Bladder Cancer Nursing Assignment Help

Essay For All Tutors are the leader in providing top-notch bladder cancer nursing assignment help services. Bladder cancer is a cancer type that starts in the bladder cells. In the human body, the bladder is the hollow muscular organ within the lower abdomen to store urine. The disease starts when the bladder cells start growing out of control.

The bladder works closely with the human kidneys to remove wastes and toxins from the body through urine. The bladder has muscular walls that support the ability to increase in size to accommodate more significant urine amounts and also shrink from releasing urine out of the body. According to our nursing tutors, bladder cancer is a prevalent urologic cancer with the highest recurrence rate of any malignancy.

Though there are various types of bladder cancer, the most common type is the urothelial carcinoma. We have competent tutors with good knowledge of bladder cancer. Register for our online bladder cancer nursing assignment help to have the opportunity of interacting with our tutors.

Causes of bladder cancer

Based on Essay For All Experts, bladder cancer results from mutations in the DNA of bladder cells. The DNA of cells has instructions for guiding the cells on what to do. Hence, DNA structure or composition alterations may affect the instructions, so the cells begin growing out of control. When the bladder cells start growing abnormally without dying, it forms tumors or masses that can attack and destroy normal body tissues.

However, various factors increase the chances of a person developing bladder cancer. The knowledge of the predisposing factors helps in distancing oneself from them to suffer the reduced risk of developing bladder cancer. For any clarification, choose our online bladder cancer nursing assignment help services. The risk factors for bladder cancer include;

  • Chronic catheter use
  • Frequent bladder infections
  • Exposure to certain chemicals
  • Chemotherapy
  • Exposure to radiations
  • Cigarette smoke
  • Family or personal history of cancer
  • Chronic bladder inflammation
  • Age advancement
  • Male sex

Symptoms of bladder cancer

Various health complications may affect the bladder. Some of the symptoms may be related to that of bladder cancer. However, bladder cancer may have unique symptoms through which a person may suspect the possibility of having the disease. However, it is always important to seek a healthcare provider to perform tests and diagnose the disease resulting in the symptoms.

  • Lower back pain on one body side
  • The urgency to urinate is accompanied by an inability to pee
  • Frequent urination urge
  • Frequent urination in tiny amounts
  • Burning sensation or pain while urinating
  • Blood or blood clots in the urine

According to our bladder cancer nursing assignment helpers, Hematuria is the first warning sign of bladder cancer. The pain that a person may experience while having bladder cancer starts in the pelvic region and worsens with time. That is why later on, a person may experience pain in the lower back and even in some bones. Get a profound understanding of bladder cancer by subscribing to our online bladder cancer nursing homework help services.

Types of bladder cancer

There are various types of bladder cancer. The types differ based on the point of origin or the first type of bladder cells to be affected by the disease. The general classification of bladder cancer is muscle-invasive, non-muscle invasive, and non-invasive. The non-invasive bladder cancer is characterized by tumors in a small part of the tissue, or cancer may be traced on the bladder surface.

Non-muscle invasive bladder cancer penetrates deeper into the bladder but has not yet spread to the bladder muscles. Based on Essay For All Experts, muscle-invasive bladder cancer is the type of cancer that has grown and advanced into the wall muscles of the bladder and spread further into other organs, surrounding tissues, or the fatty layers in and around the organ. Different types of the bladder based on the point of origin of the cancer are;


This type of bladder cancer starts from the lining of the bladder. It can also start from the bladder muscles. Early detection of sarcoma increases the chances of effective treatment and limits the further spread of cancer. Sarcoma can be stage I of bladder cancer.


Based on our bladder cancer nursing homework doers, adenocarcinoma is the bladder features the tumors that constitute glandular differentiation. It is widespread among people with a history of smoking tobacco or cigarettes. It is an aggressive cancer type of the bladder that develops very fast, and its symptoms worsen quickly. Therefore, it is vital to seek urgent medical intervention once diagnosed with this type of cancer.

Squamous cell carcinoma

From our online bladder cancer nursing homework help services, our tutors define squamous cell carcinoma as the malignancy that forms after irritation and swelling of the bladder lining. Chronic inflammation after an extended period may result in cancerous cells. Chronic bladder irritation is highly associated with bladder cancer and also infections from extended use of urinary catheters.

Transitional cell carcinoma

This type of bladder cancer is also known as urothelial carcinoma. The cancer starts growing from the urothelial cells, which are present in the renal pelvis, ureters, and urethra. Early detection of cancer enables successful treatment. Exposure to carcinogenic chemicals and also tobacco smoking are some of the leading causes of transitional cell carcinoma.

Diagnosis of bladder cancer

Doctors will likely perform various tests once suspecting an individual has bladder cancer. According to our experienced bladder cancer nursing homework doers, cystoscopy is the mainly used diagnostic procedure for bladder cancer. It involves the use of a cystoscope. The procedure is integral in examining the inner bladder for any signs of disease. Additional diagnoses for bladder cancer are;

Imaging tests

The main imaging tests that can be used are bone scans to assess the chances of cancer spreading to the bones, chest X-rays, computed tomography scans, and magnetic resonance imaging.

Urine cytology

This test entails getting a urine sample from the patient for laboratory examination for the presence of cancer cells.


According to our experts, a biopsy is a medical procedure that entails the extraction of tissues or cells from the bladder for review under the microscope for signs of cancer. A transurethral bladder tumor resection is the most commonly performed biopsy type. For more details about biopsy for bladder cancer, get our bladder cancer nursing assignment writing services online.

Treatment of bladder cancer

The bladder plays a crucial role in the body. Once affected, seeking treatment to ensure its proper functioning is essential. There are multiple treatments to choose from and apply to people diagnosed with bladder cancer. The treatment may vary based on the affected region, cancer stage, and size, among other factors. Examples of bladder cancer treatments are unlimited;

Targeted therapy

According to Essay For All Tutors, targeted therapy concentrates on the genetic modifications that result in healthy cells becoming cancerous. In this case, this treatment targets specific cells and inhibits the further growth of cancer cells while destroying the available cancerous cells responsible for bladder cancer.

Radiation therapy

When the bladder stage has not advanced, radiation therapy can be used instead of surgery to extract the cancerous tissues and cells. Radiation therapy works best when combined with other treatments. The potential side effects of radiation therapy on a person are;

  • Hair loss
  • Memory challenges
  • Blurry vision
  • Headache
  • Skin changes
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fatigue


From our bladder cancer nursing assignment help notes, chemotherapy entails using of cancer-killing drugs. The commonly used approach by doctors in administering chemotherapy drugs is intravesical therapy using a tube inserted through the urethra.

Prevention of bladder cancer

It is never possible for a person to 100% prevent the chances of developing bladder cancer. Therefore, one can only lower the risk of getting the disease. Knowledge of bladder cancer risk factors enables a person to distance themselves from them. For instance, a person should avoid or minimize exposure to certain chemicals associated with causing bladder cancer. Such chemicals include hairdressing supplies, textile pains, leather, and rubber.

In case of bladder infections, such people should take the best precautions to lower the chances of getting repeat infections and habits or practices supporting good bladder health. Avoiding smoking cigarettes is also a way of lowering the chances of developing bladder cancer. According to our bladder cancer nursing homework helpers, smoking cigarettes increases one’s chances of getting different types of cancer, including bladder cancer.

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