Bipolar Disorder Nursing Assignment Help

Essay For All is the highly sought-after platform for having the best quality bipolar disorder nursing assignment help solutions. Initially, bipolar disorder was known as manic depression. It is a mental health complication that results in extreme mood swings characterized by depression in the extreme lows and mania or hypomania in the emotional highs. A depressed person may experience hopelessness, sadness, and lack of pleasure or interest in most activities.

Once a person’s mood shifts to hypomania or mania, the common experiences are full of energy, euphoric, or unusually irritable. Such fluctuations have different effects. According to our professional tutors, mood swings in a person having bipolar disorder may affect judgment, activity, energy, sleep, and thinking ability. Register for our online bipolar disorder nursing assignment help services for more information.

Types of bipolar disorder

Bipolar I disorder

This type of bipolar disorder is a form of mental illness commonly known as manic depression or manic-depressive disorder. It mainly targets people who experienced at least one manic disorder. In this case, a manic disorder is a period of unusually irritable or elevated mood and high energy.

An individual may also experience abnormal behavior that may disrupt one’s life. A pattern of depression and mania also characterizes bipolar I disorder. People in their teens or early 20s are highly vulnerable to the risk of developing bipolar I disorder. The affected people may experience abnormal behavior when in maniac episodes such as;

  • Substance abuse
  • Hyper-sexuality
  • Excessive spending
  • Inflated self-image
  • Loud speech
  • Decreased need for sleep

Bipolar II disorder

Most people diagnosed with bipolar II disorder spend increased time experiencing depressive symptoms over hypomanic symptoms. However, depression can be experienced after the disappearance of hypomania episodes. However, there are people with bipolar II disorder who may have cyclic patterns of depression and hypomania. Get profound information on the disease by contacting our experienced bipolar disorder nursing assignment help tutors.

Symptoms of bipolar disorder

The symptoms of bipolar disorder differ based on the type of bipolar disorder a person suffers. The two broad categories of the symptoms are addressed based on depression and hypomania or mania. Generally, the symptoms of bipolar disorder result in uncertain moods and behavioral changes.

Mania and hypomania

These are two types of episodes of bipolar disorder having related symptoms. Based on our bipolar disorder nursing assignment helpers, mania is more severe than hypomania resulting in visible changes in a person, such as in relationships, social activities, school, and workplace. Mania may separate a person from reality and require hospitalization for necessary medical care.

  • Being easily distracted
  • A larger sense of self-confidence
  • Less appetite
  • Less need for sleep
  • Becoming more impulsive
  • Alcohol and drug use
  • Poor judgment
  • Poor decision making
  • Restlessness
  • Abnormally high sex drive
  • Excessive excitement, hopefulness, and happiness

Depressive episode

Based on Essay For All Tutors, a major depressive episode among patients with bipolar disorder features severe symptoms that are easy to notice and negatively impact a person’s daily activities. There are various symptoms a person is likely to experience when having depression. Some of the symptoms are;

  • Indecisiveness or reduced thinking and concentration ability
  • Inappropriate guilt
  • Feeling of worthlessness
  • Loss of energy or fatigue
  • Slowed behavior
  • Restlessness
  • Sleeping too much or insomnia
  • Significant weight loss
  • Lack of interest in most activities
  • A depressed mood is characterized by tearfulness, hopelessness, emptiness, and sadness.

Risk factors for bipolar disorder

There are various risk factors for bipolar disorder which include;


In this case, bipolar disorder equally affects both genders. However, the rapid cycling of mood episodes is more prevalent among women than men. Besides, women also commonly experience depressive disorders than their male counterparts.

Substance abuse

According to Essay For All Tutors, people at high risk of developing bipolar disorder abuse alcohol and drugs. Though substance abuse never causes bipolar disorder, it speeds up the onset of the symptoms or worsens mood episodes. Some medications may prompt the onset of a depressive or manic episode.

