Communicable Diseases Nursing Assignment Help

Come to Essay For All, the reliable online platform with credible communicable diseases nursing assignment help services. A communicable disease is a health condition that quickly spreads from one person to another. The disease spreads mainly through insect bites, breathing airborne viruses, and coming in contact with body fluids, including blood.

The common causes of communicable diseases are fungi, bacteria, and viruses. Various reported cases of communicable diseases also spread through contaminated surfaces, foods, and water. The seriousness and quick spread of communicable diseases prompt the need for the infected to seek necessary medical attention while taking precautions that will help hinder the further spread of the infections.

Over the years, our professional tutors have succeeded in offering students top-notch and affordable homework help solutions in the program. Anytime you feel like overstraining to complete your assignments or just seek the assistance of professional tutors, contact us. Choose our online communicable diseases nursing assignment help services for the best outcomes.

Types of pathogens that cause communicable diseases


Our competent nursing tutors say protozoa are single-celled organisms that may cause diseases. Some examples of protozoan diseases are; toxoplasmosis, amoebiasis, giardia, and malaria. The commonly used tests and diagnoses for protozoan illnesses are biopsies, stool tests, and blood tests. Protozoa quickly multiply in a person and is easily transmissible from one person to another. Protozoa that inhabit the human intestines can be transmitted via the fecal-oral route through person-to-person contact or food or water.


The fast spread of fungal diseases qualifies it to be a communicable disease. The fungi can be spread through skin contact with animals or humans. Besides, there are also cases of indirect infection through coming into contact with contaminated floors or surfaces. Sharing public facilities may also increase the risk of fungal diseases. From our communicable diseases nursing assignment help notes, examples of fungal infections are;

  • Yeast infection
  • Ringworm
  • Jock itch
  • Candidiasis
  • Athlete’s foot

Order a copy of our detailed communicable diseases nursing assignment help notes for profound insights, including on bacteria and viruses and how they cause communicable diseases.

Common types of communicable diseases

Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A is a viral disease caused by the hepatitis A virus, which targets the liver. The primary transmission mode of the virus is through contact with an infected person, through ingesting food or water contaminated by the virus. Once infected, one’s condition may improve even without treatment.

However, the challenge is that some severe disease cases may result in liver failure. For survival, the affected person may require a liver transplant. There are various preventive measures for hepatitis A. However, the success of prevention also thrives on understanding the most vulnerable population to the risk of hepatitis A. The most susceptible people are;

  • People experiencing homelessness
  • People with occupational risk of exposure
  • Individuals who frequently use non-injection or injection drugs
  • Men who have same-sex relations
  • International travelers


Flu is highly contagious and caused by influenza viruses which commonly infect the lungs, throat, and nose. The severity of the disease varies from mild to severe and may cause death. Vaccination is the most effective way of preventing the risk of flu. The flu virus quickly spreads through tiny air droplets whenever the infected person talks, sneezes, or coughs. In a home-based setting, one may minimize the spread of the flu by staying at home and avoiding going to public places and contact with healthy people. Taking plenty of fluids may also help limit excess fluid loss, which may result in dehydration.


The world has recorded various periods of Ebola outbreaks. The disease is highly infectious, so it is considered a communicable disease. It commonly strikes in Africa, affecting both people and nonhuman pirates such as chimpanzees, gorillas, and monkeys. The primary symptoms of Ebola include muscle and joint pains, fever, and fatigue. One can get infected by touching things having body fluids from an infected person, coming in direct contact with body fluids of an infected person such as semen, feces, or urine, and also through touching infected animals during their preparation, cooking, and eating.


According to Essay For All Tutors, rabies though fatal, is a preventable virus disease. If bitten or scratched by a rabid animal, it spreads to pets and people. The wild animals associated with rabies are foxes, skunks, raccoons, and bats. Once infected by the virus, it travels to the brain, where it takes weeks and months to incubate.

