Social Psychology Assignment help

Essay For All is among the top social psychology nursing assignment help online in the industry. Don’t be doubtful any longer to seek homework help services since you will get the best services to attain better grades.

Social psychology, as a branch of psychology, studies the construction of people’s goals, intentions, beliefs, feelings and thoughts in a social context affected by real or imagined interactions with other people. The discipline is ‘social’  because of its increased focus on the influence of human behavior by other people within a social context. There are various topics that social psychology students have to study to empower and equip them to be competent in their careers. Some topics are:

  • Stereotypes
  • Social influence
  • Attribution theory
  • Social cognition
  • Self-concept
  • Attitudes
  • Discrimination
  • Prejudice

Nurses must have good social psychology knowledge to ensure professional and indiscriminate handling of patients across different backgrounds.

Common concepts

Have you ever realized that familiarity with some course concepts makes learning easier and faster to understand? That is why anytime you find a challenge understanding some of the course content, our qualified tutors will take you through some basic concepts before proceeding to more profound topics. You can comprehend the course content and understand it like our experts by seeking online social psychology homework help services at Essay For All. The concepts are not limited to:

  • Attitudes
  • Aggression
  • Stereotypes
  • Interpersonal processes
  • Discrimination and prejudice
  • Group processes
  • Social influence
  • Social cognition
  • Self-concept

History of social psychology

Social psychology is a branch of psychology that came into existence in the 19th century. There are various psychologists and sociologists who by working together managed to develop the concept of social psychology. Norman Triplett was among the first people who conducted experiments on social facilitation. The research studies continued even through the second world war.

After the war, there was an increased collaboration between sociologists and psychologists to solve diverse social challenges like racial discrimination and gender inequality. In the 1960s, social psychologists had more topics to venture into in the social arena. In the 1970s, the discipline faced significant criticisms for its inability to perform experiments and prove that its findings were scientific.

After psychologists and sociologists started conducting laboratory experiments, the field reached maturity in the 1990s. Social psychologists mainly focus on social conditions affecting people and how they behave.

Ethics governing social psychology

Social psychologists, from time to time, tend to engage in research studies. Since the discipline targets human subjects and not plans, there are guided by research ethics. Social psychology students should understand sich ethical guidelines before they get into the career to avoid suffering consequences for the violations.

Our expert social psychologists always emphasize that the main aim of the discipline is to enable people to understand cognition and behavior and their occurrence in a social context. Therefore, social psychology experiments should be deceptive in distorting or concealing specific facts of the study. In this case, deception can entail using false participants or cover stories.

In research work, psychologists protect the participant’s well-being and rights while understanding various aspects of human behavior. Like any other type of research, social psychologists need to offer the research participants informed consent. It helps them know what the experiment entails to make them decide whether to participate or not. Other ethical considerations that apply to the study are;

  • Respect for the participants’ dignity
  • Responsibility and fidelity
  • Nonmaleficence and beneficence
  • Integrity
  • Protection from possible harm
  • Right to privacy and confidentiality

History of social psychology

Psychologists ventured discovered and ventured into the study of social psychology after the second world war. There are four main stages that social psychology goes through.

The first stage marked the dawn of the discipline between 1934-1964. The time between 1935 and 1945 marked the early stage of social psychology. The outcomes of the war triggered researchers and psychologists to find various answers to the problems that faced the people.

For instance, they sought to understand the reason or driving force behind people engaging in inhuman acts, the source of the pressure. In the process, social psychologists would understand the influence of societal forces like obedience, compliance and authority.

World war II, between 1946-1984, was characterized by the expansion of social psychology. After that, from 1985 onwards, the increased advancements and developments in the profession marked the modern stage of social psychology.

Why is social psychology important in the nursing field

As nurses, handling patients is not always a simple task. Some health conditions need a nurse to refer back to a patient’s social context. In this case, social psychology knowledge is essential in dealing with patients. For instance, it enables a caregiver to understand how the concerns of society can affect a person’s well-being and the wellness of the entire society. Hence, it becomes easy to address a patient’s health concerns about issues such as:

  • Aggression
  • Bullying
  • Public health
  • Domestic abuse
  • Prejudice
  • Crime
  • Substance abuse

Social psychology nurses can also collaborate with mental health specialists to understand the treatment of mental health disorders caused by social factors. Social psychology nurses tend to assume that a health condition in a patient may result because of other people who influence their behaviors and thoughts. Besides, they also attribute some behaviors to environmental influence. The main social approaches considered in the discipline are;

  • Social thinking
  • Social influence
  • Social behavior

Relevance and application of social psychology knowledge

Social psychologists in the industry have various reasons to enjoy why they picked on the course. Be sure you will also once smile, but if only you finish the course well equipped with profound knowledge about the discipline. Never be deceived that social psychologists can only engage in research work. There are various fields they can explore and find well-paying job opportunities.