High-stress levels

Based on our professional bipolar disorder nursing assignment helpers, individuals with experience of traumatic events are at high risk of getting bipolar disorder. Some childhood experiences also support psychological impacts related to increased stress levels. Though a child may experience parental loss, neglect, and physical, emotional, or sexual abuse, among other traumatic events, the occurrences increase their risk of bipolar disorder in adulthood. Other stressful events, such as losing a loved one, relocation to a new place, or losing a job, may prompt depressive or manic episodes.

Family history of bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder is genetic or inherited. If a close family member has bipolar disorder, the siblings or children are at high risk of suffering the same or related condition, such as mood disorder. In this case, a person may start experiencing the symptoms during adolescence or early adulthood. For profound information, seek our online bipolar disorder nursing assignment help services.

Causes of bipolar disorder

Despite the many reported cases of bipolar disorder, there is still unclear cause of the disease. However, various factors are considered to be the cause of bipolar disorder. According to our bipolar disorder nursing homework helpers, chemical imbalance in the brain may cause bipolar disorder. In this case, the chemicals vital for controlling brain functions are neurotransmitters, including dopamine, serotonin, and noradrenaline.

Imbalances in any of the neurotransmitters may cause a person to start experiencing the symptoms of bipolar disorder. When there are high noradrenaline levels, a person may experience mania episodes. However, depressive episodes may show up when there are deficient noradrenaline levels. Genetics is another possible cause of bipolar disorder whereby a family member inherits the gene responsible for the disease.

Treatment of bipolar disorder

Psychiatrists treat various mental health illnesses, such as bipolar disorder. There is no cure for bipolar disorder. However, the administered treatment helps in managing the symptoms. Some of the medications for bipolar disorder include;

Anti-anxiety medications

In this case, the doctor will likely prescribe benzodiazepines to ease anxiety and enhance sleep. However, it helps to manage the symptoms over a short time.


This combination is a mood stabilizer and a depression treatment. Examples of the medication are antipsychotic olanzapine and antidepressant fluoxetine.


In case the primary symptom experienced by the patient is depression, the use of antidepressants in managing depression is essential. The main challenge of antidepressants is their ability to trigger a manic episode. Mood stabilizers and antipsychotics are the other medications that help treat bipolar disorder.

Seek our online bipolar disorder nursing assignment help for more details on the treatment of the disease, including the use of psychotherapy such as;

  • Family-focused therapy
  • Psycho-education
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Interpersonal and social rhythm therapy

Complications related to bipolar disorder

Once a person is diagnosed with bipolar disorder, it is essential to contact a health professional. Neglecting the symptoms of the disease and hence failure to treat the condition may worsen the symptoms. Some of the complications related to untreated bipolar disorder are;

  • Poor school performance
  • Poor workplace performance
  • Damaged social relationships
  • Financial and legal problems
  • Suicidal attempts
  • Alcohol and drug abuse

Some conditions may worsen the symptoms of bipolar disorder, which is very important for a person to manage effectively for better life quality. Such factors include;

  • Physical health problems like obesity, headaches, and thyroid problems
  • Drug and alcohol problems
  • Attention deficit/ hypersensitivity disorder
  • Eating disorders
  • Anxiety disorders

Ways of preventing bipolar disorder

The effects of bipolar disorder mainly affect a person’s life quality. There is no direct way that can be used. Once a person has bipolar disorder, some strategies may be used for sound management of the symptoms to avoid further complications. From our bipolar disorder nursing assignment help notes, some of the strategies are;

Taking the medications as required

There are some people who, while taking the prescribed medications for bipolar disorder, may be tempted to stop when the symptoms reduce. Failure to follow the doctor’s prescription may result in withdrawal effects or worsening of the symptoms.

Refrain from alcohol and drug abuse.

According to Essay For All Tutors, consumption of alcohol and drugs may worsen the symptoms of bipolar disorders.

Pay attention to the warning signs.

The signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder are pretty unique from other mental-related illnesses. In this case, it is essential to understand the related symptoms and seek medical attention before the underlying condition worsens.

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