CIPD Level 7OS01- Advanced Employment Law In Practice

Get outstanding CIPD Level 7OS01- Advanced Employment Law In practice help in advanced employment law practice online from Essay For All. We have a team of CIPD experts to help you deliver top-notch papers. This unit emphasizes the fundamental principles guiding employment law. As a result, it remains crucial to address various issues related to employment in courts.

For example, it seeks to equip CIPD learners with the relevant skills to resolve multiple cases that clients can bring to court. Thus, it evaluates the primary concerns workplaces experience concerning employment law. The module’s underlying goal is to equip learners with proper skills to help them prepare a defense or settle various employment claims. In addition, this unit relies on the court system, the constitutions, employment policies, statutes, and international employment law policies.

What do students learn in the CIPD Level 7OS01-“Advanced employment law in practice” unit?

The module focuses on the more common employment law issues that arise in organizations. In a nutshell, this unit explores the legal principles of the employer/employee relationship. As a result, it uses case studies and practical scenarios to help learners understand the course’s subject matter. At this age, the percentage of students pursuing online employment law courses continues to rise.

Against this background, this article offers an overview of what you will learn in this course. First, this unit helps you develop a detailed comprehension of employment law. Secondly, you will learn the sources of employment law and how it has changed over time. Equally important, this module help CIPD Level 7 students with the fundamental skills on the Equality Act and how it applies in a workplace. The unit also addresses employment safety-related issues.

Who is suitable to apply for this course?

CIPD Level 7 is the highest CIPD qualification. As a result, it is offered to persons seeking to broaden their understanding of various workplace issues. Likewise, this qualification is similar to a post-graduate employment law qualification, such as a master’s degree. Thus, this module is suitable for:

  • First, the module is suitable for professionals who wish to shape people’s practice by creating value for a wider audience
  • Secondly, it is more appropriate for experienced HR and L&D practitioners
  • The unit is also suitable for individuals working in a senior people practice roles and who wish to extend and deepen skills to shape strategy, policy, and individuals
  • Finally, the module is suitable for individuals currently leading and managing people and practice within organizations

CIPD Level 7OS01 task

Developing an understanding of employment law and the legal framework for employment regulation

Employment law implies the regulation between employers and employees. Therefore, it governs what employers can expect from employees, what employers can ask employees to do, and employees’ rights at work. Accordingly, it covers broad areas like hiring, dismissal, pays, employment conditions, health, and safety at work, trade union membership, and discrimination. Every country has its distinct employment regulation. In addition, regional bodies, such as the EU, have labor regulations that employers must adhere to.

The legal environment for employment regulation in countries like the UK relies on employment statutes, policies, and parliament legislations. Some of the critical legal framework regulating employment law is the 1996 Employment Rights Act, the 2010 Equality Act, and the 1998 Working Time Regulations 1998. Thus, every organization must familiarize itself with these regulations to ensure they treat their employees based on them. For more information, contact our CIPD assignment helpers at Essay For All.

Explaining the primary sources of employment law and its evolution

The role and the function of the courts and other employment law institutions, and the principles of law in the field of precedent, vicarious liability, and continuity of employment

The first aspect of this question requires students to demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the sources and the evolution of employment law. The fundamental source of employment law is statutes passed by the legislative bodies. Other sources include federal and state constitutions, labor laws, common law, employment contracts, and agreements. In the United States, the Civil Rights Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, Equal Pay Act, among others, serve as the sources of employment law.

The third arm of the government (the judiciary), through the courts, also has a primary role in aiding the interpretation. In addition, the courts enforce the rights created by the federal and state employment laws. So, the courts can order employers to take specific actions to address law violations within the employment law. If stuck with your CIPD Level 7 assignments, our professional online tutors have your back. Contact us today for top-notch services.

CIPD Level 7OS01- Advanced Employment Law In Practice assignment question

The law principles in the field of precedent, vicarious liability, and employment continuity

Precedent implies a court decision regarded as authority for deciding subsequent cases involving identical facts. As a result, in most jurisdictions, precedent is incorporated into the doctrine of stare decisis and requires courts to apply the law in the same manner with the same facts. In a nutshell, it refers to earlier statutes or court decisions that offer some example or rule to guide some cases.

Secondly, the principle of vicarious liability means a liability that a supervisory party like an organization bears for the actionable conduct of a subordinate or associate, such as an employee, based on the relationship between them. Therefore, this principle implies that employers are responsible for their employees’ actions when they undertake job responsibilities in those organizations. Finally, employment continuity means shifting employment from one employer to the other. All the accredited employment law courses cover these principles.

CIPD Level 7 task on equality Act and its application.

Your answer should also address the interpretation of the protected tenets aimed at cushioning employees from unlawful and discriminatory acts

Various discriminatory practices against particular groups have characterized the work environment. As a result, the equality Act is a set of laws creating an even playing field in the workplace. The origin of this Act emanates from biased practices and segregationist practices based on race, gender, sex, age, or origin. Accordingly, the Equality Act cushions individuals from discriminatory practices in the workplace and the entire community.

