Genitourinary System Nursing assignment help

Place your order now for the best quality genitourinary system nursing assignment help services at Essay For All, the most reliable online platform with top-notch nursing homework help services. Genitourinary is a combined term used to refer to urinary and genital organs.

The genitourinary system can be affected by various complications, some of which can be congenital while others are likely to develop later in life. The urinary tract helps clean and filter excess waste material and fluids from the blood. The main organs of the urinary system are the kidneys, ureter, bladder and urethra. Some of the health complications that target the genitourinary system are sexual dysfunction.

Cancers of the reproductive and urological systems, congenital abnormalities, and reproductive and urinary tract infections. Such diseases are common, and health practitioners constantly handle people infected with the conditions. With interest in joining other health practitioners in managing and treating genitourinary system disorders, seek our online genitourinary system nursing assignment help services and enjoy our professional support that will empower your career prospects.

Genitals and urinary system

Genitourinary is a combined word that refers to the genitals and the urinary system. They all play an integral part in the body. That is why it is always ensured that they are in check to support the proper functioning of the body. In case of any abnormality in the functioning of the systems, seeking medical attention is very important.

Based on our expert tutors, genitals are the sex organs that differ between males and females. While some sex organs are internal, others are outside the body, such as the penis. The genitourinary system is subject to injury from the time of fetus development. Suffering from inflammation, cancer, trauma, and congenital disorders may develop genitourinary disorders.

When exposed to certain conditions, the urinary system and its involved organs are also subject to damage. However, healthcare specialists should attend to the health needs of patients who may raise concerns regarding the wellness of their genitourinary system. You are at the right destination if you have been seeking reputable and competent tutors to source you with top-notch genitourinary system nursing assignment help services.

Causes of urinary disorders

Urinary disorders are disorders affecting the urinary tract. They have wide-ranging causes. That is why people should understand the possible causes of urinary diseases to stay safe and aware of the likely habits or practices that may result in the diseases. Some of the causes are directly linked to the genitals.

Based on our genitourinary system nursing assignment doers, sexually transmitted diseases like Chlamydia and gonorrhea which affect a person’s genitals can cause urinary tract disorders such as urethritis. The causes always vary depending on the type of the specific disease.

A person can suffer urinary retention because of kinking of the urethra, prostate enlargement or nervous system abnormalities. On the other hand, patients diagnosed with urinary incontinence are because of having weak pelvis or urethral muscles. Our expert tutors have additional suggestions for the causes of urinary disorders, which are not limited to;

  • Injury or trauma
  • Post-vasectomy syndrome
  • Kidney or urinary tract stones
  • Kidney diseases
  • Dehydration
  • Benign tumors
  • Cancers
  • Benign prostatic hyperplasia

Common symptoms of genitourinary disorders

Whenever the genitals and the urinary system are affected by a particular disease, various abnormal experiences are likely to occur in a person. However, manifestations of the symptoms are likely to vary based on the type of complication and its severity. According to our genitourinary system nursing assignment help professionals, the common symptoms of the disease include;

  • Foul-smelling urine
  • Pain after or during sex
  • Blood in the urine
  • Groin or pelvic pain
  • Discomfort, burning or pain while urinating
  • Trouble in completely emptying the bladder
  • Dribbling or leaking urine
  • Urgent or frequent urination
  • Abnormal discharge from the vagina or penis

Factors that increase the risk of genitourinary disorders

Anybody in life can develop genitourinary disorders. However, certain factors tend to increase one’s likelihood of getting the complication. Some of the risk factors are;

  • Experiencing recurring urinary tract infections
  • Having diabetes
  • Having high blood pressure
  • Obesity and overweight
  • Use of spermicides or lubricants having irritants
  • Smoking habits
  • Family history of the genitourinary disorder
  • Stress
  • Low fluid intake
  • Genital piercing
  • Exposures to chemicals or irritants
  • Catheterization
  • Surgery of the upper or lower urinary tract
  • Unsafe sexual practices

