Visit Essay For All and get the highest quality conduct disorder assignment help from competent and professional writers. Conduct disorder is a course that addresses emotional and behavioral problems that starts in childhood or adolescence.
Children diagnosed with the disorder are challenged to comply with stipulated rules or behave based on the outlined societal rules. Conduct disorders can, at times, make a child become physically violent or portray very hostile behaviors. As they grow from childhood into adolescence, the behaviors also get worse.
During childhood, a child with conduct disorder may display behaviors like biting, hitting, and pushing others. As they enter adolescence, they become more hostile and characterized by behaviors such as arson, vandalism, theft, picking fights, hurting animals, and bullying.
It is important to learn about conduct disorders since it is a condition that cuts across people from all socioeconomic groups, cultures, and races. While undertaking the course, don’t forget to seek our credible conduct disorder assignment help services, and our experts will respond promptly to your assignment-related concerns.
Causes of conduct disorders
Despite the many types of research performed on conduct disorder, there is still no determined reason why children develop the condition. However, various factors may contribute to the condition, including social, psychological, and biological factors. However, the commonly influencing factors based on our professional conduct disorder assignment help tutors are;
Social issues resulting in conduct disorders
The social setup surrounding a child plays various roles in their overall growth and development. A good and neutral social environment promotes a child’s overall growth and nurturing. However, extremes within the setup tend to impair a child’s behavior positively or negatively. Some of the social issues that trigger the development of conduct disorder are;
- Harsh parenting
- Parental mental illness
- Family breakdown
- Poor skills
- Disorganized neighborhoods
- Poverty
- Inadequate supervision
Whenever a child suffers from conduct disorder, it is always important to look back in the family for previous cases of conduct disorders. The condition is inheritable. Therefore, if family members suffered from the condition, the gene might have transferred to the other generations resulting in the condition.
Based on Essay For All expert writers, inherited genes are also responsible for anti-social behavior in children. Biological factors linked to conduct disorder also include neurological damage, seizures, and traumatic brain injury. High testosterone levels may also contribute to aggressive behaviors in a person.
Cognitive deficits
Some children respond aggressively to their peers and those around them when they suffer cognitive deficits. At times the behavior can serve as their defense mechanism. Some cognitive deficits that may render children vulnerable are impaired executive thinking, poor verbal skills, and low IQ.
Brain abnormalities
Defects in the brain always have different influences on a person’s behavior. When a child or an individual has certain defects in particular parts of the brain, they may suffer from conduct disorder. In most cases, people with the condition have impaired limbic systems or the pre-frontal context.
Different types of conduct disorders
Conduct disorders are of different types based on the age of an individual. The first type is childhood onset, whereby a child shows the symptoms of the condition before they reach age 10. The second type is the adolescent onset, characterized by the appearance of the signs of the disorder during the teenage years.
However, there is another type of conduct disorder known as the unspecified onset, whereby the exact age at that a person started displaying the symptoms of the condition is unknown. Understanding or differentiating the type of conduct disorders people suffer from is important. It helps determine the best intervention to use when handling the affected people.
Difference between personality disorders and conduct disorders
a personality disorder is never the same as a conduct disorder. It is vital to understand the difference to avoid confusion when handling patients with these conditions. Conduct disorder is a mental condition affecting teens and children, and the affected individuals feature consistent patterns of aggressive actions and behaviors that are detrimental to other people’s well-being.
On the other hand, a personality disorder is a mental health disorder characterized by long-term disruptive moods, behavior, and thoughts against others. The condition is common in the teen years and keeps advancing into adulthood. While conduct disorder is common among children and teens, personality disorders are common among people above 18. Conduct disorder is more commonly diagnosed among males than females population.
Based on our conduct disorder assignment, signs and symptoms of conduct disorder help experts.
It is always easy for parents to notice behavioral differences or the presence of unusual behavior among their children. If a child is unusually hostile, there are high chances they have a conduct disorder. Such behaviors keep advancing gradually over time. Typically, children with conduct disorder are always impulsive and difficult to manage.
They are always less concerned with other people’s feelings. The four main behaviors that depict a person with conduct disorders are delinquent behavior, manipulation or lying, vandalism or theft, and physical aggression. When engaging in such behavior, children with conduct disorders find a sense of gratification.