After that, the infected person may start experiencing symptoms such as headache, fever, discomfort, and general weakness. Without prompt medical intervention, the symptoms may worsen, resulting in agitation, confusion, anxiety, and cerebral dysfunction. Further advancement of the disease makes a person experience;

  • Insomnia
  • Hydrophobia
  • Hallucinations
  • Abnormal behavior
  • Delirium

Rabies, as it advances, becomes life-threatening. However, get our online communicable diseases nursing assignment help for further details of managing rabies.


A virus causes this type of disease. It affects glands on both sides of the face, known as the parotid glands, for making saliva. Once affected by the virus, the glands swell and become painful. Additional symptoms of mumps include;

  • Loss of appetite
  • Tiredness
  • Muscle aches
  • Headache
  • Fever

Risk factors for the rapid spread of communicable diseases

Multiple factors support the rapid spread of infection or communicable diseases. Some ways are classified into disease-specific, general, genetic, and anatomical. Environmental factors such as weather and climate also determine the rate of disease spread from one person to another. However, when considering ways to prevent the spread of the disease, some factors include diet, age, and overall health. According to our communicable diseases nursing assignment help experts, some of the risk factors include;


Based on Essay For All Tutors, malnutrition impairs the ability of the natural immunity of a person. Hence, one becomes highly vulnerable to the risk of infectious diseases and increases disease progression. Nutrition-related deficiencies also result in reduced vaccine efficacy, thus increasing the chances of the spread of infectious diseases.


People in congested areas are the most affected when there is an infectious disease outbreak. That is why it is consistently among the primary prevention measures for communicable diseases is social distancing. When close spacing and interaction between one another, the environment becomes very conducive for the disease-causing pathogens to transfer from the infected person to the healthy person through multiple channels. In overcrowded places, most people also need to remember to take the necessary health practices to lower their infection rate.

Natural barriers vital for protecting people from a host of infections

While the body may be highly vulnerable to multiple infections, natural barriers help protect the body. The main barriers are the mucous membranes and the skin. For instance, skin helps in preventing pathogens which are microorganisms, from entering internal body parts through broken or disrupted skin surfaces. There are medical procedures such as surgical incisions, and IV catheters are some of the ways that may give pathogens entry into the body.

According to our professional communicable diseases nursing assignment help tutors, mucous membranes are responsible for producing antimicrobial secretions, including prostatic fluid and cervical mucus. Some secretions have immunoglobins to restrict microorganisms from attaching to the host cells. The respiratory tract also serves as an effective barrier to infections in various ways. The respiratory tract contains filters that help transport foreign pathogens using the mucociliary epithelium. In this case, coughing can remove the trapped foreign microorganisms.

Ways of preventing the spread of communicable diseases

Certain behaviors, including uncontrolled movement, may easily trigger the rapid spread of communicable diseases. However, such a trend makes it challenging to contain the disease. Hence, many more people get affected due to its rapid spread within a short while. Our experienced communicable diseases nursing homework helpers recommend approaches  that can prevent the spread of communicable diseases, such as;

  • Proper and hygienic food handling
  • Refrain from sharing personal items
  • Good hand-washing practices
  • Cleaning and disinfecting of used and shared surfaces
  • Coughing and sneezing using a handkerchief

Some pathogens responsible for communicable diseases are easily transmittable through talking, spitting, sneezing, and coughing. Hence, reckless or uncontrolled sneezing, coughing, etc., can easily result in airborne transferred pathogens. Therefore, using a clean handkerchief to prevent the droplets from reaching healthy people becomes essential.

  • Avoid touching wild animals.

Wild animals are also reservoirs for infectious agents for some communicable diseases. Some people may avoid touching their dogs at home but constantly interact with wild animals. However, the animals may have viruses that, through human-animal contact, may transfer, causing diseases.

Why choose us for Communicable Diseases Nursing Assignment Help

  • Reliable in delivering top-notch nursing assignment help services
  • Competent tutors with years of experience
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