Welcome to Essay For All, the leading hub of superior parenteral and enteral nutrition assignment help services. Though the human digestive system is meant to function normally, there are health conditions or medical issues that may demand artificial ways of nutrition especially when the digestive tract has various complications. Diverse chronic diseases probe for special dietary needs like parenteral and enteral feeding. It is vital to understand situations that need enteral nutrition and differentiate them from those requiring parenteral nutrition.
While all the modes of nutrition help curb the risk of malnourishment, the reasons for use differ. At the end of the course, you will be in a good position to understand comprehensive parts of the nutrition types. We have well-trained tutors available and operating around the clock to ensure easy access to our number one parenteral and enteral nutrition homework help services. Keep in touch.
Parenteral nutrition
Parenteral nutrition based is the process of feeding a person intravenously through a vein. Hence, the digestive system is not involved in the process. The mode of nutrition differs from enteral nutrition, in which a health practitioner uses tubes to deliver food to a person’s stomach. Not anyone can receive parenteral nutrition from those experiencing certain medical conditions that may last for a while or can be long-term. Besides, some individuals require parenteral nutrition for their dietary supplements.
Parenteral nutrition, based on our expert tutors, is a chemical formula having standard variations that are customizable based on the specific requirements of an individual. That is why the chemical formula can comprise minerals, fats, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and water, the six main nutrients essential in the body. As a parenteral nutrition specialist, it remains integral for the formula administered to patients to be customized depending on the laboratory results.
Types of parenteral nutrition
The type of parenteral nutrition a person may receive depends on their underlying health condition. That is why some patients need partial while others need to survive on total parenteral nutrition.
Partial parenteral nutrition
According to our parenteral and enteral nutrition assignment help specialists, partial parenteral nutrition applies to people with an urgent and temporal need for calorie boost while waiting to transition to a long-lasting solution which can be resumption to mouth feeding or enteral feeding.
Long-term hospital patients having general malnutrition are also among the populations that benefit from partial parenteral nutrition. It happens because there are individuals who despite eating they are still vulnerable to malnutrition. Hence, partial parenteral nutrition becomes an effective way of supplementing the missing elements in their diet.
Total parenteral nutrition
According to Essay For All professional tutors, total parenteral nutrition refers to the complete nutrition administered intravenously to individuals who can no longer rely on their digestive systems because of certain health conditions.
In this case, the condition that afflicts a person impairs the digestive system’s ability to process food and absorb nutrients effectively through the digestive tract. Suffering gastrointestinal diseases also requires receiving total parenteral nutrition to offer healing time for the digestive tract. Additional health conditions that may demand total parenteral nutrition are;
- Prolonged ileus
- Intestinal pseudo-obstruction
- Small or large intestine obstructions
- Intestinal ischemia
- Chemotherapy
- Abdominal surgery
- Short bowel syndrome
- Prolonged diarrhoea
- Extremely premature birth
- Gastrointestinal bleeding
Complications associated with parenteral nutritional procedures
There is an increased health-related risk of complications that people receiving parenteral nutrition face. According to our professional parenteral nurses, the risks include;
- Parenteral nutrition-associated liver disease
- Transient liver interactions
- Glucose imbalances
- Gastrointestinal trophy
- Blood clots
- Infection
- Bone demineralizatoins
- Gallbladder problems
- Hunger pangs
- Fluid overload
- Injury during insertion of the catheter
Necessary preparations for parenteral nutrition
Parenteral nutrition is a process that needs various preparation. As a healthcare giver, the very first process is determining the nutritional needs of patients by referring to their lab test results, BMI and health history. In this case, a collaboration between different health practitioners, including pharmacists, nutritionists, nurses and doctors, is vital in ensuring the effective formula design to administer to the patient. The prepared formulas need special handling.
After that, the doctor will place the IV catheter at two points to penetrate the skin. Remember to use anaesthesia to numb the pain and help the patient relax while cleaning and sterilizing the two points. The process entails the insertion of a needle threaded with a guidewire to penetrate the skin into the veins.