With social psychology knowledge, professionals can work in learning institutions. Since schools are complex social settings, there are some of them that need social psychologists for proper governance and facilitating positive interactions. Besides, they can, through good designing of education programs help teachers to comprehend the social dynamics of their classroom and hence facilitate teaching using suitable approaches.

Private and public companies also seek social psychologists to enable them to understand human behavior to run organizational operations properly. The psychologist also advises and helps business organizations hire, train, and lead their employees. Social psychologists are likely to play significant roles in any place characterized by the interaction of people. Other topics that social psychologists can address are not limited to;

  • Criminal activity
  • Domestic and family problems
  • Substance abuse
  • Bullying
  • Workplace discrimination

Apart from the learned social psychology knowledge, psychologists should also have other skills for improved performance, such as;

  • Research skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Communication skills
  • Observation skills
  • Analytical skills
  • Data analysis
  • Critical thinking
  • Active listening

Applications of social psychology

Socialization and personality development

As children grow, some experience personality disorders that affect how they interact with others. However, it is always important for children to have healthy personalities as it has diverse benefits apart from ensuring positive and healthy interactions.

In this case, social psychology nurses encourage parents and caregivers to offer proper care to the young ones as they grow to help them avoid developing personality disorders. The common personality disorders evident among children include emotional disturbances.

  • Fears
  • Mental retardation
  • Shyness
  • Inexpressiveness
  • Sense of deprivation

The disorders result from socio-psychological causes in the upbringing of a child. A child is likely to develop personality disorders when parents subject children to a discouraging environment, constant exposure to harsh treatment, child negligence, and family with too many parental disagreements and fights. In this case, a nurse needs to review a child’s family environment to determine the root cause of their personality disorder.

Social psychology and mental health

Social psychology nurses play an integral role in responding to mental health problems not limited to personality disorders, psychosis, schizophrenia, phobia, stress, anxiety and depression. Research shows that increased cases of mental health issues have socio-psychological origins. For instance, whenever a person encounters unexpected social changes, operating in a stressful workplace, break-ups, loss of loved ones, or weak family bonds can also result in mental health challenges.

Since social situations can result in abnormal behavior, drug abuse, emotional disturbance or criminal behaviors, social psychology nurses must consider several factors when handling patients with wide-ranging conditions. Determining the underlying cause of some health conditions or behavior becomes easy without medical or natural causes. Social psychology knowledge has helped nurses effectively manage the increasing mental health issues.

Social psychology theories

Psychoanalytic theory

The founder of psychoanalytic theory is Sigmund Freud. The theory assumes that an individual has a certain mental or libido energy level vital for personality development. Based on the psychoanalytic theory, the mind exists in two parts: the unconscious and the conscious. The conscious mind makes a person aware of all information retrievable from memory.

However, the unconscious mind constitutes the knowledge, instincts, desires and emotions an individual cannot recall but still affects one’s behavior. When handling patients, social psychology nurses may meet complicated conditions requiring a comprehensive diagnosis. Therefore, the nurse may assess for information one is unaware of and determine their influence on a person’s behavior or health condition.

Social learning theory

Behaviorism is a psychological perspective closely related to social learning theory. Social learning theory suggests that human behavior is affected or determined by processes or events, such as repression, ego and id.

When handling patients whose thoughts and behaviors are highly affected by their id and ego, social psychology nurses can easily understand how best to assess, diagnose and treat their underlying health conditions with less focus on the impact of id and ego, among other aspects. However, they focus more on the effect of the resulting relationships between observable conditions in a person’s environment and observable behaviors.

Application of cognitive-consistence theory by social psychology nurses

Cognitions are the things people use to make sense of their immediate world or surroundings. Part of the cognitions commonly used by people is perceptions. The way through which people perceive events and experiences varies from one person to another. It also varies from the beliefs people hold, opinions, and knowledge.

In nursing, there are some health or medical conditions that patients interpret differently. While some health issues may have medical issues, others may relate them to cultural factors. Hence, such individuals may look for herbal or cultural means of treating such conditions. In this case, the social psychology nurses’ role is to intervene and help educate the patient on the best approach to managing the underlying condition.

A social psychology nurse can also help patients in relating between two elements, such as a cause and an outcome. Apart from the cognitive-consistence theory, there are many more theories that social psychology nurses may refer to improve their services and overall professional practice.

Social exchange theory

A competent nurse should have a good psychology understanding as it highly impacts their professional practice. Not all patients’ conditions require biological assessment. Psychological analysis sometimes becomes critical based on the condition a patient suffers. Social exchange theory critical in explaining social behavior based on the mutual reinforcement individuals exchange.

The theory also helps explain, especially by using mental processes to explain the behavior among certain patients. Social psychology nurses rely on a patient’s memory to understand the existence or development of certain health disorders. If a patient cannot recall, various strategies can be used to trigger improved memory.

