Human Rights Nursing assignment help

Welcome to Essay For All, where professional tutors are on standby to deliver top-notch human rights nursing assignment help solutions to students. People have human rights to enjoy. Even when sick or in a critical health condition, one is still entitled to the rights. Hence, health practitioners should never take advantage of the patients’ critical situation to violate their rights.

Based on our professional tutors, nurses should always protect patients’ human rights while upholding the underlying standards of conduct. Nursing is challenging since nurses are likely to interact with situations that need them to make ethical decisions. Some decisions, when taken by a nurse, may violate some of their human rights despite their positive benefits on the patient’s overall wellness.

Nursing students should understand human rights while handling patients to avoid violating any of their rights. Take your time handling your human rights nursing assignments. Visit our professional tutors for top-notch assignment help solutions.

Overview of human rights

Based on Essay For All experienced tutors, human rights are the rights people have. Hence, they are never given by any state or government. It also covers the basic freedoms and rights that each individual has when alive, that is, from the point of birth to the point of death. The decisions, location or origin of a person never limits the rights. Our professional tutors also define human rights as inherent to everyone, irrespective of religion, language, ethnicity, nationality, sex and race.

Nurses must always protect the human rights of the nurses while upholding the related standards of conduct. In most cases of the professional practice of nurses, some challenges arise when unprofessionally handled may violate some human rights. In this case, nursing students must understand the existing and potential health inequality issues that may occur and understand how best to resolve them.

The nurse’s ethical obligations and human rights

Protection of human subjects during research

Nurses mostly engage in providing healthcare services to patients. There are different categories of nurses, some of whom are less concerned with directly handling patients to offer healthcare services. An example of such a nurse category is the research nurses. These are nurses who are also known as clinical nurse researchers.

Their main role is developing and implementing vital studies to investigate and offer information on new medical procedures, vaccinations and medications. Based on Essay For All Tutors, clinical nurse researchers also offer evidence-based research to promote safe and quality nursing care. Most nursing research studies may require using human participants in the trials of some of the new treatments discovered.

However, some of the treatments may have adverse effects on the human health. In this case, human rights stresses safeguarding any human subjects used in the research process. In this case, the nurse must advocate for the research participant by informing them of the freedom or willingness to withdraw when they feel like quitting the study.

Promotion of the safety, health and rights of the patients

With an emphasis on human rights, the nurses, while interacting with patients, should always protect the patients’ rights to safety and good health. Hence, the patient’s needs should always remain a priority for the nurses. In the process, the nurses should always understand the importance of integrating unique ideas into the performed care procedures.

Patient safety addresses their health and the security of the sensitive personal information they give while at the healthcare organization. There have been increased cases of data breaches happening in the healthcare sector. Some happen because of failure to embrace adequate methods to secure patient information from possible cyber attacks. The HIPAA Act gives patients the right to enjoy the privacy and safety of their information.

Some fundamental ways nurses should promote the health and safety of the patients are by following the right procedure and codes of ethics and conduct guiding the profession. The patient’s health can be improved through collaboration between different health practitioners.

Handling patients with empathy, dignity, intrinsic worth and respect

Handling patients respectfully is very important and a professional practice that health practitioners should uphold. Since nurses regularly and closely interact with patients, they are highly accountable for most problems that may arise related to mishandling complaints. To avoid such cases, nurses should always value every patient regardless of their socio-economic status, nationality, race, or gender, among other individual differences.

The respect should also extend to the family members of the patient. Establishing positive relationships with patients while ensuring respect helps in creating trust. In this case, a patient is likely to freely share any information concerning their health and progress with the healthcare giver.

Ways nurses show value for human lives

Most of the human rights emphasized in nursing are after ensuring improved life quality of patients with less or no exposure to risks that can be life-threatening. There are cases of negligence involving nurses. In the process, patients may sustain serious injuries, health complications, or even death may result. That is why  our human rights nursing assignment helps tutors emphasize the various rights of medication administration, which entail;

  • Right dose
  • Right medication
  • Right individual
  • Right response
  • Right documentation
  • Right route
  • Right reason

There are various definitions of quality and safe care, some based on medication preparation and administration. It is always challenging for one nurse to abide by the various rights. The entire healthcare organization should ensure patient safety and quality care by supporting the ‘7 rights’.

Main ethical principles governing human rights in the nursing profession

Different professions have their ethical principles guiding their practices. With increased emphasis on respect for human rights in healthcare, some of the main ethical principles that direct the nursing profession are;

  • Nonmaleficence
  • Justice
  • Beneficence
  • Autonomy


Anytime you hear about nonmaleficence, it means not causing harm. That means there have been cases whereby healthcare givers have been causing harm to patients. Patients have suffered and even died at the hands of caregivers instead of getting necessary medical attention.

That principle requires nurses to be very cautious when selecting interventions for their patients and designing treatment plants. While intending to save lives and avoid causing harm, some patients believe exercising their right to autonomy may harm their life or health situation. Seek our online human rights nursing homework help services for deeper insights.


Ethics in nursing matters a lot. Justice as an ethical principle concerns fairness or equal handling of patients without bias based on sexual orientation, religion, economic status, ethnicity, or age, among other individual differences. Discrimination and partiality have been a challenge in the health sector. For instance, some health practitioners prioritize handling certain patients over others.

In the process, patients may wait too long in the queue while their health deteriorates. Though you may be tempted to show partiality to some people of your nationality or race, among others, there are many risks that may attract legal implications when reported. Contact our human rights nursing assignment helpers for tips on how you can ensure justice while in the nursing profession.


Attending to nurses suffering different types of health conditions with different severity requires the nurses to be compassionate to the patients. Certain health complications affect a patient’s ability to handle tasks. Nurses should not assume such patients but be willing to assist them. Essay For All experts insist that nurses always do good while acting in the patient’s best interest.

For example, when a patient is admitted to a hotel in a critical condition and not accompanied by a close family member, health caregivers should offer them the close and necessary support to ensure their overall comfort while receiving the required medical attention. Showing acts of kindness, mercy and charity to patients is a moral obligation of nurses, which helps create a strong and positive reputation for the healthcare organization.


Contemporary medical practice highly emphasizes the right of adult patients to make informed decisions concerning their medical care. That affects the decisions that a nurse may take. For instance, there are some decisions that nurses must obtain the patient’s consent.

Though nurses are more informed about the most effective treatment to use on patients to ensure improved outcomes, consulting the patient and actively engaging them in most decisions is very critical. According to our human rights nursing assignment solvers, the principle of autonomy makes the health practitioner support confidentiality, honesty, informed consent and self-determination when handling patients.

Why prefer us for Human Rights Nursing assignment help

  • Effective in meeting deadlines
  • Well-informed about human rights in the nursing field
  • Affordable services
  • Highly professional services
  • Reputable for offering high-quality nursing homework help services
  • Original content

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