Psycholinguistics Psychology Assignment help

Essay For All is the right destination for students seeking quality psycholinguistics psychology assignment help. Our pool of skilled writers will ensure you get high-quality assignment help services. In psychology, psycholinguistics is a study that addresses the relationship between the human mind and language. In any society, understanding one another is very key.

Therefore, people as social beings have a language which though it may differ across people and culture, promote understanding of one another. Language is always unique from one culture and social grouping to another. Learning each other’s language is vital to promote positive interaction and encouraging a good understanding of one another with fewer communication barriers.

Due to inadequate time that students face, they can hardly dedicate quality time to their assignments. However, enough time is required for a learner to research, organize the points, and address the assignments professionally based on provided instructions. More factors hinder learners from submitting high-quality assignments. Therefore, feel free to contact our professional tutors for instant professional intervention.

Major elements of psycholinguistics

Language comprehension

Listening to a foreign language means something other than understanding the message conveyed. It requires one to have a basic understanding of the language or find somebody to translate it for easier comprehension—inability to understand the language results in a communication barrier.

Based on Essay For All psycholinguistics psychology assignment doers, psycholinguistics is divided into two main segments: language perception and comprehension. The comprehension element comes first: the ability to understand the utterances we hear. Comprehension is more of a perception of a certain language. However, comprehension is related to the action taken by a person as a response to the perceived information.

Language production

Based on our psycholinguistic psychologists, language production is very important, especially among children. It measures how best they can understand a given language. At first, the produced language may have a lot of errors and grammatical hitches. However, more exposure and interaction with people enable them to refine their language skills. Language production in psychology is a broad topic. Remember to ask for our top-notch psycholinguistics psychology assignment help and learn more on the subject. From Essay For All professionals, there is a process that happens during language production.

  • Selection of the intended message from the brain of the speaker
  • Encoding the message into a linguistic format
  • Grammatical encoding of the message
  • Phonetic encoding of the message whereby the involved speech organs like the lips, teeth, glottis, tongue, vocal cords and lungs produce the speech sounds.
  • Conveyance of the message through the air to reach the listener’s eardrum and ears.

Language acquisition

Communication can become challenging without one acquiring a language. Among children, a child develops a language that is very immediate to their surroundings. Psycholinguistic psychologists reveal that a child can easily acquire more than one language in the environment they regularly operate in. Language acquisition is a process. If you need to learn the steps involved in acquiring a language, Essay For All psycholinguistic psychologists will guide you.

Contribution of Piaget to psycholinguistics psychology discipline

Essay For All psycholinguistics psychology assignment helpers highly acknowledge the work of jean Piaget in the discipline. He studied development in children by focusing on the four stages children undergo in cognitive development. The stages encompass the sensorimotor stage, preoperational stage, concrete operational stage and egocentric thinking.

Sensorimotor stage

The stage happens during infancy between 0 to 2 years. It is a time that infants understand the world around them through the coordination of sensory experiences like hearing and seeing with physical and mobility actions.

Preoperational stage

Under the preoperational phase, a child explores how to use and communicate ideas using images, drawings and words. It happens between 2 and 7 years. At this phase, the communication ability of a child improves since they can use a language they acquired in expressing their feelings, thoughts or ideas. Enough support from their parents and caregivers is very important to advance their communication abilities and the use of their learned language.

Concrete operational stage

According to Essay For All psycholinguistics psychology homework helpers,  the concrete operational stage occurs when a child is between the age of 7 and 11. It is a stage that increasingly uses logic and can learn various concepts of reversibility and seriation.

Formal operational stage

As the years advance, a person develops an improved ability to communicate effectively using clear language. At this point, the human mind has developed adequately to ensure language’s effective use and application. The people at the formal operational age are those from puberty or 11 years and extend into adulthood. It is vital for learners to understand the process people undergo from infancy to adulthood regarding language acquisition, development and use.

First language meaning from psycholinguistics psychology assignment solvers’ perspective

A first language is a person’s native language or mother tongue. However, a second language is a language a person learns to enhance or facilitate communication with the native speaker of the language. That means that the first language is triggered by birth and continues advancing based on the environment a child gets exposed to. There would be people who grow up knowing the first language, especially if they have no interest in knowing or learning a second language.

