Welcome to Essay For All, the home of reputable tutors offering students outstanding HPV and cervical cancer nursing assignment help services. Cervical cancer is a cancer type that attacks cervical cells. The cervix is the organ in the lower part of the uterus connecting the womb to the vagina. HPV, or human papillomavirus, plays a role in forming cervical cancer.
However, no HPV strain causes cervical cancer, only specific virus strains. That is why there are reported types of cancers apart from cervical cancer caused by HPV. Some cancer types include throat, anal, penile, vulval and vaginal cancer. It can take a very long time for people infected with HPV to get cancer. However, the process may take a shorter time, especially among people having weak immune systems.
For example, a person with HIV/AIDS, one infected with the HPV strain responsible for cervical cancer, may experience faster symptoms. The inability of the body to fight the virus makes the person develop health complications related to the HPV virus. Register for our online HPV and cervical cancer nursing assignment help for immediate assistance.
General overview of cervical cancer
Cervical cancer is among the leading causes of death among women. Despite the existence of HPV vaccines and increased cervical screening services, there is an increased number of people developing cervical cancer and dying in the process of inability to manage the symptoms. However, cervical cancer is unique to all other cancer types resulting from HPV since the tests support ts early detection.
Other cancer types are only detected after they have advanced, spread to nearby tissues and cause more serious health complications. To minimize the risk of developing the disease, seek the HPV vaccination and ensure regular visits to a health practitioner for cervical screenings. Cervical cancer starts when healthy cells in the cervix undergo mutation in their DNA. DNA in the cell gives the cell orders on what to do and when.
That is why healthy cells’ growth, multiplication and death are normally controlled. In case of mutations, the cells continue growing and multiplying out of control and don’t die. Hence, the rapidly increasing population of abnormal cells results in a tumor. The main cause related to cervical cancer is the HPV virus.
Symptoms of cervical cancer
There are various symptoms of cervical cancer that a woman may likely notice. Whenever a woman develops cervical cancer, they are likely to experience some warning signs at a very early stage. The signs and symptoms increase or worsen as the stage advances meaning cancer will also spread to the neighboring tissues and organs. Some of the warning signs of cervical cancer resulting from HPV are;
- Blood in the urine
- Difficult bowel movements and urination
- Weight loss
- Unusual bleeding after sex
- Unusual discharge from the vagina
- Pain in the pelvic region
- Pain during sex
- Vaginal bleeding after menopause
Any abnormal issues witnessed in the service should be taken with a lot of seriousness. Even if a woman complains of experiencing blood spots or light bleeding after or in between periods, it is vital to seek medical attention. If the person is diagnosed with early-stage cervical cancer, they can quickly seek treatment that can support the curing of the disease.
Sharing with the doctor concerning the experienced symptoms also helps make decisions regarding the need for supportive or palliative care for the patient, among other additional medical attention. Based on our HPV and cervical cancer nursing assignment help tutors, there are other warning signs of cervical cancer that most women underestimate. Some of them include the following;
- Abdominal bloating
- Urgent or frequent urination
- Unexplained fatigue
- Abdominal or lower back pain
- Burning or itching sensations in the vagina
In advanced cases of cervical cancer, a woman may also experience blood in the urine and swelling of the legs. Women should be keen to understand the normal functioning of their bodies to detect any slightest abnormality they are likely to experience. Anytime you want profound information about the signs and symptoms of cervical cancer, seek our online HPV and cervical cancer nursing assignment help services.
People at risk of developing cervical cancer
Cervical cancer is specific to women since they have a cervix as part of their reproductive system. However, there are also intersex people, non-binary people or transmen who may have a cervix. That means they are also at risk of getting cervical cancer. Exempted populations from the risk of cervical cancer are those with a history of total hysterectomy.
This is a surgical procedure that entails the removal of the uterus and cervix. Hence, no cervix can be attacked by cancer cells. People with a history of the bladder, kidney, vulval or vaginal cancer are likely to suffer cervical cancer. Giving birth when underage also increases a woman’s risk of getting cervical cancer. It is common among women who give birth to multiple children or have several children when still under the age of 17.
A strong immune system is essential for the body’s overall wellness and defense against attacks. However, people with a weakened immune system are vulnerable to wide-ranging attacks, including the risk of getting cervical cancer. The recently reported cases of cervical cancer are more concentrated among younger women below 45. Seek our online HPV and cervical cancer nursing assignment help for more profound insights from our expert tutors.
Types of cervical cancer
According to our professional tutors, adenocarcinoma is a type of cervical cancer that starts in the gland cells responsible for mucus production. It results from long-lasting with specific types of HPV strains. Sex is the main way of transferring the HPV responsible for cervical cancer. If detected early, adenocarcinoma of the cervix is treatable using radiation therapy or surgery.
However, when realized late, chemotherapy becomes the main treatment option. That is why Essay For All experts always advise health practitioners to use chemotherapy because of its effectiveness in treating advanced cervical cancer, among other types of cancers.
Squamous cell carcinoma
Certain HPV strains are the leading cause of this type of cancer. Squamous cell carcinoma is among the most common types of cervical cancer developing from epithelial cells. According to our competent HPV and cervical cancer nursing homework helpers, squamous cells are flat and skin-like cells covering the exterior part of the cervix.
Ways of lowering the risk of getting cervical cancer
Cervical cancer is unpreventable. However, a person may adopt various strategies to reduce the risk of getting cervical cancer. The first and most crucial step is getting an HPV vaccination and cervical screening. The vaccine is mainly recommended for children at age 12 to 13. It helps in protecting them from the wide-ranging cancer types that HPV and genital warts cause.
Women, especially those between 25 and 64 years, are highly encouraged to be going for cervical screening; the screening results can identify any changes in the cervical cells that may be alarming before they become cancerous and spread, thus causing more harm. A strong immune system can also help minimize the risk of cervical cancer. In this case, women should choose balanced diets that promote a strengthened immune system.
Refraining from smoking habits is also essential. Based on our HPV and cervical cancer nursing assignment help tutors, the chemicals in the cigarette also contribute to the development of cervical cancer. Sexual partners should not forget to use condoms to lower the chances of getting HPV which may result in cervical cancer.
Diagnosis for cervical cancer
Healthcare givers most interested in handling cervical cancer patients should understand various ways the disease is diagnosed. Frequent gynecological screenings using a pap test have been used to detect most cervical cancer cases. A biopsy is also an essential test for cervical cancer. If the test is positive, the caregiver will likely use other tests such as x-rays, blood and urine tests and scans for further details about cervical cancer.
There is a lot of information that nursing students should understand regarding a cervical cancer diagnosis. Be the best by pursuing the mentorship of our competent HPV and cervical cancer nursing assignment solvers at affordable rates.
Treatment of cervical cancer
Treatment of cervical cancer varies depending on several factors, such as the general health of the patient, age and stage of the disease. The therapy used also depends if the female patient wants to give birth to more children. However, the main treatment options for cervical cancer are chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, immunotherapy, and targeted therapy. From our HPV and cervical cancer nursing assignment help notes, some of the surgical procedures that may be used are;
- Radical hysterectomy with pelvic lymph node dissection
- Simple hysterectomy
- Cone biopsy
- Cone biopsy
- Cryosurgery
- Laser surgery
- Pelvic exenteration
- Trachelectomy
Based on Essay For All Professionals, immunotherapy entails using medicine to stimulate the immune system to recognize and destroy cancer cells. Apart from the treatment approaches, there are people who also rely on using alternative medicine when diagnosed with cervical cancer. Examples of alternative treatments are acupuncture, herbs and diet.
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