Health conditions managed by social psychology nurses

The operation of social psychology nurses is unique from that of other nurses. People are vulnerable to different health conditions. It requires a nurse specialist to address various health conditions depending on their line of specialization to ensure they deliver high-quality services.

Certain health conditions make family members and close friends of people suffering from social and psychological issues have a rough time coping with their conditions. Hence, it requires competent social psychology nurses to handle individuals’ experiencing;

  • Social support
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Memory and cognitive defects
  • Insomnia

Theories of social psychology

If you want to have a comprehensive understanding of social psychology, find out some of the information from its theories. There are various theories addressing various aspects. Apart from increased knowledge, understanding can also help you manage any assignment question that may require an explanation of social psychology theories.

Even though there are several theories, don’t panic since you can have them all clear at your fingertips with the guidance and support of our expert tutors. Some theoretical models are the elaboration likelihood model, drive theory, cognitive dissonance, attribution theory, self-verification theory, self-perception theory, social exchange theory, social comparison theory, social identity theory, system justification theory, socio-emotional selectivity theory, inoculation theory, and theory of reasoned action.

Social identity theory

The social identity theory outlines intergroup behavioral patterns perceived by people. The prominent people who developed the theory were john turner and Henri Tafel, who focused on the idea of self-identity to understanding people’s behavior in a social context. They suggest that people need to belong and be accepted in society, which is considered a need for social identity in psychology.

Social exchange theory

Is the social exchange theory new to you? Don’t worry. It is a critical theory that has helped over the years to explain the behavior of human beings as social beings. The theory focuses on the human relationship based on cost-benefit analysis.

Social exchange theory also reveals that people can feel negative or positive about their relationship based on several factors such as comparison level of alternatives, comparison level, and cost-benefit analysis. The basic idea of the theory of social exchange is rewards and costs. While rewards are the positive outcome of social exchanges, costs form the adverse outcomes of a decision.

Self-perception theory

From our online social psychology assignment help services, the self-perception theory suggests that through observation of personal behavior, a person is likely to learn their character and attitudes. Since people are aware of some of their attitudes, they don’t need another person to help them discover their real identity. All they need is self-reflection to find their real self. 

Attribution theory

In social psychology, attribution theory looks at how people relate to and interpret their social world. In other words, it entails how individuals perceive various events within their environment and understand how it affects their thoughts, behavior, and actions.

The diverse approaches used in social psychology

The physiological approach applicable in the social psychology discipline

From the experience of our competent social psychology tutors, the physiological approach is very critical in the study. It investigates how specific chemical and biological processes affect a person’s ability to create valuable and adequate schemas, makes quality decisions, and support accurate perceptions.

Social psychologists have performed various research in the field to gain more precise insights into the influence of biological and chemical processes on cognitive function. Some of the research performed involved the use of nonhuman species.

However, technological advancement has supported even the use of human specimens while complying with the stipulated ethical considerations.

The cognitive approach of social psychology

The cognitive approach plays a significant role in examining the relationship between brain activity and psychological processes like decision-making, perception, and memory. It analyzes how the processes affect a person’s ability to understand and interprets information and how it can lead to productive interactions.

If a psychologist is aware of the operation of human memory, then it becomes straightforward to understand how individuals classify situations, objects, or occurrences. Researchers can also analyze people’s interactions and their related perceptions through the study of people’s memory. Concerning perceptions, it is easy to identify some stereotypes held in certain social groups and the supporting reasons.

Contribution of Kurt Lewin

At the beginning of his career, Kurt Lewin was passionate about behaviorism. His psychology interest later expanded to include gestalt psychology. He researched various topics such as action research, experiential learning, and group dynamics. With a firm understanding and increased knowledge of gestalt psychology, Lewin designed a theory outlining the significance of situational variables, interpersonal conflicts, and individual personalities.

He then used the gestalt theories by applying them to human behavior. Kurt Lewin engaged in various research work and experimentation, earning him the title, ‘the father of modern social psychology’. Some of the things that people associate with Kurt Lewin are;

  • Group dynamics
  • Field theory
  • Experiential learning
  • The father of modern social psychology

Social Psychology Nursing assignment help

There is increased technicality required when handling social psychology nursing assignments. Besides professors setting high standards for students to fulfill when handling the assignments, limited time or handling too many assignments also makes students’ work more challenging.

Since students must complete assignments and passes to qualify for their careers, Essay For All professional tutors have been very reliable in offloading heavy workloads on the side of students. We uphold professionalism when handling all assignments, supported by our exceptional experience as social psychology nurses. Share all the trouble you undergo in the course, and we shall exchange it with quality solutions. Anytime you need top-notch social psychology nursing assignment help, contact us, and we shall get back to you immediately.

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