Otitis Media Nursing assignment help

Essay For All tutors assures students reliable access to professional otitis media nursing assignment help. Otitis media is a health condition characterized by inflammation of the middle ear. Infections of the ears may have bacterial or viral causes. However, most ear infections start after one experiences a respiratory infection or cold. In this case, the virus or bacteria through the Eustachian tube gets into the middle ear. The microorganism may result in swelling of the tube, blocking the Eustachian tube.

As a result, it accumulates the produced fluid in the middle ear instead of draining out. The condition is more prevalent among children than adults. The Eustachian tube structure in children is attributed to the build-up of fluids since it is less sloppy to enable easy drainage. When infected by a virus or bacteria, such trapped fluid results in a painful feeling. We operate 24/7 to ensure that we are ready at your service anytime you need otitis media nursing assignment help. Place your order now!!

People at risk of getting otitis media

Otitis media is more prevalent among young children from 3months to three years. However, the condition can also stretch to children at the age of 8 years. Adults are also vulnerable to the condition but at a reduced rate. From the perspective of Essay For All professionals, the risk factors for the condition include;


In this case, the ethnic background of a child or a person matters in susceptibility to otitis media. For instance, Hispanic children and Native American children have more prevalent cases of otitis media.

Chronic illnesses

Patients with chronic respiratory and immune deficiency diseases are more prone to developing otitis media. That is why people suffering from health conditions like asthma and cystic fibrosis mostly suffer from the disease.


Allergic reactions tend to result in swollen nasal passages and upper respiratory tract inflammation, hence enlarging adenoids. As a result, the enlarged adenoids block the Eustachian tube, hindering the ear fluids’ draining. Since the blockage leads to fluid accumulation, it increases the chances of a middle ear infection.


Frequent cases of colds predispose one to otitis media.

Family history

If a family member once suffered from ear infections, then there is a high chance of other people in the lineage reporting related cases of ear infections. However, other covered risk factors from our otitis media nursing assignment help notes are not limited to;

  • Lack of breastfeeding
  • Children spend most of their time in a daycare context
  • Increased exposure to smokers
  • Weak immune system
  • Bottle-feeding a child while lying on their back

Types of otitis media according to our proficient tutors

Chronic otitis media with effusion

It is an infection of the middle ear that repeatedly or persists for months and even years. Even without an infection, the produced fluid may remain in the middle ear for an extended time or keeps returning. The condition can be accompanied by a tympanic membrane perforation and even loss of hearing ability. The condition is always painless or with less pain.

Otitis media with effusion

According to Essay For All tutors,  otitis media with effusion is a condition whereby ear fluids, also known as effusion, and mucus continuously accumulate in the middle ear after an initial infection goes away. A child with this condition may feel like the middle ear is full. Persistence of the condition may result from impaired hearing.

Acute otitis media

It is a type of ear infection in the middle ear that happens abruptly, resulting in redness and swelling. The condition is characterized by mucus, pus, and fluid trapped in the ear, making a child experience ear pain and fever.

Symptoms of otitis media

Symptoms of otitis media according to Essay For All otitis media nursing assignment help professionals

Hearing challenge

Human ears are responsible for hearing. Any disruption or defects in the ear structure results in an impaired hearing process. According to our professional tutors, the middle ear bones help in connecting to the nerves that send electrical signals in the form of sound to the brain. Therefore, the fluid that piles up in the eardrum slows down the movement of such electrical signals that are causing trouble in the hearing process.

Loss of appetite

In the case of otitis media, children who still receive bottle feeding tend to lose their appetite. For instance, the pressure resulting in a build-up of fluids in the middle ear affects the swallowing process by creating more pain. Hence, a child loses the desire to feed.

Drainage from the ear

Children with otitis media may experience white, brown, or yellow fluid seeping from the affected ear. It is always an indication of a broken eardrum. The drainage is not earwax but has a different appearance from earwax.

Ear pain

Pain is common in adults and children when suffering an infection in the middle ear. While adults may express the severity of the pain, children, especially those who are yet to speak, cannot explain the feeling to a caregiver or healthcare provider. However, some signs to look for in case of pain in a child include irritability, difficulty sleeping, unusual crying, and constant rubbing of the ears.


Based on our otitis media nursing assignment helpers, otitis media results in very high temperatures above normal. There are many more symptoms of the disease, which you can learn from our experts.

Diagnosis and tests for Otitis Media

Learning a wide range of diagnoses of ear infections is very important. Many tests can be used. Essay For All tutors recommend approaches like;


A healthcare giver may use an otoscope to investigate a child’s ear for the presence of;

  • Fluid in the middle ear
  • Blood
  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Pus
  • Perforation of the eardrum
  • Air bubbles


In this case, the healthcare giver may perform a tympanometry test by using a small device to measure the air pressure in a child’s ear to detect if there is an eardrum rupture.


Based on Essay For All tutors, a reflectometry test enables a doctor to determine the presence of any fluid in a child’s ear. The small device used makes a sound near the child’s ear and depends on the echo made to know whether there is fluid.

Treatment options for Otitis Media

Otitis media can cause a lot of discomfort, whether in an adult or a child. Hence, seeking treatment from a healthcare provider becomes important also to minimize the risk of developing further complications. Treatment of otitis media mostly relies on the nature of the infection, infection severity, length of time the fluid has accumulated in the middle ear, and a person’s age. Whenever diagnosis tests prove the presence of otitis media, the next recommended action to take is the treatment for the condition. Various medications can help manage the symptoms and completely cure the condition. Some of the medications include:


Prescription of antibiotics is only important after confirming that it is a bacterial infection causing otitis media. Some infections may fade up on their own without the use of medication. That is why caregivers can give time allowance before prescribing antibiotics. However, in severe cases of infection, there is no need to wait but issue an instant prescription. Based on our professional otitis media nursing homework doers, additional factors to consider before prescribing antibiotics are; the child’s temperature, the severity of the infection, and their age.

Pain relieving medications

A patient with otitis media regularly experiences pain because of the resulting inflammation and pressure build-up in the middle ear. The healthcare giver needs to prescribe pain-relieving drugs. Pain-relieving eardrops can also be used to relieve the pain experienced. Home care remedies can also be used to manage the condition. Find insights by interacting with Essay For All experts through our online otitis media nursing assignment help.

How to prevent otitis media 

Despite the risk factors for the condition, a person can still prevent their likelihood of developing an ear infection. Some of the recommendations include the following;

Prevent colds

Caregivers should minimize children’s exposure to cold, especially at a young age.

Control of allergies

Allergic reactions may result in the development of ear infections. Determining the type of allergens and avoiding them may help to avoid further complications that may trigger blockage and build-up of ear fluids, becoming potential sites for infection.

Avoid smoking

Secondhand smoke is among the leading factors of ear infections. Hence, people, especially nonsmokers, should avoid exposure to secondhand smoking as it increases the chances of getting otitis media.

Proper feeding of the baby using the right angle

Some ear infections result from the caregiver feeding the baby while lying on their back. Essay For All tutors recommend that parents or caregivers learn the appropriate posture of bottle feeding a baby.

Breastfeeding the baby

Breastfeeding plays an integral role in life, including the growth and development of a child. Breast milk is rich in antibodies that help the baby fight against infections like otitis media. Hence, mothers should at least breastfeed their babies from birth to 12 months to minimize the vulnerability to developing ear infections.

Why choose our Otitis Media Nursing assignment help

Our excellent tutors are from the leading industry, driven with passion and commitment to delivering superior otitis media nursing assignment help services to nursing students. Some of the things you will enjoy by interacting with Essay For All top tutors are;

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