Philosophy Assignment Help

Book top-notch philosophy assignment help solutions only at your number one service provider, Essay For All. Philosophy is a discipline that pursues wisdom, truth and knowledge. It is also referred to as the love of wisdom, whereby people seek to understand different truths concerning the world around them and their interactions with their immediate world and also gain an understanding of themselves.

Philosophy is an old discipline that has been in existence for many decades. Over the years, people have explored and found meaning and enhanced their understanding of the world around them and also understood themselves. Philosophical knowledge and understanding also support better decision-making. We have competent tutors with matchless knowledge of philosophy. Stay tuned and get grade-one philosophy assignment help services.

History of Philosophy

Philosophy as a discipline has a very long history. It has constantly been evolving since its development, with different philosophers making diverse contributions. Some of the main periods of philosophy evolution are;

Ancient Philosophy

This period is between 600 BCE and -500 BCE. It is characterized as the pre-socratic philosophy. During the times, the leading philosophers were Parmenides, Heraclitus and Thales, who sought to understand the nature of the universe and the foremost essential components that made the substances within the universe. Socrates, Aristotle and Plato also feature during the times but mainly focused on epistemology, metaphysics, politics, and ethics.

Medieval philosophy

It happened between 500CE- 1500CE, also known as the early Christian philosophy. The renowned Christian thinkers of the period entail Boethius and Augustine. They focused on questions exploring the existence of god and matters concerning the Christian faith. Thomas Aquinas also existed during medieval philosophy. His main aim was to integrate Christian doctrine into Aristotle’s philosophy. In the process, the main subjects of concern were the nature of knowledge, being and morality.

Renaissance and early modern philosophy

According to our philosophy assignment help tutors, renaissance philosophy existed between the 15th and 18th centuries. The scholars of the time, such as Erasmus and Petrarch, focused on the importance of secular learning, individualism and human dignity. Some of the philosophical frameworks developed during the times are empiricism and rationalism.

Empiricism supporters involved David Hume and John Locke. They mainly focused on understanding the constraints of human understanding. However, rationalists were concerned with reason beings the primary source of knowledge.

Enlightenment and 19th-century philosophy

Some philosophers who existed during the period include Voltaire and Kant, who stood for human rights, liberty and reason. Their argument and stand challenged the traditional authority and ensured political and social reform. The main philosophical ideas presented during the period were pragmatism, utilitarianism, and German idealism.

The main contributors to pragmatism and utilitarianism are William James, john stuart and Jeremy Bentham. They were responsible for developing the epistemological and ethical theories. On the other hand, the German idealism promoted by philosophers like Friedrich Schelling focused on metaphysical questions and determining the association between people and the state. Visit philosophy assignment help online and get deeper insights from our professional tutors.

20th-century and contemporary philosophy

The current philosophy is different from the ancient philosophy. There has been an increase in research and expansion of knowledge through the centuries. Contemporary philosophy is more advanced, some based on ancient philosophy.

The three main types of philosophy covered in the 20th century are post-structuralism and postmodernism, existentialism and phenomenology and analytic philosophy. Though the history of philosophy is extensive, grab a copy of the detailed history in our philosophy assignment help notes.

Branches of philosophy


This branch of philosophy studies knowledge, its origin, nature and limits. That’s why epistemology is also known as the theory of knowledge. This discipline originates from Western philosophy, first used by ancient Greeks. Various philosophers contributed to this discipline.

With the various activities, objects and processes on the earth, people are expected to wonder how all things came into existence, how they happen or even how they interact. How will you comprehend the world around you without seeking knowledge? That’s where epistemology comes into play.


Based on Essay For All Experts, axiology is a philosophical discipline that studies the nature of value. Various things surround humanity, each having different levels of values. Hence, axiology seeks to know the worth of objects and intangible things. Other branches of philosophy are;

  • Metaphysics
  • Logic
  • Values

Benefits of Philosophy

There are numerous benefits of philosophy. In society, philosophers and also the general people benefit from the discipline. Some of the benefits of philosophy, according to our philosophy assignment helpers, are;

Supports personal development

In life, some problems constantly face people. Without the desire to investigate the origin or triggers of the causes, then people can continue suffering from the same or related problems over and over the years to come. However, philosophy has helped to transform people’s attitudes towards life.

