Lyme disease Nursing assignment help

Essay For All is a reliable platform that promises and delivers high-quality Lyme disease nursing assignment help services to nursing students. Vector-borne diseases still exist and affect people. Lyme disease is among the most common vector-borne disease, especially in the United States. The main bacteria that cause Lyme disease is Borrelia mayoni and Borelia burgdorferi. The bacteria are transmitted to people through the bite of infected black-legged ticks.

Lyme disease has various stages, which all have different symptoms. The three main stages of the condition are the early localized, early disseminated, and late disseminated, also known as the late persistent. Based on the prevalence of Lyme disease in the United States, there is a need to have specialists who may intervene and help such patients. Our professional tutors, passionate about modelling and mentoring competent Lyme disease nursing specialists, promise top-notch Lyme disease nursing assignment help anytime you register for our online nursing assignment help services.

Symptoms of Lyme disease

Symptoms of stage I Lyme disease

Stage I of Lyme disease happens early days and weeks after infection. Based on our expert Lyme disease nursing assignment help tutors, the early symptoms begin from the third day to the 30th day after the tick bite. The most common symptom is a rash characterized by a single circle spreading slowly from the bite site. However, it may become more apparent in the centre and resemble a bull’s eye. Though the rash may not be itchy or painful, it feels warm. Other symptoms of stage one Lyme disease are;

  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Muscle pains and aches
  • Joint stiffness
  • Extreme tiredness
  • Headache
  • Fever

Stage II symptoms

Lyme disease without medical intervention while in stage I may worsen. The symptoms of the disease in stage II happen within the 3rd and 10th week after the tick bite. The stage is commonly known as the disseminated stage since it is more severe and spreads further. The symptoms of stage II Lyme disease are;

  • Weakness, numbness or pain in the feet or hands
  • Pain starts from the hips and backs, spreading to the legs
  • Irregular heartbeats triggered by immune system activity on heart tissue
  • Muscle weakness on one or both sides of the face
  • Neck stiffness or pain
  • Many rashes on different body parts
  • Painful swelling in the eyelid or eye tissues

Stage III symptoms of Lyme disease

Based on Essay For All tutors, stage III is known as the late disseminated disease, which develops months or even years after infection from the tick bite—failure to effectively treat the condition while in the early stage II may lead to further complications. For instance, a person will likely experience brain, nerves and joint damage. It is the most severe phase of Lyme disease.

When diagnosed with Lyme disease at stage III, antibiotic treatment can help support complete recovery but use more aggressive antibiotics. It usually takes about 2 to four weeks to recover from stage III of the disease. However, the challenge is that people are likely to develop post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome characterized by symptoms like; pain, fatigue and impaired concentration ability, which may be experienced even six months after the treatment.

Risk factors for Lyme disease

Most people assume since they don’t live in areas inhabited by ticks, they have no risk of getting Lyme disease. However, lifestyle-related risk factors increase people’s chances of getting Lyme disease. Based on our professional Lyme disease nursing assignment help tutors, such risk factors include;

  • Increased time spent in grassy or wooden areas
  • Living in rural areas
  • Having pets
  • Hunter lifestyle
  • Frequent visits to the tick hotspots like Mid-Atlantic, northeast or north central states
  • Outdoor occupation

Diagnosis for Lyme disease

There are multiple ways of performing a diagnosis for Lyme disease. However, some people find it difficult to diagnose Lyme disease, especially when it presents flu-like symptoms, which may relate closely to symptoms of other conditions. The common ones are through assessing the symptoms experienced by a person. The nature of the rash, which forms in the early days of the tick bite, helps to associate the sign with Lyme disease. The other symptoms may also help in the process.

It becomes more vital to perform a blood test for further confirmation. The best diagnostic test for Lyme disease is the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). It helps the physician to determine the reaction of antibodies and the patient’s blood to certain bacteria parts of antigens responsible for causing Lyme disease.

When the ELISA test turns out to be positive, that suggests some abnormality whereby there was the presence of antibodies in the blood sample but never ascertained the Lyme disease diagnosis was not. That is why it is essential to accompany the ELISA test with the Western blot test, which plays a critical role in confirming the presence of Lyme disease.

Complications related to Lyme disease

Complications of Lyme disease may manifest after undergoing the treatment. While some symptoms may be short-term and disappear after some time, others are long-lasting. Some of such symptoms include; memory challenges, frequent tiredness, body pain and aches, and the development of arthritis. Most patients fail to understand the underlying causes of such experiences.

However, they are commonly associated with post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome. It is always important for patients diagnosed with the condition to adhere to the prescribed medication and complete the total dose, as it helps to minimize the chances of suffering some of the long-lasting complications. Other possible causes of the long-lasting challenges are;

  • Autoimmunity
  • The immune system responds to the fragments of killed bacteria
  • Re-infection of Lyme disease

How to prevent tick bites responsible for causing Lyme disease

The leading cause of Lyme disease is bites from infected ticks. Therefore, repelling ticks is the best way to prevent exposure to the disease risk. In this case, the use of insecticides may become helpful. One may spray their cloth with permethrin and apply it to the skin. It is an insecticide that helps in repelling the risks. However, caution while using the chemical is essential, especially to avoid excess use may be toxic and with health effects on the body.

It is also necessary, especially for people living in areas with an increased infestation of ticks, to minimize skin exposure to the ticks by wearing long-sleeved shirts and long pants that tightly fit on the skin covering wrists and ankles.

There are some pets that people keep, though they may help allow the entrance of the ticks into the home. For pet lovers, it is vital, with the advice of a veterinarian, to know ways of preventing ticks on the pet. Additional preventive measures from exposure to ticks, according to our Lyme disease nursing assignment help professionals are;

  • Destroy any ticks identified on clothes through heat treatment
  • Follow exposure to outdoor activities with a close tick check
  • Move in the centre of trails to minimize chances of picking ticks from the overhanging brush and grass
  • Embrace light-coloured clothing for easier identification of ticks
  • Tuck pants into socks and wear shoes that reduce exposure of feet to the ticks

Actions to take on tick bite

Sometimes, a person may take various precautions to minimize the chances of getting tick bites. However, if it happens, there are multiple ways through which a person may follow to reduce the chances of getting Lyme disease. First, it is essential always to avoid handling the tick with bear hands or crushing the tick’s body with bear hands as it increases one’s exposure to the bacteria responsible for causing Lyme disease.

When bitten, you should wash the area with water and soap. You should avoid using hot cigarette butts, petroleum jelly or kerosene to remove the tick from the skin. Using blunt tweezers in the tick’s head at the skin level of the bitten person may help release the tick’s hold from the skin. Contact our professional Lyme disease nursing assignment solvers for more insight.

Treatment of Lyme disease 

Since Lyme disease is a bacterial disease, antibiotics are the appropriate treatment. Essay For All professionals recommend using amoxicillin, azithromycin, cefuroxime and doxycycline based on their effectiveness in treating Lyme disease. The length of the treatment continuously varies based on the infection stage. That is why early diagnosis of the disease supports efficacy and faster recovery. The treatment has no side effects hence any person diagnosed with the condition, including a pregnant can use the treatment.

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