Ebola Nursing Assignment Help

Essay For All is the leading source of professional Ebola nursing assignment help services. Based on our tutors, Ebola is a health condition resulting from a hemorrhagic fever virus. Viral infection results in severe tissue damage and inflammation in the entire body, which is why it is known as ‘hemorrhagic.’

Besides, it results in internal bleeding and impairs the body’s clotting system. Hence, a person experiences blood leakages in small blood vessels. The main ways that facilitate the fast spread of the Ebola virus are through contact with different body fluids from an infected person.

Touching surfaces or objects contaminated by the body fluids having the virus also may cause one to contract the virus. Various myths surround the existence, spread, and spread of the Ebola virus, which are misleading. Contact our expert tutors whenever you want scientific knowledge on Ebola and related Ebola nursing assignment help services.

Causes of Ebola.

Ebola is a viral disease caused by the Ebola virus. Based on Essay For All Tutors, Ebola is an animal-borne condition that transfers the virus to the human population. Despite being a viral disease, Ebola is not as contagious as other viral diseases such as flu and colds.

For instance, it is not spread through food, water, or air. Instead, it spreads through contact with infected people and their body fluids. For an infection, there should be a mucous membrane or broken skin, which may be an open wound, scrape, scratch, or cut. Contact our experts and get top-notch online Ebola nursing assignment help solutions for more information.

People at high risk of getting Ebola

Certain factors increase one’s vulnerability to the Ebola virus. For instance, healthcare providers who frequently contact patients infected with Ebola without following safety practices are likely to contract the virus. Based on our Ebola nursing assignment doers, traveling to a country reported to be having an Ebola outbreak also increases the risk of getting the infection. Additional risk factors are;

  • If you are a close friend or family member of a person having Ebola
  • Working as a laboratory specialist handling Ebola samples
  • Serving as a volunteer in the event of an Ebola outbreak
  • If you are a health caregiver treating Ebola patients
  • If you are a caregiver attending to Ebola patients

Transmission means of Ebola

The original hosts of the Ebola virus are the fruit bats. However, other animals recorded to have gotten the virus infection are porcupines, forest antelope, monkeys, gorillas, and chimpanzees. Though some people claim the transmission of the virus through mosquito bites, there is no scientific evidence. The primary body fluids that facilitate the transmission of the Ebola virus from an infected to a healthy person are;

  • Sweat
  • Tears
  • Pregnancy-related fluids
  • Vaginal fluids
  • Breast milk
  • Saliva
  • Semen
  • Urine
  • Vomit
  • Feces
  • Blood

The primary exposure source to the virus-bearing fluids are;

  • Contaminated objects
  • Contact with an already infected person
  • Contact with an infected animal

Symptoms of Ebola.

Once infected with Ebola virus, the symptoms may not show up immediately. However, it takes 8 to 10 days for the symptoms to appear. Besides, the virus cannot infect another person until the onset of the symptoms. Some early signs of Ebola include; body weakness, headache, muscle pain, fever, and fatigue.

At this point, most people may confuse the symptoms with other diseases having similar symptoms. Hence, going for necessary tests becomes vital to understand the exact cause of the underlying symptoms. If left untreated, the condition may advance, resulting in worsened health conditions whereby a person may experience;

  • Stomach pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Unexplained bleeding or bruising
  • Bloody diarrhea or urine
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Eye pain and vision problems
  • Skin problems
  • Hair loss
  • Trouble sleeping

Diagnosis of Ebola

By visiting a healthcare provider after experiencing various symptoms, the doctor will seek to understand the medical history and chances of exposure to the Ebola virus. Traveling to regions with increased vulnerability to Ebola may also result in getting the virus. That is why some doctors may enquire about recent travels or any contact with seeking people having similar or related symptoms.