Despite their life challenges, seeking and having wisdom helps people improve their interactions with others and hence support a positive relationship. In case of a problem, good problem-solving skills can be used to overcome it. Contact our philosophy assignment help experts for how the discipline can support your personal development.

Whole  roundedness

According to Essay For All Philosophers, philosophy is a discipline that supports the whole growth of a person. The pursuit of wisdom is more fluid. However, the discipline allows people to ask questions and search for knowledge or wisdom in any topic that affects them.

Hence, constantly seeking knowledge and wisdom results in informed people. Besides, the desire to understand the relationships of people with one another and their environment also supports positive growth.

Enhanced communication skills

Do you know philosophy can result in the development of your communicative and expressive abilities? Yes, it does. After thinking critically about an identified subject within your environs or extending to other dimensions, you should share your opinions with people o ensure they benefit and get knowledge or wisdom.

If it is a new idea, it is vital to express yourself clearly for enhanced understanding of the people. Hence, all ideas must be presented systematically with good organization of points. Besides, engaging in a discussion also enables one to develop good communication skills to aid in expressing their ideas.

Develops people’s critical thinking and problem-solving skills

Generally, philosophy entails asking questions regarding any dimension of life. The main aim is to find answers or solutions to some happenings. The answers obtained may vary from one person to the other. With time, it is possible to determine the most suitable answer to the identified question or problem.

In this case, philosophy students can develop profound questions and engage in deep thoughts, all to find answers. For instance, a student can be open-minded to ideas and opinions, comparing different factors to pursue the appropriate answer. In the process, one improves problem-solving and critical thinking skills.

Main fathers of philosophy


Aristotle existed between 384-322 BCE. He was a Greek philosopher with significant contributions to wide-ranging disciplines unlimited, including biology, ethics, logic, philosophy and politics. Aristotle learnt from Plato. Some of the main topics addressed in Aristotle’s philosophical teachings are;


Based on Aristotle, the main aim of logic is investigating, categorizing and assessing good and bad forms of reasoning. He is regarded as the father of logic, who developed a system of logic that is still effective and highly adapted to date.


In Aristotle’s philosophy, metaphysics studies the nature of existence and reality. Aristotle argued that all objects in the world are made of substances with or without form. Some concepts addressed under this category are possibility, actuality, necessity, cause and effect, space and time, change, and identity.


Aristotle defined politics as the various government forms comprising monarchy, oligarchy and democracy. The philosopher acknowledged the importance of politics in any society. For instance, politics can trigger loyal and faithful citizens.


Aristotle also developed the concept of ethics about what is good or bad. In this case, the philosopher encouraged seeking happiness and living a fulfilling life based on a moral character to support a safe society.


Plato is remembered for his metaphysical theory, among other philosophical contributions. Plato learnt from Socrates but mentored Aristotle. His contribution is highly acknowledged and referred to in Western philosophy. Some subjects that Plato concentrated on were; arts, mathematics, politics and philosophy. Despite their many philosophical contributions, Plato is also known for the theory of forms.

The theory suggests the existence of perfect eternal forms that exist beyond the physical world. That means that anything in the physical form is but shadows of the actual reality. Whenever you discuss Plato, you will most likely cover ‘the republic’. It is one of his great writings that address political philosophy. Many more philosophical works by Plato are addressed in our philosophy assignment help notes.


In philosophy, Socrates is a Greek philosopher who originated from Athens. He is considered the father of Western philosophy. After introducing the Socratic method, it has remained relevant to date. The technique entails asking questions to prompt people into understanding their truths. His contribution is applicable in philosophy and also in education.

