Parkinson’s Disease Nursing assignment help

The best quality Parkinson’s Disease Nursing assignment help is at Essay For All. Register for our online nursing assignment help for quality solutions by our qualified tutors. Parkinson’s disease is a brain disorder that results in unintended or uncontrollable movements like stiffness, shaking, and difficulty with coordination and balance. Though the symptoms may at the start be mild, it advances with time, especially without good medical intervention. That is why the advancement of the condition makes people have significant challenges in talking or walking.

Besides, it may result in fatigue, memory difficulties, depression, and sleep problems. The nervous system plays a critical role in the body’s optimal functioning. However, any defect that impairs the nervous system’s normal functioning may result in Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’s disease nursing homework assumes various formats. Our professional tutors will ensure you get well-presented content that guarantees high scores regardless of the format. Place your order now!

Causes of Parkinson’s disease based on our competent Parkinson’s disease nursing assignment help

There is no clear cause of Parkinson’s disorder. However, the condition is closely associated with the degeneration and death of neurons in the brain. Therefore, most of the symptoms individual encounters are because of the loss of the neurons responsible for producing dopamine, a critical chemical messenger in the brain. Hence, a decline in the dopamine level causes a typical brain activity resulting in impaired movements, among other disorder symptoms. Other factors linked with the development of Parkinson’s disease from our online Parkinson’s disease nursing assignment help professionals are;

Environmental factors

According to Essay For All experts, there are particular toxins in the environment whose exposure increases the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease.

Genetic factors

Based on the scientific findings of various researchers, specific genes help promote the development of Parkinson’s disease. However, there are also inherited genes that put other people in a family with a history of Parkinson’s disease to be at risk of getting the condition.

Presence of Lewy bodies

Scientific research proves that people with Parkinson’s disease brain cells have Lewy bodies. These are abnormal clumps of alpha-synuclein protein. More intensive research is now geared to promote an improved understanding of the normal and unusual functions of the protein compound while also determining the existing association of the protein and genetic variants that cause Lewy body dementia and Parkinson’s disorder.

Risk factors for Parkinson’s disease based on our proficient Parkinson’s disease nursing homework helpers

Parkinson’s disease is a severe disease that affects people. Understanding some of its predisposing factors is very important. Some of the risk factors are;

Exposure to toxins

Frequent or extended exposure to toxic substances like pesticides and herbicides also increases an individual’s risk of developing Parkinson’s disease.


Gender also matters in terms of susceptibility to Parkinson’s disease. For instance, despite other risk factors being constant, the population at increased risk of developing Parkinson’s disorder are men than women.


In this case, Parkinson’s disease is not prevalent among young adults or children. Instead, it mainly targets older adults from the age of 60. Besides, the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease increases with age.


There are families with recurring cases of Parkinson’s disease. In this case, any family member with such a history has a high chance of developing and suffering from Parkinson’s.

Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease

Before performing a diagnosis, when suspecting the likelihood of a person who has Parkinson’s disease, look at the significant symptoms that a person experiences. The common symptom of the condition is loss of muscle control. However, other health conditions are characterized by loss of muscle control, which is not Parkinson’s disease. Hence most people can no longer conclude the possibility of the condition by using the symptom.

Characteristics of motor-related symptoms in individuals with Parkinson’s disease include; tremors while muscles are at rest. Tremors, in this case, refer to the rhythmic shaking of the muscles. A person may also experience bradykinesia which is slowed movements related to muscle control problems resulting from the condition. Rigidity or stiffness is very common among people with Parkinson’s disease. From our online Parkinson’s disease nursing assignment writing services, other related motor symptoms for the condition are;

  • Hypophonia
  • Mask-like facial expression
  • Drooling
  • Small handwriting
  • Blinking less often than usual
  • Trouble swallowing

Non-motor-related symptoms of Parkinson’s disease are also available, disrupting an individual’s normal functioning. Most people over-emphasize motor-related symptoms; there is also a need to consider non-motor symptoms to diagnose the condition effectively. They are the symptoms without a relationship with a person’s muscle control or movement. The non-motor symptoms are among the earliest symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, which encompass;

  • Troubled concentratuion
  • Sleep challenges
  • Depression
  • Loss of sense of smell
  • Sexual dysfunctions
  • Orthostatic hypotension
  • Urinary incontinence

Stages of Parkinson’s disease based on Essay For All expert tutors

Parkinson’s disease undergoes various stages. From the development stage, the condition may go unnoticed for different years due to the inability to severe symptoms. The various stages of the disease are also integral in designing treatment plans and interventions for a patient suffering from Parkinson’s disorder.