The doctor removes the needle and inserts a catheter tube over the guidewire. At times, a small ultrasound device may be used in directing the placement of an x-ray or catheter in ascertaining the correct placement. The possible types of catheters to be used in the procedure are;
- Peripherally inserted central catheter
- Fully implanted catheter
- External ‘tunneled’ catheter
Enteral nutrition
It is a type of nutrition whereby an individual’s food intake process is through the gastrointestinal tract, which comprises the mouth, oesophagus, stomach and intestines. Enteral nutrition mostly entails nutrition taken through a tube or the mouth, whereby the nutrients go straight to the small intestine or the stomach.
In simple terms, enteral nutrition is tube feeding. The necessity of tube feeding is based on the inability of a person to eat a regular diet through the mouth resulting from a health condition or an injury. Therefore, tube feeding allows such people to receive nutrition and maintain the proper functioning of their gastrointestinal tract.
Calories are very fundamental in the body. Therefore, if some health conditions affect a person’s ability to consume an adequate amount of calories, enteral nutrition is an approach that healthcare givers can use to meet the calorie requirements of the body in such an individual.
Inadequate feeding puts a person at risk of serious health issues, weight loss, and malnourishment, which is why enteral feeding becomes imperative. Other reasons supporting the need for enteral feeding based on our parenteral and enteral nutrition assignment help experts are;
- Gastrointestinal disease
- Neurological disorders
- Stroke
- Serious illnesses
- Cancer
- Stroke
There are special cases in which one may not benefit from enteral nutrition, such as improper intestines or stomach functioning. Besides, individuals with Crohn’s disease, among other intestinal disorders, ischemic bowel, and bowel obstruction, should not receive enteral nutrition since it becomes of less value to them. Despite the benefits of enteral nutrition, there are also risks or complications associated with the procedure, which include:
- Infection of the tube or insertion site
- Nausea and vomiting
- Diarrhoea
- Skin irritation
- Tube blockage
- Tube dislodgement
- Food getting into the lungs (aspiration)
Types of enteral nutrition
Nasogastric tube (NGT)
Based on Essay For All experts, a nasogastric tube is a medical catheter inserted through a patient’s nose to the stomach. It is effective at certain times to administer food or medications to the stomach and also for drawing substances from the stomach. The name ‘nasogastric’ means nose to the stomach.
Therefore, the tube passes other organs like the throat and oesophagus while in use before reaching the stomach. If there is a lot of pressure build up in the stomach or poison, the nasogastric tube becomes important to extract and causes relief to the affected person. Health conditions that may require a person to use a nasogastric tube when experiencing;
- Endotracheal intubation
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Malnutrition
- Unconsciousness
- Head and neck cancers
- Dysphagia
There are various procedures to follow as a health practitioner before placing the tube in a patient. Find deeper insights through our online parenteral and enteral nutrition homework help services.
Orogastric tube
In enteral feeding, an orogastric tube is used in preventing a person from vomiting and aspiration. It also facilitates visceral reduction and minimizes intestinal distention while improving ventilation. In adults, the procedure entails the placement of a dual lumen tube through the oropharynx to the stomach.
The main aim of the procedure is to facilitate gastric decompression or suction. As the tube passes through the oropharynx, the main challenges or complications a patient is likely to experience, according to our parenteral and enteral nutrition assignment help professionals, are;
- Sinusitis
- Epistaxis
- Injury to the nasal mucosa
- Gastritis
- Pharyngeal irritation
Additional uses of the orogastric tube are;
- Gravity drainage
- Feedings
- Administration of medications
Jejunostomy tube
Based on Essay For All professionals, a jejunostomy tube is commonly known as a J-tube. The tube is commonly used on children with various feeding complications. The tube finds its way into the abdomen through an incision. Since the process is performed on a child, there are a lot of precautions to be made and safety practices to ensure the tube remains in place and does not get any form of contamination or lead to any complications. Find deeper insights about the jejunostomy process by contacting our expert tutors.
Why choose Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition assignment help?
Essay For All is outstanding and highly sought-after by students for our professional parenteral and enteral nutrition assignment help services. We are specialized in the area through comprehensive research and industry experience. We are well versed in the two nutrition types. If you struggle to understand any concept in the course, contact us, and we will come to your rescue. Quality is always our top concern for our clients. Place your order now!!