Geriatrics Nursing assignment help

Choose Essay For All experienced tutors for the best geriatrics nursing assignment help. Geriatrics is a medical field that specializes in offering high-quality, patient-centered care for older adults. Older adults are vulnerable to certain health complications with the advancements in age. Geriatric age mostly starts from 65 years. Geriatric nurses play an important role in the healthcare sector. Some health disorders target older adults.

Without adequate and professional interventions, the complications will likely cause reduced life quality and high chances of death. However, the expertise of geriatricians has helped to increase the life expectancy of the elderly population by offering the necessary health support to manage or treat their underlying conditions. The Geriatric nursing program is exciting but requires students to learn quickly. In this case, our online geriatrics nursing assignment help services will greatly benefit you. For any assignment-related concerns in the course, contact our competent tutors.

Overview of geriatrics

People’s immunity weakens as they age. That’s why the body of older adults is always vulnerable to developing multiple medical conditions. The development of one condition may also lead to the formation of the other. Hence, older adults can encounter a series of chronic diseases that further weaken their ability to defend their bodies from foreign attacks.

The general classification of geriatrics syndromes addresses issues such as incontinence, impaired cognition, iatrogenesis, immobility, and instability. While some of the diseases may not be noticeable, it is always important to perform a comprehensive geriatric assessment to help further identify some developing conditions in an elderly patient.

Various factors may result in health complications, some of which may be triggered by environmental and psychosocial situations. Immobility issue results in multiple complications like increased dependence, disability, functional decline, and mortality. For profound information on geriatrics nursing, seek our geriatrics nursing assignment help services online.

Types of geriatric diseases

Older adults are at risk of developing certain health challenges called geriatric syndromes. Some diseases include; spontaneous bone fractures, falls, vertigo, incontinence, delirium, depression, and dementia. Geriatric nurses also handle cases of neglect and abuse among older patients. Such diseases, without necessary interventions, are likely to cause reduced life expectancy.

Major geriatric diseases among the elderly


There are two main types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is the one that affects older adults. Though the disease is very common, its cause is still unknown. However, the symptom of the disease is the build-up of blood sugar levels. The condition results when the pancreas fails to produce adequate insulin.

Some of the possible signs and symptoms that an elderly is likely to experience when having diabetes include blurry vision, hunger and thirst, frequent urge to pee, and excess fatigue. Refined carbohydrates are among the foods that cause diabetes. Some include crackers, tortilla chips, pretzels, pizza, white pasta, white rice, and white bread. Understanding the risk of eating such foods helps diabetic patients to choose healthy food options.

Though there are increased cases of diabetes among the elderly population, there are various precautions when taken by the people at risk that may minimize the chances of getting diabetes. Some of the precautions according to our geriatrics nursing assignment help tutors include;

  • Avoid smoking habits
  • Engage in regular exercising
  • Healthy dietary options
  • Weight management strategies


People aged 65 are at high risk of developing cancer, unlike the young population. The most common cancer types affecting the elderly include bladder, lung, colon, prostate, and breast. Another common cancer type that affects older adults is chronic myeloid leukemia. This form of cancer targets and affects the white blood cells. Since the white blood cells play an important role in protecting the body from foreign invasion, this cancer type makes the body vulnerable to multiple infections.

Geriatrics nurses always work closely with cancer patients to help them cope. Due to depression, the family may suffer; the caregivers also work by giving the family and friends of the patient hope concerning the prevailing situation. While cancer is very life-threatening, there are still survival cases despite age advancement.

There are various ways and precautions that people should take as they age to minimize their vulnerability to the risk of cancer. Understanding the best practices before developing the disease is important in improving life quality and increasing life expectancy. Based on our geriatrics nursing assignment help professionals, some of the prevention measures for cancer during old age include;

  • Getting regular medical care
  • Getting vaccination
  • Physical activity
  • Maintaining healthy weight
  • Eating healthy diet
  • Avoid smoking tobacco

Choosing healthy foods is also important in lowering the risk of cancer among older adults. Such foods include grapes, walnuts, tomatoes, broccoli, berries, nuts, fruits, and vegetables. If an older adult is already diagnosed with cancer, various treatment options may help manage the symptoms.