Signs of aggressive behavior
- Hurting animals
- Blaming others for their faults
- Forcing sexual activity
- Threatening
- Verbal fights
- Physical violence
- bullying
Signs of rule violation by individuals suffering from conduct disorder
- breaking the rules enforced by their parents
- running away from home
- truancy
- breaking the rules without supporting reasons
Signs of manipulation and lying
- breaking into businesses or people’s houses
- stealing people’s properties
- lying to evade responsibilities or gain favors
other additional signs and symptoms that children or teens with conduct disorders may display based on Essay For All conduct disorder assignment helpers are;
- difficulty making friendship
- inability to show remorse for their behaviors and actions
- easily gets frustrated
- involvement in frequent and risky sex
- excess substance use and alcohol consumption
- unbothered to conceal their aggressive behaviors
Wide-ranging effects of conduct disorder
Conduct disorder is not only a challenge to the caregivers and the families of the affected child. However, the impacts are far-reaching. In our conduct disorder assignment help writing services, it is clear that the condition impairs social relationships.
Since children and teens with the condition suffer poor relationships, they encounter challenges in developing and maintaining friendships. Besides, even their closest relationship with family members suffers. Conduct disorder may also lead the affected people to engage in risky sex due to the related risky sexual behavior.
Since teens with the condition are vulnerable to having multiple sexual partners with less concern for protection, they may suffer from sexual-related diseases or even the risk of unwanted or unplanned pregnancies. Symptoms of conduct disorder also affect the academic performance of a child.
For instance, due to misbehavior and breaking the set rules, they are vulnerable to frequent disciplinary actions which affect their class participation hence facing increased risk of underperformance and school drop-out. For additional impacts of conduct disorder, subscribe to our professional conduct disorder homework help services and get quality solutions at the click of a button.
Treatment options for conduct disorder
based on our expert conduct disorder assignment doers, various therapies may help children with conduct disorders. Medications are mostly not effective when treating conduct disorders. However, community-based treatment and talk therapy prove more effective. Some of the therapeutic options to consider for people suffering from conduct disorder are;
Community-based treatment
the approach encompasses sending the affected children to residential treatment centers and therapeutic schools that offer structured programs to minimize the populations’ disruptive behavior. Residential or community-based placement mostly applies when the child’s behavior is beyond control. Hence, a community-based treatment may offer a therapeutic environment to manage conduct disorders related to violence, sexualized behavior, and substance issue behaviors.
Individual psychotherapy
When administering individual psychotherapy, the specialist can use cognitive behavioral therapy. Individualized psychotherapy aims at achieving various results in a person with conduct disorder. For instance, it helps to;
- Develop problem-solving skills of individuals with conduct disorder.
- Conflict resolution through strengthening relationships
- Learning skills to help minimize negative impacts on their environment
Anger management training
Anger management is important as it can decline a child’s emotional feelings and physiological arousal triggered by anger. Since it is impossible to restrict the anger feelings in a person with conduct disorders, it is vital to find ways to manage the anger. Hence, such training helps them avoid engaging in aggressive behaviors which may have negative outcomes.
Psychotherapy consists of several treatment techniques to help a person with conduct disorder identify and change troubling behaviors, thoughts, and emotions. In most cases, the technique targets school and family life while focusing on enhancing a child’s behavior, academic functioning, and family dynamics.
Parent management training
In most cases, children with conduct disorder have a challenge complying with rules set by their parents. Harsh punitive measures cannot help such children. Hence Essay For All conduct disorder homework doers recommend for the need for parent management training.
The therapy is vital in training the caregiver or parent always to set consistent discipline and effectively reward positive behaviors. Parent management training may also entail equipping parents and caregivers with tips on behavior management techniques and strategies to promote home safety in case a child with conduct disorder becomes violent or aggressive.
Why choose our professional tutors
When it comes to the desire to receive quality results, you have to be sure of the experience of your service providers. We recommend students our professional conduct disorder assignment helpers because of their outstanding experience in the field with consistency in delivering top-notch services to students. We have no doubt that whichever complex assignment we receive, we shall deliver high-quality papers. We also ensure that any student can enjoy a good performance by ensuring the affordability of our services while maintaining quality throughout. Register today and enjoy professional conduct disorder assignment help services from Essay For All.