Children learn the first language very easily, unlike when a grown-up understands a second language. Based on Essay For All professional tutors, acquisition of the first language starts with telegraphic speech, whereby a child begins by uttering two—word phrases. That is very different from someone who has acquired a second language since they begin communicating a full sentence.

Factors resulting in a difference between the first language and the second language


Learning the first language is never an option; hence a person’s motivation is never a factor in acquiring the language. Motivation applies to learning a second language. It becomes a very easy and fast process whenever one has great motivation to learn a second language.


The culture surrounding a child affects their first language acquisition process. Since they have no control over what to learn or filter, the culture will automatically affect their language learning and acquisition process. the case is a difference when learning a second language. Find more explanations right at Essay For All.


When still young, a child’s personality never affects the rate or speed of learning the first language. External factors affect the learning process more than internal factors. When a grown-up, the personality aspect becomes a factor in the process of acquiring a second language. In most cases, extroverts are most likely to learn the language at a faster rate than introverts.


Based on our psycholinguistics psychology assignment helpers, age highly affects the rate at which one acquires a language, especially a second language. For instance, any adult with a well-developed and fluent first language can undergo significant challenges in developing a second language.

However, whenever a child has already acquired their first language, they can easily learn a second language. That is why some parents expose their children to a second language when they are still young to ensure faster understanding and acquisition of the language.

Theories of the psycholinguistics psychology


According to behaviourists like B.F skinner, language learning is a process that results in forming different habits. Operant conditioning helps one to acquire language. Repeated training or exposure to certain languages results in a faster rate of language acquisition. However, it also depends on a person’s interest or motivation to learn the language.

Among children, operant conditioning works effectively. It can be reinforced with rewards whereby a child gains more interest in learning a given language. When there is negative reinforcement, one develops a negative attitude toward learning a given language.


In psycholinguistics psychology, functionalism theory also dictates the rate at which one can acquire a language. With increased cases of globalization or operating in culturally diverse settings, people need to learn other languages apart from their first language. The perceived usefulness or benefits of a given language stirs a person’s interest in learning a language.

For instance, if by learning a certain language, one can have more influence on people, interact with more friends, and express their emotions effectively, among other benefits, then they cannot resist learning an additional language.

However, if the language has less importance, functionalists reveal that people develop no or less interest in learning the language. According to Essay For All professionals, functionalism is a perspective that considers language a tool that people can use to understand the operation and functioning of language.


Based on Essay For All assignment helpers, cognitivism is a theory that concentrates on how the human mind receives, organizes, stores and retrieves information. In this case, the mind operates as an information processor. From a psychological perspective, the theory considers language learning an internal mental process.

The main aim of the idea is to explain the process involved in knowledge transfer to the learner by deploying the most effective cognitive approaches that can encode data. There are diverse examples of cognitive learning, according to our psycholinguistics psychology experts, such as;

  • Experiential learning
  • Emotional learning
  • Receptive learning
  • Discovery learning
  • Meaningful learning
  • Implicit learning
  • Explicit learning

If you consult any expert in psycholinguistics psychology, you will realize that it is an involving course, and without adequate preparation and commitment, scoring high grades will remain a dream. With many concepts to master, assignments to do and note to read, you can make your work easier and more manageable by asking for our top-notch and affordable psycholinguistics psychology assignment help. You will learn much in the field, not limited to;

  • Use of a second language
  • Process of second language acquisition
  • The brain and language
  • Language acquisition
  • Lexical storage and retrieval
  • Language processing

Psycholinguistics Psychology Assignment help

There are always no regrets about working with specialists. The chances of making errors are almost zero, with increased opportunities for perfection and becoming the best. Many students need help working with experts, especially associating their expertise with high costs. That is true but not valid with Essay For All tutors.

Despite our high professionalism and matchless experience in offering psycholinguistics psychology assignment help services, we always ensure we have a cost-friendly charge to ensure any student can enjoy our services. If you want quality assignments, register now and receive the best.

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