Nursing Assignment Writing Examples

Do you know that nursing assignment writing examples can hint at how people approach their nursing questions and write their papers? You can download perfectly done nursing homework examples from Essay For All. Nurses play a vital role in caring for the sick, disabled, and injured persons. You may ask, why do I need nursing assignment writing examples? Well, the answer to this varies. Most students term nursing assignments as exhaustive and overwhelming.

The underlying reason behind most students’ negative attitude towards assignments is the lack of time to work on their assignments appropriately. Some students also find it challenging to work on their nursing assignments because of complex questions. However, assignments have a more significant impact on your final grade. Thus, you can get professionally handled nursing assignment writing examples from Essay For All to give you an overview of how a nursing paper should be structured.

A nursing assignment writing example

Write a brief nursing essay on your understanding of a dilemma in providing information to carers factoring in patient ethical concerns

Nursing as a profession has ethical standards that medical personnel, including nurses, should consent to as they discharge their duties. The job emphasizes the confidential information that patients should disclose to the nurses.

This is because HIPAA laws require personal medical details not to be disclosed to unauthorized parties without a patient’s consent. However, it is vital to understand that patients may not disclose some information because of their confidentiality, yet they remain essential in care provision to them.

The confidentiality consideration is crucial in every hospital setting since nurses interact with patients more often. In resonance with Millar and Erickson (2005), nurses face a confidentiality dilemma when asked for patient information by the patients’ families. The dilemma is because the nurses may be tempted to give confidential information. On the other hand, ethical standards do not permit them to do so.

The ethical implication of the issue

The scenario makes a nurse experience a dilemma on two fronts. First, they experience a dilemma regarding patient confidentiality. Secondly, they experience carers’ confidentiality concerns. Hospitals and health workers are required by the HIPAA laws to protect patients’ confidential information at all costs. Additionally, nurses should gain patients’ trust and build rapport to make service delivery efficient (Millar & Erickson, 2005). However, this can only occur if patients’ confidential information is not disclosed to unauthorized persons without consent.

The ethical principles require medical personnel not to compromise patients’ confidentiality by adhering to confidentiality principles in their practice. Hospitals and nurses found guilty of violating patient confidentiality face litigations and compensate them for the damages. In this scenario, the issue was challenging since confidentiality regarding carers has not been clarified. Therefore, nurses avoid disclosing information to carers without a precise understanding of what should be done.

How do you write a good nursing Nursing assignment writing examples?

As a nursing student, you should prepare yourself to write research papers, exams, tests, nursing notes, nursing capstone projects, and dissertations. Thus, writing is compulsory for all students. Therefore, students should learn the best writing skills to make their work outstanding. Securing good grades is not only about writing. It is about the quality of your writing. This is why most nursing students come online and search for how do you write a good nursing assignment.

If you are such a student, you can keenly look at these steps to sharpen your writing skills and make your work outstanding. It is one thing to have the required content; however, it is another to know how to put them down scholarly. These steps give an overview of how to write a good nursing assignment. For more information, clarification, or guidance, kindly reach out to us at Essay For All.

Choose a relevant topic or scrutinize the given question to understand what it requires

The first step in writing a good nursing assignment is understanding what the given nursing question requires. Unless you comprehensively understand what a question requires, you will not tackle it appropriately. Therefore, you should dig deeper through consultations to know what you should address. However, if the professor allows you to select a topic of choice, you should consider the one you can perfectly handle without straining. The early indication that your assignment will be appealing is your understanding of what you are required to do.

Research the topic to gather the essential facts

After understanding the question or the selected topic, you should conduct focused research to gather the necessary facts. This will give you a background understanding of the topic. It also gives you a detailed analysis of the question to obtain valuable results and enhance your knowledge. Gather verifiable information about the topic from recommended scholarly sources and cite them where necessary. You can use peer-reviewed journals, textbooks, recommended websites, and international healthcare organizations. This is the backbone of your entire nursing assignment.

Develop a thesis statement for your paper

A thesis statement is a one-line sentence, usually the last sentence in your introduction paragraph. The thesis statement should guide your entire paper since it shows the reader what it is about. It also answers the main research question in your paper. A thesis statement makes it possible for the professor to understand and follow the flow of your nursing assignment.

Design an outline for your paper

An outline guides you to write your assignment from one step to another without mixing ideas. Thus, to write a good nursing assignment, you should draft a detailed plan to guide your main points, organize paragraphs, and concretely address ideas in each paragraph. An outline makes it easy to write your nursing paper by constructing and organizing your ideas to produce a coherent essay or assignment. When you use an outline, it is possible to gather relevant information and give a detailed analysis of each in every paragraph.

Write the draft

This is the actual task of putting the ideas together to produce a flawless and coherent essay. The introduction is the first step to writing your nursing assignment. An introduction should be a brief paragraph with precise information on what your nursing assignment is about. It should also be captivating to capture the readers’ attention. The last sentence of your introduction paragraph should be a thesis. The second part of your draft should be the body of your assignment.

It is the core part of your essay, with all the ideas, arguments, and evidence in every paragraph to support the thesis. A paragraph should be about one-half or three-quarters of a page at most. Each body paragraph should have unique ideas with all the borrowed information referenced using appropriate writing style. The final part of your draft should be the conclusion, a summary of the entire paper.

Finally, allocate time to proofread and edit your paper

The final step on how to write a good nursing assignment is checking your completed draft to proofread and edit. You can eliminate wordiness, repetitions, grammar, punctuation, and formatting mistakes through this. You can also check if the references and in-text citations align with the used writing standards. In this final phase of your nursing assignment, you can use tools like Grammarly to identify and remove grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, and wordiness to make your essay coherent.