Stage I

It is a stage that addresses the non-motor components of daily activities or living experiences. Therefore, the non-motor symptoms addressed in this stage are mental health-related issues and mental abilities like anxiety, depression, and dementia. It is common for a healthcare giver to investigate conditions like fatigue, incontinence, constipation, and pain in this phase.

Stage II

A healthcare giver, when handling a patient in stage two of Parkinson’s disease development, analyzes the motor aspects of experiences of their daily living. It happens by exploring a person’s movement-related activities and abilities, such as eating, chewing, swallowing, speaking, and personal hygienic practices.

Stage III

The third stage of Parkinson’s disease addresses motor examination. In this case, the health practitioner aims to determine the movement-related effects of the disease. The approaches deployed are mainly after assessing a person’s tremors, movement speed, balance, walking gait and speed, stiffness and rigidity, facial expressions, and how a person speaks.

Stage IV

Motor complications are the main topic of interest in stage four of Parkinson’s disease development. That is why health practitioners focus on assessing the extent of the impacts of Parkinson’s disease on a person’s life. For deeper insights, subscribe to our online Parkinson’s disease nursing homework help professional services.

Possible complications resulting from Parkinson’s disease, according to our professional tutors

Anytime an individual is diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, there are other possible complications they are likely to develop. Hence, it remains integral to keep close to health practitioners to ensure effective intervention and good care to such patients to minimize the risk of developing increased complications. According to Parkinson’s disease nursing assignment helpers at Essay For All, the complications include;

  1. Swallowing problems: It is common with the advancement of the condition. Increased accumulation of saliva in the mouth is common among people with Parkinson’s disease, which results in drooling because of slowed swallowing.
  2. Emotional changes and depression: In the early stages of Parkinson’s disease, depression is widespread. However, receiving antidepressant prescriptions from a professional may help in curbing the challenge. Other emotional changes are also common, and by seeking the attention of healthcare providers, it becomes easy to manage them all.
  3. Thinking difficulties: thinking difficulties and dementia is very prevalent among individuals with Parkinson’s disease. However, they occur in the late stages of development for the condition.
  4. Sleep disorders and related challenges: do you know that people with Parkinson’s disease encounter significant sleep problems? For instance, they mostly wake up in the middle of the night, very early, or even fall asleep during the day.
  5. Eating and chewing problems: Parkinson’s disease impairs the muscle control abilities of a person. Hence, in the late developmental stages of the disease, Parkinson’s disease disrupts or weakens mouth muscles becoming challenging to chew. Therefore, one may suffer frequent choking and poor nutrition. From our online Parkinson’s disease nursing assignment help notes, other related complications of the disease include;
      • Bladder problems
      • Blood pressure changes
      • Constipation
      • Pain
      • Fatigue
      • Smell dysfunction
      • Sexual dysfunction

Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease

There are various approaches used in managing or easing the resulting symptoms of Parkinson’s disease since there is no treatment for the condition.


Medication options for treating Parkinson’s may help with dopamine additions and dopamine stimulation. Dopamine addiction medications include levodopa vital in raising dopamine levels in the brain. Dopamine-stimulating drugs are medications that have dopamine-like effects on the body. It is more effective and commonly applied on younger patients to slow the use of levodopa. Reliance on medications also manages wide-ranging symptoms of Parkinson’s disease like

  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Sleep problems
  • Dementia
  • Depression
  • Hallucinations

Deep brain stimulation

Deep brain stimulation is an approach that applies to patients with Parkinson’s disease but with poor response to medications. It is a surgical procedure involving the implantation of electrodes into certain brain parts and connecting them to a small electrical device implanted in the chest. The electrodes and the attached device stimulate specific brain regions that can stop most abnormal motor-related symptoms associated with Parkinson’s disorder. From our online Parkinson’s disease nursing assignment help services, other critical approaches to use in the management of symptoms related to Parkinson’s disease are;

  • Massage therapy for tension reduction
  • Exercises for muscle strengthening
  • Healthy diet
  • Speech, occupational and physical therapies
  • Tai chi and yoga to increase the flexibility of muscles
  • Gene-targeted treatments
  • Neuron-repair treatments
  • Stem cell transplants

Why choose Essay For All professional tutors

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  • Offering top-notch services
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Anytime you want outstanding academic performance in the course, remember to contact our professional tutors, who are always committed to offering the best at reasonable rates. Place your order now!!

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