IBS and Chronic Constipation Nursing Assignment help

Essay For All is the most recommended online destination for students seeking IBS and chronic constipation nursing assignment help. IBS stands for irritable bowel syndrome. IBS is a common digestive disorder characterized by bloating, discomfort, and frequent abdominal pain. It mostly happens with constipation. It affects the intestines and stomach, which is why it is sometimes known as a gastrointestinal tract disorder. It is a chronic condition that requires long-term management.

Constipation, on the other hand, is when a person fails to pass bowel movements more often. For instance, one may only pass bowels thrice a week. The seriousness of the condition requires nurses to be informed about its symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment to ensure that patients suffering from the condition can receive professional and high-quality services. While going through the course, choose our online IBS and chronic constipation nursing assignment help services to overcome the common assignment-related pressure you will likely experience.

Causes for IBS and chronic constipation

Changes in gut microbes

Whenever there are slight modifications of the gut microbes, such as viruses, fungi, or bacteria, a person is likely to experience IBS.

Stress and trauma

People highly exposed to trauma are likely to suffer from disrupted digestion, leading to chronic constipation or IBS. Most people diagnosed with IBS have histories of traumatic experiences.

Visceral hypersensitivity

Based on Essay For All Tutors, visceral hypersensitivity is a kind of sensitivity that happens in the intestines and is the main cause of IBS. It is related to changes in the immune system, the nervous system, and certain types of gut bacteria.

Reduced motility

Motility, in this case, is the movement responsible for pushing waste material along the digestive tract. Individuals with IBS or chronic constipation mostly have low motility. Hence they experience a slowed-down digestion process and also experience challenges passing out stools.

Small intestine bacterial overgrowth

It is a type of condition whereby the bacteria in the colon transfer to the small intestine, where they divide and multiply. The increased population of bacteria in the small intestine results in bloating and other related digestive symptoms common in IBS patients.

Risk factors for IBS and chronic constipation

The common triggers for IBS and chronic constipation are some medications and foods. Constant exposure to emotional stress can also be a factor. According to our IBS and chronic constipation nursing assignment help experts, additional risk factors for the disorders are;

  • Severe digestive tract infection
  • History of sexual or physical abuse
  • Food intolerance
  • Anxiety
  • Tension
  • Family history of IBS

Symptoms for IBS and chronic constipation

Some of the symptoms related to IBS and chronic constipation are;

  • Hard or lumpy stools
  • Infrequent stools
  • Straining when passing bowel
  • Frequent bloating
  • Abdominal pain or discomfort
  • Whitish mucus in the poop

Different types of IBS

IBS with diarrhea

Individuals with IBS with diarrhea always experience watery and loose poop.

IBS with constipation

People with this kind of IBS experience lumpy and hard poop.

IBS with mixed bowel habits

In this case, a person experiences lumpy and hard bowel movements and loose and watery movements within the same day.

Diagnosis for IBS and chronic constipation

When testing for IBS or chronic constipation, the doctor will likely review the patient’s medical history and rely on the outcomes of a physical exam. The Rome criteria is a commonly used tool with a list of certain symptoms to determine if a person has chronic constipation or IBS. Unlike other diseases, laboratory tests do not apply to diagnose IBS and chronic constipation.

In other cases, the doctor may need to perform a colonoscopy or Sigmoidoscopy to examine the colon further. Based on our IBS and chronic constipation nursing homework solvers, Sigmoidoscopy helps evaluate bowel disorders, polyps, or rectal bleeding. The procedure entails inserting the device into the rectum and pushing it further to the colon. After that, the doctor can view the lining of the rectum and the lower part of the colon for any complications.