Turnitin can also be used at this stage to check your assignment against plagiarism. Academic integrity treats plagiarism as a severe offense. As a result, you should ensure that your essay meets all the instructions and rubric requirements.

How to write a personal assignment for a nursing school

Most students come online and ask what is nursing to you assignment? These are simply the questions used to assess students’ understanding of various topics and nursing courses. Do you know you can write excellent personal assignments for a nursing school? As a student reading this article, you should know that learning is more manageable in contemporary society. This is because you can get prompt assistance at the click of a button.

Do you intend to know how to write a personal assignment for a nursing school? Look no further. Essay For All has you sorted. When applying to a nursing school, providing a personal statement can help the admissions team know you better. Personal statements allow you to elaborate on interests not mentioned in the application documents. Thus, writing unique personal statements would help increase your admission chances when applying for a nursing school.

What is a personal statement for a nursing school?

A personal statement for a nursing school is a mandatory essay required by all nursing schools. In most cases, admission units expect nursing school candidates to submit a personal essay as part of their application. Different schools require students to incorporate different elements in their nursing school personal statements.

Some prompts may require applicants to justify their interest in working with particular groups like children or cardiology patients, while others may require you to state your professional working goals. However, the common aspect is that every nursing school desires to know an applicant’s interest in nursing. Below are some of the components of a personal statement for a nursing school:

Educational background

Every applicant must show their educational background and experiences concerning nursing. For example, you can cite your high school biology classes, anatomy classes at a community college, and first aid training from a known organization. You can also cite other educational experiences that informed your decision to join a nursing program.

Related skills

You should outline other skills that can be important to you as you look forward to joining a nursing program. These can be technical skills, such as the ability to give insulin shots or converse with the local communities in their dialect.

Volunteer positions

Most nursing school applicants possess volunteer experiences related to medicine, advocacy, and caring for others. However, your volunteer programs should be from reputable volunteer organizations doing credible volunteer work related to nursing. These may include volunteering in hospitals, health advocacy organizations, special need schools, nursing homes, rehabilitation facilities, and assisted living facilities.

Demonstrate your interest in a specific program

All applicants to a nursing school should customize their personal statements for each school they are applying for. Most students send multiple personal statements with general information. For example, you should specify why you are interested in attending that particular program in a given university.

Personal motivation or unique experiences

The admission teams read large volumes of nursing school application essays. Thus, writing about your distinct aspirations and experiences can help create a memorable personal statement. You can talk about your hobbies, personal interests, or life experiences that motivated you to pursue a nursing course. For example, you may have unique experiences caring for older family members or the sick.

How to write a personal statement for a nursing school

Decide on your school

Writing a nursing school personal statement starts with choosing the programs you would like to apply for—research which nursing schools align best with your interests, skills, career goals, and values. If possible, talk to an admissions counselor or take a tour of each school.

Outline your timeframe

Make a timeline for yourself with tentative goals for when you hope to complete various components of your statement and the other pieces of your application. Include the application deadlines for all the schools you are interested in. Although the deadlines you create for yourself might change, knowing approximately when you would like to complete different parts of your personal statement, such as the outline or draft, can help you stay organized and manage your time efficiently.

Plan your personal statement

Create tentative ideas for your nursing school personal statement before writing the essay. Performing some creative writing exercises may help you figure out the content of your statement. For example, try writing anything that comes to mind related to the personal statement prompt without stopping for a set amount of time. It may also help create a more formalized outline with notes about your essay’s beginning, middle, and end.

Meditate upon your approach

As you form your outline and begin drafting your personal statement, think about how you want the admissions committee to experience reading your essay. For example, you might start with an experience from your life that captures their attention. Alternatively, you may want to introduce yourself with your enthusiasm for their particular program. Also, consider creating transitions from one topic to the next.

Use details with illustrative examples

Incorporate specific details, anecdotes, or examples into your personal statement. The admissions team is more likely to remember specific details from your essay than generalized statements. For example, instead of just writing that you are compassionate, describe a moment in your life when you showed compassion to a friend, family member, pet, or neighbor.

Receive feedback

You can also ask other people to read and critique your personal assignment for a nursing school. Allowing other people to read and critique your application essay makes it possible to view your writing more objectively to eliminate some errors. You can consider professionals, such as writing center staff members, nursing school students, and peers applying for similar programs. The process is crucial for the cross-examination of facts.

Revise and proofread

The last stage of writing your personal assignment for a nursing school is revising and proofreading your work before submission to the admissions committee. You can revise the structural parts of your essay. After addressing the structural aspects, you can read through to address grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. Try your level best to make your essay flawless and coherent.

Nursing assignment introduction example

A nursing assignment introduction example can assist you in understanding how to write your nursing assignment. An introduction of a nursing assignment has a greater weight in giving an overview of the topic or question. In most cases, when your introduction is boring, the readers would not be captivated to continue reading your essay.

Therefore, your introduction paragraph should offer a brief background of the topic or question to be answered. It should also have a thesis statement for your assignment. You can ask our support team for a nursing assignment sample pdf for more information. Below is an example of a nursing assignment introduction.

Nursing assignment introduction example

Graduate registered nurses require more than clinical skills to meet the needs of patients. Critically, discuss this statement. Relate it to the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC) competency standards. Nursing is both a rewarding and demanding profession.

In Australia, the profession is governed by the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC) competency standards which serve as a code of practice to protect both patients and nursing practitioners. Clinical knowledge is vital; however, this paper will argue that registered Nurses (RNs) are required to demonstrate considerable skills in addition to clinical competency to provide a safe and supportive patient environment.

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