Liver & Intestine Transplant Nursing assignment help

Place your order now at Essay For All and get high-quality liver & intestine transplant nursing assignment help. The liver and intestines play a significant role as the main parts of the digestive system. The intestine is divided into the small and large intestines, which help digest food. On the other hand, the liver helps produce bile juice.

When produced by the liver, it is stored in the gall bladder. The primary role of the juice is in the breakdown of fats into fatty acids, which are in absorbable form by the body. That means that any complications in the intestines and liver can affect the overall wellness of people from the failure of the body to get the required nutrients.

That is why a doctor can recommend liver and intestine transplants in case of defects of the intestines and liver. The transplant must be done with a lot of precaution to avoid making errors that may risk the life or health of the patient. While seeking to become an expert in conducting liver and intestine transplants, liaise with our professional tutors.

General overview of liver-intestine transplant

Based on Essay For All Professionals, liver & intestine transplant is a combined procedure involving the liver and the intestine. It is commonly used on children, especially a child who may have lifelong intestinal failure or severe liver damage. In such a case, the liver cannot perform effectively. Besides, the intestines fail to absorb adequate nutrients for optimum body functioning and growth. Individuals with such complications may rely on intravenous nutrition.

However, the procedures involved in the process have various setbacks. The common challenge for people using intravenous nutrition is an infection risk, severe liver damage, and blockage of some blood vessels. Therefore, a healthcare giver may recommend a transplant for a long-term solution. From our online liver & intestine transplant nursing assignment help notes, the transplant is recommended in exceptional cases such as;

  • Dehydration from chronic diarrhea
  • In case total parenteral nutrition has severe risks and complications
  • Presence of permanent intestinal damage

Most people who undergo intestine & liver transplants may be suffering from health conditions such as;

  • Multiple resections and explorations
  • Mesenteric venous thrombosis
  • Arterial thrombosis
  • Desmoids tumor with intra-abdominal infiltration
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Atresia
  • An infiltrative disease that may cause intestinal failure
  • Microvillus inclusion disease

Causes of intestinal failure

Intestinal failure may require getting nutrients through alternative means such as enteral or parenteral nutrition. The most commonly used mode of nutrition in case of intestinal failure is parenteral nutrition which can be total or partial depending on the condition of an individual. Gastrointestinal conditions are among the leading causes of intestinal failure.

Intestinal failure is characterized by the inability of the intestines to ensure proper food digestion and absorption of essential nutrients, fluids, and electrolytes for normal or improved body functioning. Our liver & intestine transplant nursing assignment helpers reveal that some of the symptoms of intestinal failure are;

  • Vomiting
  • Weight loss
  • Poor appetite
  • Foul smelling stools
  • Malabsorption of nutrients
  • Fatigue
  • Diarrhea and bloating

Benefits of liver & intestine transplant

Over the years, transplantation has been instrumental in treating many health conditions, including cancer affecting the gastrointestinal tract, especially the liver and the intestine, short bowel syndrome, and intestinal failure. Such conditions permanently impair the organs’ functioning despite their critical role in the human body. Intestinal failure mostly goes together with liver failure.

Hence, the best remedy is combined liver and intestine transplantation. The transplant also helps in improving life quality. The quality of life deteriorates whenever the body fails to access the essential nutrients it requires. Since having unfunctional organs further affects the condition, the liver & intestine transplant helps ensure that when a person eats nutritional meals, the body gets the right means of benefitting from the food intake.

The transplant also minimizes the risk of certain health conditions in a patient’s life. For instance, worsening liver and intestine failure places a person at high risk of losing their life. However, the transplant helps solve health problems and increases the chances of more life.

Vital steps in the liver & intestine transplantation

Any surgical procedure requires appropriate preparation for the best outcomes. Ensuring all the necessary tools and equipment are available and in good condition is essential. It helps minimize confusion while increasing waiting time to look for supporting tools during surgical procedures. The main steps involved, as recommended by our  competent online liver & intestine transplant nursing assignment help tutors, are;


Before a transplant is done, the doctor needs to have a new liver and intestine transplant. Not any organ can be used in the process. Therefore, the doctors must ensure they match the donor’s and the recipient’s organs. Hence, it requires a prior physical examination to determine the compatibility of the organs.


Before any surgery, anesthesia becomes very important. An anesthetist’s primary role is to give anesthesia to the patient to help them get into a deep sleep during the surgery to avoid feeling the pain or perceiving the processes in operation. Anesthesia has been used in most cases to help prevent the patient from feeling pain during surgical procedures and during dental work, biopsies, and painful diagnostic and screening tests. Whenever a patient ready for surgery is rendered unconscious during the surgical operation, the work of the health practitioners becomes easier.


When initiating a liver & intestine transplant, the surgeon will always make an incision across the abdomen to access the organs that need a transplant. There is no standard size for the required incision. Somewhat the size varies depending on the patient.


Since the incision enables the surgeon’s access to the organs to be removed, evaluating the organs for underlying abnormalities is very important. For instance, the complication identified on the organs may not be severe enough to require a transplant but may respond to other treatment options. Hence, practical evaluation may help in preventing the need for a transplant.


If the defective organs are damaged, the doctors find no reason to maintain them but to remove them. Removal of the liver or intestine gives space for transplantation.


Implantation is the procedure whereby the surgeons use the liver or intestine from the donor into the place.


Closing the incision is necessary when the doctors are done with implanting the required organs onto removed defective organs. The closure process should be done after all bleeding has been controlled and the surgical tool has been left in the body. There are various precautions to observe during the closure stage. Any negligence or mistakes done at this point may result in further complications that may deteriorate the patient’s health instead of them having an improved and faster recovery.

Risk and complications of liver & intestine transplant

Healthcare organizations always insist on expertise when they want to employ liver and intestine transplant specialists since transplantation entails complex processes. Lack of adequate knowledge creates a platform for the doctor to make many mistakes in the process because of limited knowledge, leading to increased assumptions.

While there are many possible risks related to the process, adequate knowledge and proper skills may help limit the risks a patient may suffer during or after the transplantation. According to our online liver & intestine transplant nursing assignment help professionals, the  complications and risks are unlimited;

  • Vascular complications
  • Intestinal leaks
  • Internal bleeding
  • Infection
  • Rejection or failure of the donated organ
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Bile leaks

Diagnosis for liver and intestine complications

Whenever a patient complains of issues related to liver or intestinal disorders, the healthcare provider should perform some tests to determine the underlying problem. There are various tests that a caregiver may choose, including;

  • Wireless capsule gastrointestinal monitoring system
  • Gastroduodenal manometry
  • Gastric emptying study
  • Sigmoidoscopy
  • Blood test
  • Barium enema test
  • Abdominal x-ray
  • Abdominal computed tomography

Not any complications of the liver or intestine require a transplant. The condition can respond to medications and lifestyle changes when the test is done in the early development of the symptoms. However, some people may neglect or confuse it with other diseases despite experiencing complications that are warning signs of liver or intestine failure. Over-the-counter medications may not manage the condition but rather address the symptoms briefly as the state advances. In advanced liver and intestine failure cases, a transplant becomes the only effective remedy to rescue the situation.

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