Genitourinary disorders

There are wide-ranging genitourinary disorders that affect people. It can affect people assigned females at birth and also people assigned males at birth. Some examples of the disorders are:

  • Interstitial cystitis
  • Sexually transmitted disease
  • Kidney stones
  • Urinary tract infections

These disorders can affect any gender. However, other disorders affect people of a specific gender. That is why genitourinary complications like genitourinary syndrome of menopause, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, polycystic ovary syndrome, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, and vaginal yeast infection are common among people assigned to females at birth. However, the people assigned male at birth are likely to develop genitourinary disorders such as;

  • Hernia
  • undescended testes
  • erectile dysfunction
  • prostatitis
  • benign prostatic hyperplasia

Diagnosis for genitourinary disorders

Most injuries or complications of the genitourinary systems are challenging to diagnose because the affected organs are deep in the body. However, various ways have still been developed to help in the tests. Early diagnosis for any complications affecting the system is vital to support early treatment while lowering the chances of developing further complications.

The first fundamental step for a medical practitioner is to take a detailed medical history of the patient to determine if they have been exposed to events or accidents that would have injured their genitourinary system. Performing a physical exam is also important as it determines some of the symptoms the patient experienced related to the injuries of the system. In case of any determined injuries, some of the further diagnoses to make include;

Intravenous urography

Based on our professional genitourinary system nursing assignment helpers, intravenous urography is taking an x-ray of the urinary tract. The procedure helps in outlining any presence of blockage along the system.


Essay For All Tutors refer to arteriography as taking an X-ray of the blood vessels. It is always helpful, especially in the examination of blood vessels within the kidney, for the presence of any injuries resulting in genitourinary system disorders.

Abdominal computed tomography

Advancement of technology in the health sector has led to more advanced approaches that promote easier, improved and more efficient diagnosis of genitourinary system disorders. Abdominal computed tomography utilizes X-rays to produce more detailed pictures of the system. For any question regarding the genitourinary system, bank on our competent genitourinary system nursing homework doers.

Treatment of genitourinary disorders

Various specialists are trained to manage or treat different types of genitourinary disorders. Some are oncologists, surgeons, gynecologists, nephrologists, and urologists. However, you must consult a general practitioner or primary care physician when you test positive for a genitourinary disorder. Based on the condition’s impact, the caregiver can then direct you to a specialist with the desired expertise to treat the underlying condition.

The treatment used for the disorders can vary depending on the disease severity, overall health and the patient’s age. Based on our genitourinary system nursing assignment helpers, genitourinary disorders respond effectively to combined treatments of healthy lifestyles and medication. Some of the recommended treatment options for the disease are;

  • antibiotics
  • devices
  • medications for bladder relaxation
  • pain-relieving medications
  • self-care measures
  • surgery
  • radiation therapy
  • chemotherapy

Possible complications of genitourinary disorders

genitourinary disorders should always be taken with a lot of care and concern. It is not a disease that should be neglected. For instance, it never heals on its own. Rather, when left untreated, the complication advances, worsening the overall situation. That is why when diagnosed with any genitourinary disorder, it is always essential to seek medical attention from a competent health practitioner.

Based on Essay For All Tutors, untreated genitourinary disorders will likely be severe and life-threatening. However, adhering to the developed treatment plan helps minimize further risk development. Untreated or neglected cases of genitourinary diseases can result in the following;

  • proctitis
  • perinatal transmission
  • pain during sexual intercourse
  • kidney failure or disease
  • infertility
  • impotence
  • decreased bladder capacity
  • chronic pain
  • anemia
  • Reiter syndrome
  • cancer spread
  • urethral narrowing and scarring
  • the infection spreads to surrounding tissues
  • spread of sexually transmitted infection to the sexual partner

Why prefer our Genitourinary System Nursing assignment help

  • Specialists in the genitourinary system
  • Timely in meeting deadlines
  • Responsive to students’ needs
  • 24/7 online availability
  • Original content
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