Different philosophy topics

Philosophy covers broad concepts. As a result, this course is segmented into different topics to address its subject matter explicitly. Essay For All aims at educational nurturing. Thus, we assist students with quality services in making their educational journey memorable. Secondly, we are a one-stop website for all your writing needs. Therefore, you can contact us for philosophy assignment help on the following topics:

Philosophy of Language

This is the final topic under philosophy assignment help offered by our best custom writers at Essay For All. It focuses on the systematic approach through which language conveys information about our actual world.

Accordingly, this branch of philosophy investigates the nature of language. In addition, this topic analyzes the nexus between a language, language users, and society. Equally important, it also examines various language concepts in routine and daily activities.

It is a critical area in philosophy since language is central to human existence. For example, human life, culture, and cognition depend on language. Some of the routine use of language includes talking and arguing, formulating ideas, expressing emotions, etc.

Additionally, the philosophy of language also evaluates the nature of human language, its development, application, the link between meaning and reality, etc. It also considers the connection between language, cognition, validity, and cognition.

Philosophy of the mind

The philosophy of the mind studies the nature of the mind, mental events, activities, functions, properties, and consciousness. Consequently, it examines the relationship between the mind and the physical body. Thus, dualism and monism address the mind-body problem. For instance, dualism asserts the separate existence of the mind and the body. On the other hand, monism argues that there is only one substance.

Similarly, the mind-body problem is a problem of explaining the relationships between minds or mental processes and bodily states. This philosophical aspect also argues that our perceptual experience depends on stimuli arriving at various body organs from the external environment, which triggers changes in our brain.

However, students should also note that this topic relies on concepts from different courses like psychology, computer science, and neuroscience. As a result, understanding it can be confusing to students. Contact us here for help.

Philosophy of Space and Time 

Generally, this branch of philosophy emphasizes various issues related to nature, ontology, and epistemology of space and time. It alludes that all physical objects have length, breadth, and height. For example, Immanuel Kant argued that space and time are pure forms of sensible intuition.

In addition, the philosophy of space and time also concerns itself with various issues surrounding the ontology, epistemology, and the character of space and time. Kant argued that space is not something tangible or objective.

One of the frameworks offered by Kant on the debate of space and time outlined that space and time must be considered substances in their own right. Secondly, they must be viewed as properties of a substance if they do not exist as substances having their particular rights. However, space and time seem distinct from substances because they are casually inert. You can contact our philosophy assignment helpers online for details.

Philosophy of Education

As the name suggests, this branch of philosophy concerns itself with how people learn. Thus, it offers various strategies that people can use to select the most effective pedagogical techniques. It also focuses on the nature and aims of education.

Consequently, this branch of philosophy also looks at the philosophical challenges emanating from educational theory and practice. Equally important, it also considers issues such as ethics, philosophy of the mind, and language because the course of education is universal.

As a result, it adheres to various institutional and legal requirements to achieve its objectives. Education theory also focuses on both sides of the traditional view. Hence, the subject matter of this branch of philosophy covers philosophical issues. For instance, it encompasses the nature of knowledge taught, the tenet of education equality and justice, etc. Do you need more understanding on this topic? Contact us for professional assistance.

Philosophy of Jurisprudence

The topic is synonymous with the philosophy of law. Generally, this sub-field of philosophy examines the nature of law. For example, it looks at how the law relates to human principles, beliefs, political groups, and behaviors.

This sub-field of philosophy is critical since it touches every aspect of our lives. Hence, it can significantly influence our understanding of law and justice. Equally important, it covers perceptions of the nature of law, governance, human rights, etc.

One of the leading philosophers who advanced this branch of philosophy was Plato. For instance, he argued that law is reasoned through a comprehensive thought process based on state decrees. In addition, Aristotle perceived laws as the general rules that produce a kind of order in the actions and desires of the citizens. Our philosophy assignment help & answers experts have an in-depth understanding of the topic.

Philosophy Assignment Help

Essay For All is the most trusted online platform for delivering top-notch philosophy assignment help solutions. Besides, the affordability of our services matches the student’s budget. Timely delivery of assignments and assurance of improved performance are but a few benefits related to seeking assignment help solutions over wide-ranging disciplines from our experienced tutors.

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