Treatment for IBS and chronic constipation

Lifestyle and diet changes

The main aim of the treatments for the disease is to relieve its symptoms. Treatment relies not on medications alone but on good stress management approaches, lifestyle changes, and dieting options. That is why the most basic advice our IBS and chronic constipation nursing assignment help tutors  always give encompasses the following;

  • Getting adequate sleep
  • Regular exercise
  • Intake of adequate fluids
  • Consumption of high-fiber foods
  • Refrain from foods that trigger the symptoms

Some foods always contribute to the development of IBS and chronic constipation. People need to identify such food categories and eliminate them from their diet. Such foods that need to be avoided are FODMAPs, gluten, and high-gas foods. FODMAPs stand for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols. They are available in certain:

Dairy products

, fruits, vegetables, and grains. Rye, barley, and wheat are the common foods containing gluten, increasing the symptoms of chronic constipation and IBS. The common symptom of IBS and chronic constipation are bloating. If one experiences bloating, it is important to avoid high-gas foods. Some of the types of high-gas foods are alcoholic and carbonated beverages.

An interaction with a dietician is very important, especially if the cause of the disease is based on food choices. Even if there is another cause of the condition, healthy dietary modifications can help to manage some of the resulting symptoms of IBS and chronic constipation.


If the food changes take a long to respond to, medications can be an alternative that may result in faster management of the symptoms. From our online IBS and chronic constipation nursing assignment help notes,  some of the effective medications to use are;


It is commonly used for diarrhea-predominant IBS, especially in women who have failed to respond to other treatment options. It helps relax the colon and slows waste movement through the lower bowel. Alosetron should be the last option. Don’t rush prescribing the medication if you get a patient suffering from chronic IBS and constipation.


This type of medication helps in increasing fluid secretion within the small intestine. The fluid hence prevents constipation by enabling easy passage of the stool. It is recommended for women with IBS and chronic constipation who fail to respond to other treatment conditions for their underlying condition.


Linzess is also known as linaclotide. When used on patients diagnosed with chronic constipation and IBS, it responds through increasing fluid secretion in the small intestine to facilitate passing stool. It is advisable for a patient having IBS or chronic constipation to take the medication 30-60 minutes before eating for increased efficiency.

Tricyclic antidepressants

Based on Essay For All experts, these antidepressants help relieve depression while inhibiting neuron activity responsible for controlling the intestines. The medicine also helps in pain reduction. While taking tricycling antidepressants, it is important to be aware of the possible side effects it causes, which include dry mouth, dizziness, blurred vision, and drowsiness.

Anticholinergic medications

An example of this medication is Bentyl important in relieving painful bowel spasms. Though it is commonly recommended for people with IBS and chronic constipation, it is also effective for individuals having bouts of diarrhea.

Fiber supplements

When having chronic constipation, taking fiber supplements with fluids helps control constipation.

Laxatives and stool softeners

These are drugs that a patient complaining of chronic constipation can use to trigger bowel movements. The drugs are readily available over-the-counter. It helps relieve the pain experienced while passing out a stool and supports softened stools that can pass easily.

Alternative medicine for IBS and chronic constipation

Stress reduction

Meditation and yoga are commonly recommended alternative medicine for IBS and chronic constipation. The approaches help relieve stress, supporting relaxed and easy passing out of the stool.


Probiotics and important bacteria are present in the intestines. However, there are also available in certain foods such as dietary supplements and yogurt. Ensuring an increased supply of probiotics helps manage symptoms of IBS, such as bloating and abdominal pain.


Peppermint is an essential oil commonly used in integrative medicine to relieve farting, bloating, and stomach cramps common among people with IBS. It supports the relaxation of the bowel wall muscles. The medications commonly exist in the form of capsules. People who take peppermint oil medication will likely find relief from abdominal pain, urgency, bloating, and pain associated with passing out stool.


Hypnosis is another integrative medicine that can benefit individuals diagnosed with IBS and chronic constipation. When the patients receive the training to enter a relaxed state, they are likely to learn how to relax the abdominal muscles. In the process, hypnosis helps in reducing bloating and abdominal pain. According to our IBS and chronic constipation nursing assignment help experts, hypnosis has proved very effective for people suffering from IBS.

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