to holes developing on the stomach walls. Perforation creates more increases and further infections. Perforated stomach walls may cause increased pain in the patient.

Scar tissue

According to Essay For All top tutors, scar tissue is the thick tissue that develops after an injury. The formation of such tissue in the gastrointestinal tract leads to difficulty in food passage, causing vomiting.

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