Metastatic Breast Cancer Nursing assignment help

Visit Essay For All now and meet experienced tutors to offer you top-notch metastatic breast cancer nursing assignment help. Breast cancer is a rampant health condition reported among females more than their male counterparts. It is a form of breast cancer in its fourth stage. That means that at this stage, the cancer cells have already spread to different body parts such as the liver, brain, lungs, and bones.

Metastatic breast cancer derives its name from metastasis which is the process of cancer spreading to other body parts. The process begins when cancer cells disintegrate from the original tumor that first developed in the breast and then traveled to other body parts. The leading travel channels for cancer cells are the lymphatic system or the bloodstream.

Metastatic breast cancer has the characteristic of developing in a different body part after some time of diagnosis and treatment. Don’t forget men also fall into people living with metastatic breast cancer. Contact our expert tutors anytime you need quality metastatic breast cancer nursing assignment help services.

General information about metastatic breast cancer

Though metastatic breast cancer is common in women, other conditions increase one’s risk of developing the disease. For instance, individuals who have just completed cancer treatment are at high risk of developing metastatic breast cancer. However, the risk also depends on the cancer stage at the first diagnosis. It also depends on the characteristics and type of cancer cells. The treatments received also may determine the risk of developing metastatic breast cancer.

According to our metastatic breast cancer nursing homework helpers, most women diagnosed with early stages of breast cancer tend to develop metastatic breast cancer later. It is essential for healthcare givers to understand that metastatic breast cancer happens at different points, leading to two main categories of the condition: distance recurrence and de novo metastatic breast cancer.

Distance recurrence is a type of metastatic breast cancer commonly diagnosed after a patient receives the initial breast cancer treatment. However, the cancer cells may return after several months or years of treatment targeting different body organs. Get our metastatic breast cancer nursing assignment help notes to get deeper insights on the De Novo metastatic breast cancer.

Symptoms of metastatic breast cancer

Negative emotions are always accompanied when a patient gets diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. Before the diagnosis, there are various symptoms that a person may experience before deciding to visit a healthcare provider for further tests. Though breast cancer begins in the breasts, it is likely to metastasize to other body organs.

Therefore, symptoms of the disease are likely to vary based on the location of cancer. Mostly, the common signs of metastatic breast cancer, according to our professional metastatic breast cancer nursing assignment helpers, are;

  • Confusion
  • Loss of balance
  • Vision problems
  • Abdominal bloating, tenderness, and pain
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Seizures
  • Jaundice
  • Constant nausea and vomiting
  • Significant weight loss
  • Persistent joint, bone, and back pain
  • Constant dry cough
  • Difficulty urinating

From our online metastatic breast cancer nursing assignment help services, the common metastatic breast cancer sites and their related symptoms are;

Liver metastasis

It is a condition that results when breast cancer travels to the liver. Liver metastasis, in most cases, never displays any symptoms. However, if there are symptoms, they include fever, poor appetite, weight loss, body weakness, and fatigue.

Lung metastasis

According to Essay For All experts, lung metastasis is the movement of cancer cells to the lungs. It is a condition that may make one experience signs like a persistent cough, breath shortness, discomfort, and pain in the lungs.

Bone metastasis

Breast cancer cells are likely to spread to the bones through bone metastasis. In the case of such a process, a person is expected to experience joint pains, especially in the affected regions. Though any bone is likely involved, the commonly affected bones are the pelvis, spine, ribs, and long legs, especially those in the legs and arms.

Causes of metastatic breast cancer

Most incidences of metastatic cancer are a condition that recurs after a patient receives original breast cancer treatment. Hence, the condition’s occurrence or development is mainly related to the ineffectiveness of the administered therapy through its inability to destroy all the cancer cells completely. However, there are other cases whereby some cancer cells hide and hence are hard to detect, while others remain dormant during treatment.

Later on, the cells start growing and spreading to different body organs. Research has shown that there are various risk factors for metastatic breast cancer. Hence people need to understand that apart from the causes, other unique situations may result in the development of metastatic breast cancer. Some of the risk factors are;

  • Stage of diagnosis
  • The nature and ate of cancer growth
  • The underlying type of breast cancer

Diagnosis of metastatic cancer

When a patient suspects having metastatic breast cancer, a healthcare giver can remove worries by performing necessary tests. Before the tests, the medical practitioner can consider several factors, such as the results of the physical examination, the location of the breast cancer, the symptoms presented by the patient, and their medical history. From our online metastatic breast cancer nursing assignment help notes, a doctor can use multiple tests and diagnoses to test for the disease availability. Some of them are;

Computed tomography scan

It is essential to investigate tumors in external or surrounding organs of the breast, such as the lymph nodes, bone, liver, and lungs. The scan takes images of the inside body parts using x-rays positioned at various angles. The computer combines multiple images to develop a 3-D image to capture any possible tumors or abnormalities in the breast.

Bone scan

Metastatic breast cancer commonly spreads to bones. In this case, a bone scan helps look for cancer cells that spread from the breast to the bones. The technique utilizes a radioactive tracer to examine the internal parts of the bones. The process entails injecting a tracer in the patient’s vein, which gathers in affected bone parts to be detected by a special camera. In this case, it is essential to distinguish the appearance of a healthy bone from that affected by cancer. Find more details by choosing our metastatic breast cancer nursing homework help services.

Serum chemistry blood tests

According to Essay For All professionals, serum chemistry blood tests are after identifying the presence of minerals like calcium and potassium in the blood. The test is practical only when the cancer cells have not spread to many body organs. Our metastatic breast cancer nursing homework explains many more tests for metastatic breast cancer. Register today for our online services for more understanding of the disease.

Treatment for metastatic breast cancer

Various approaches are used to treat any diagnosed case of metastatic breast cancer in a person. However, the treatment to be used also relies on several factors. Before a doctor recommends treatment for metastatic breast cancer, they will consider factors such as;

  • The overall health of a person
  • Menopausal status of a woman
  • Gender
  • Past treatments
  • Symptoms
  • Gene mutations of the tumor
  • The locations affected by the spread of the cancer cells

While administering the treatment, there is always no assurance of curing the disease. Instead, most treatments only help increase the patient’s life span while improving their overall quality of life. Some of the treatments based on our proficient metastatic breast cancer nursing assignment helpers are;

Systemic therapies

Systemic therapies are treatment options that encompass reliance on medications which include; immunotherapy, endocrine therapy, and chemotherapy. Immunotherapy entails using the body’s immune system to spot the cancer cells invading the body and hence attack and fight them. Endocrine therapy, on the other hand, entails relying on hormones to manage any breast cancer cells which are hormone-receptor-positive.

The most commonly used systemic therapy in treating metastatic breast cancer is chemotherapy. In patients with metastatic breast cancer, chemotherapy helps suppress and inhibit the growth of the cancer cells, destroying them to death. Seek our online metastatic breast cancer nursing homework help services to understand the conditions that work best with chemotherapy on patients diagnosed with the disease.

Regional therapy

According to our metastatic breast cancer nursing homework doers, regional therapy entails procedures such as radiation and surgery applied in treating metastatic cancer, especially in the surrounding affected lymph nodes.

Local therapy

Local therapy targets specific body parts where the cancer cells have been affected. It is effective primarily when handling oligometastatic breast cancer. Healthy people, whether at high risk or reduced risk of metastatic breast cancer, can also prevent or limit their chances of getting the disease through various ways. For instance, they can adopt a healthy lifestyle. Good weight management is also essential. Individuals who want to avoid metastatic breast cancer should also avoid unhealthy smoking habits and alcohol consumption.

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