Similarly, the Act replaced the previous anti-discriminatory laws with a single Act. So, it made it easier to understand and enhance protection in particular situations. In addition, the regulation outlines the various unlawful measures to treat someone in the workplace. Similarly, the 2010 Equality Act also includes the provisions prohibiting age discrimination against adults in providing services and public functions. If you are studying employment law UK, Australia, UAE, or the USA, our assignment writing services have you sorted.

The protected characteristics under CIPD Level 7OS01- Equality Act

The Equality Act applies to organizations employing a minimum of twenty people. In addition, it outlines the particular duties that employers must follow to cushion their workforce from discrimination. Some of these responsibilities entail initiating proper and adequate measures to create a favorable work environment where no one is discriminated against. Secondly, the employing agencies/employers must implement appropriate workplace policies to shield their employees from harassment.

So, the regulations require employers to promote favorable policies and a conducive environment where none of their staff is harassed, dehumanized, or mistreated. Are you an employment law diploma student? Would you mind professional assistance with your CIPD Level 7OS01 assignments in advanced employment law? If so, then Essay For All has your back. Contact us today for professional assignment writing services. The protected characteristics of the Equality Act include:

  • Gender
  • Race
  • Disability
  • Pregnancy and maternity
  • Religion
  • Sex
  • Marriage and civil partnerships

CIPD Level 7OS01 assignment question

Employment contracts and the argument on the principles of wrongful, constructive, and unfair dismissal

A contract of employment or service refers to the means of an agreement. They can be oral, written, expressed, or implied to employ or serve as an employee in an organization for some time. For instance, a contract of employment or service includes apprenticeship and indentured leadership. In countries like the UK, a contract of employment is a legally binding agreement between an employer and the employee.

In the UK, an employee refers to an individual who has entered into or works under a contract of service or apprenticeship (Employment Rights Act of 1996). Global employers can select which country’s laws their agreement is subject to. Some countries like the UK have regulations, such as contracts, while other jurisdictions do not have such rules. So, if you want to work in a different jurisdiction, you must consent to their contract laws.

The principle of wrongful, constructive, and unfair dismissal

An individual can be dismissed from their jobs in three main ways. The first one is wrongful, constructive, and unfair dismissal. Wrongful dismissal is when your contract/service is terminated without a just cause. Secondly, constructive dismissal is when you quit your job because of the employer’s harsh working conditions. Finally, unfair dismissal occurs when an employee is dismissed for unknown reasons. As a CIPD Level 7 student, you will pursue an employment law diploma to understand workplace policies better. Some of the principles of wrongful constructive and unfair dismissal include:

  • The 2010 Equality Act requires an employer/employing agency to dismiss an employee only on the grounds of just causes
  • Secondly, if an employer terminates their employees’ contract without adhering to the just cause principle, the employer becomes responsible for damages incurred by the dismissed employee
  • Finally, employees must receive reasonable notice before being dismissed from their jobs. However, this notice must depend on the employment status of the employee, the duration of their service with the company, and their age

CIPD Level 7OS01 task

Exploring the law about health and workplace safety, regulation on working hours and wages, maternity and parental employment rights, and workplace confidentiality regulations

The UK has specific laws guiding employees’ working hours and wages. For instance, the 1998 working time regulations outlined that employees should work a maximum of 48 hours weekly. Additionally, the laws also state that employees should receive paid holiday allowances and get payments for public holidays. Equally important, the law is also precise on maternity and parental employment rights.

For example, mothers have statutory rights concerning pregnancy, childbirth, maternity leave, etc. As a result, employers must grant leave to parents who wish to take time off to seek medical attention for childcare, pregnancy complications, or medical checkup. This shows that employers must respect and grant their workforce these rights whenever applicable. Similarly, they must be allowed back to their original roles after their leave elapses. Finally, confidentiality regulations at work prevent employees from disclosing their confidential information.

How can Essay For All assist with my CIPD Level 7OS01 assignments on advanced employment law in practice?

You all understand the critical role of assignments in the modern educational system. For instance, homework tasks constitute roughly 62 percent of your overall grades. So, to excel in your course, you must record high performance in your essays and other class tasks. However, students also face numerous struggles in writing their essays. For instance, most students lack time due to other engagements. Similarly, others may find it challenging to answer complex questions.

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Frequently Asked Questions on CIPD Level 7OS01

How do I decide on a suitable CIPD program for myself

We must admit that choosing the most appropriate CIPD qualification might prove tedious because it involves multiple factors. However, it would help if you do not worry because our CIPD experts have the relevant skills to help you make appropriate decisions. You can have a direct conversation with our experts, who will help you weigh various perspectives before deciding on the program that suits you. The strategies can be helpful since they entail the fundamental aspects you must know before settling for any program. Get in touch with us at Essay For All today.

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