Though there are various types of arthritis, the most common type of disease handled by geriatricians is osteoarthritis. When left untreated, osteoarthritis can lead to physical disability in the affected adult. This type of arthritis is more common as the cartilage suffers reduced water content, affecting its ability to cushion and absorb shock. Find out detailed information from our geriatrics nursing assignment help notes.

Chronic kidney disease

According to Essay For All professional tutors, older adults are vulnerable to chronic kidney disease because of high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes, which may affect them. In recent years, geriatric nurses have diagnosed increased cases of chronic kidney disease among older adults. While there are various causes of health complications, the main causes of the disease are high blood pressure and diabetes.

Parkinson’s disease

Older adults above 60 years are at high risk of developing Parkinson’s disease. Hence nursing students should understand how the disease affects an older adult and how best to respond. Though there is no determined cure for Parkinson’s disease, geriatricians have various strategies to use to manage the related symptoms. Visit Essay For All and meet our competent tutors to offer you top-notch geriatrics nursing homework help services.

Primary geriatric care

Based on Essay For All professional tutors, geriatrics is regarded as primary care based on how the specialists diagnose, treat and help the patients manage the wide-ranging health conditions that come with advancement in age. Dealing with elderly patients requires expertise and certain skills, unlike when dealing with young adults.

Primary care addresses different types of diseases. That is why our tutors empower nursing students with comprehensive and profound information on the topic for effective management of patients. Additional knowledge that nursing students should have includes rehabilitation for older demographics, health maintenance, and administering drug therapy for the senior population. The uniqueness of geriatric nurses is that they not only work to ensure disease treatment but also the prevention of diseases that are prevalent among older adults.

Geriatric assessment

According to our geriatrics nursing homework helpers, a geriatric care assessment enables caregivers to define the care needs of an elderly patient. Geriatricians also use the assessment to gain insights into a patient’s psychological, emotional, physical, and mental wellness. Other factors to consider in the evaluation include socioeconomic factors, family involvement, and the patients’ living condition.

The geriatric assessment may be important during a patient’s first encounter with a geriatrician or subsequent visits, but when seeking to gain more information concerning a newly identified health condition that can be associated with general immobility, falls, confusion, or incontinence. Some of the main areas assessed while performing the geriatrics assessment include;

  • Socio-environmental issues
  • Cognition and mental health
  • Physical health
  • Functional ability

Types of older adults who need geriatric care

Most families undergo a lot of challenges whenever some of their family members transition into older adults. The series of diseases that may be recurring or the development of new diseases frequently results in increased time and resources spent in seeking medical attention. Family members need to be unique to the health needs of their loved ones. Some of the warning signs that an older adult requires geriatric care include;

Development of an age-related disease

An older adult previously diagnosed with age-related health complications should receive geriatric care. In this case, the condition can be osteoporosis, dementia, or even incontinence.

Reduced mobility

Among the challenges that older adults experience, which increases their dependence levels, is reduced mobility. Health complications impair one’s ability to move independently from one place to another. Some warning symptoms of lost mobility include general functional decline, physical frailty, lack of balance, and instability. Lack of balance is among the reasons for increased fall risk among older adults.

The falls, however, subject them to the risk of getting serious fractures and injuries. In case of reduced mobility, consulting a physical therapist may help ensure the best and most effective treatment for the population. Though there are medications that may help improve patient outcomes when having reduced mobility, the challenge is the side effects. For more professional advice, contact our competent geriatrics nursing assignment help tutors.

Noticeable memory or cognitive impairment

Memory relapse or loss is prevalent among the aging population. That is why an older adults can be highly forgetful and even forget basic issues in their daily activities. Such an occurrence can be a warning sign of dementia. If there is suspicion of dementia in the patient, conducting a screening test is very important to confirm the presence of dementia or related illness.

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