The doctor will perform tests to understand the condition resulting in emerging symptoms, which may be viral or bacterial. That is why our Ebola nursing assignment helpers insist on performing wide-ranging tests to develop a comprehensive conclusion with enough evidence. Some of the tests for Ebola are;

Sputum culture

In this case, the health specialists extract a mucus sample from the lungs. It is checked for the presence of bacteria or viruses. The presence of the virus may require further tests to determine if it is an Ebola virus.

Stool culture

According to Essay For All Tutors, stool culture entails using a small stool sample from the bowel movement or the rectum to assess for bacteria or viruses.

Urine test

A urine test entails using urine samples from the patient. It helps investigate the presence of bacteria or viruses attributed to the witnessed symptoms.

Oral swab

This test involves the healthcare giver using a stick engraved with a piece of cotton at the ti[ to wipe inside the patient’s mouth. The test also helps test the presence of bacteria or viruses in the saliva.

Blood tests

Doctors use blood tests for most patients who are thought of suffering from Ebola. In this step, blood is extracted from the vein, especially in the hand, and used to assess for the presence of certain chemicals responsible for causing Ebola infection.

Ebola treatment.

Despite the frequent outbreaks of Ebola reported over the decades, there is no cure. However, various determined treatments can be used to manage the condition. The two main drug treatments are Ansuvimab-zykl (Ebanga) and Inmazeb. Based on our Ebola nursing homework doers, Ansuvimab-zykl is administered as an injection. It serves as a monoclonal antibody.

Once issued, it responds by blocking the virus from the cell receptor, preventing it from entering the cell. It is always important to report cases of Ebola to increase one’s survival chances. Apart from injections, there are also oral treatments for Ebola. Other ways through which health practitioners manage Ebola symptoms include;

  • Treatment for other infections
  • Blood transfusions
  • Medication for blood pressure
  • Oxygen
  • Electrolytes and fluids

There are also supportive treatments that may be used to save the lives of people affected by the Ebola virus, which encompass the;

  • Medicines for diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, and pain
  • Medication for other infections, such as malaria
  • Blood transfusions
  • Intravenous or oral fluids

Ebola vaccination

Two main types of Ebola vaccines approved by the Food and Drugs Administration include Ansuvimab-zykl (Ebanga) and rVSV-ZEBOV (Ervebo). Getting the virus, especially in areas prone to Ebola outbreaks, helps develop resistance in case of an infection. Since healthcare givers are also at increased risk of getting the disease, it is vital to get the vaccine to lower the risk of getting Ebola virus infection, which may spread quickly to patients. The vaccine’s safety motivates people to get it since it has no side effects or related ethical issues.

Complications related to Ebola

Suffering Ebola requires immediate treatment to avoid more tissue damage and degeneration. However, delays in seeking medical intervention place the patient at increased risk of developing further complications. Based on our Ebola nursing assignment help tutors, the possible complications that may develop include;

  • Refractory shock if the body experiences low blood pressure
  • Hypervolemia
  • Cranial nerve problems
  • Disseminated intravascular coagulation
  • Electrolyte imbalance
  • Hypoxemia
  • Tremors
  • Meningoencephalitis
  • Septic shock
  • Multi-organ failure
  • Coma
  • Headaches
  • Memory loss
  • Seizures

Prevention of the Ebola virus

Despite increased exposure to the Ebola virus, there are various measures to take to prevent oneself from getting the virus. Some of the safety practices as covered in our Ebola nursing assignment help notes are;

  • Avoid contact with nonhuman primates and other original hosts of the Ebola virus, such as forest antelopes and bats, and refrain from the body fluids and their meat.
  • Keep off from burial practices or funeral that entails touching the body of the dead while suspecting them of having died of Ebola.
  • Don’t touch any objects used by someone with the Ebola virus, including medical equipment, needles, bedding, and clothes.
  • Avoid coming in contact with the semen of someone who has recently recovered from Ebola until various tests confirm he is fully recovered from the virus.
  • Refrain from touching the body fluids of people alleged to be suffering from Ebola, including their vomit, blood, feces, urine, amniotic fluid, breast milk, and sweat.

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