Mechanical Ventilation Nursing assignment help

Welcome to Essay For All, the hub of professional mechanical ventilation nursing assignment help services. Based on our tutors, mechanical ventilation is using machines to support the work of breathing. A mechanical ventilator can be used when an individual has conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, increased carbon dioxide levels or pneumonia, which results in low oxygen levels.

The common term used for the mechanical ventilator is a breathing machine. The process of breathing is very important as it supports the intake of oxygen and the excretion of carbon dioxide. However, not every person experiences normal breathing. Some have conditions like respiratory failure, which they cannot survive effectively by relying on their lungs. Hence, they need a ventilator to increase the efficiency of their breathing process.

Mechanical ventilation helps in various ways to save lives, especially when the efficiency of the breathing system significantly declines. While undertaking the course, choose our expert tutors anytime you require online mechanical ventilation nursing homework help services.

General overview of mechanical ventilation

Based on our mechanical ventilation nursing assignment doers, mechanical ventilation is life support that helps people breathe, especially when they can no longer rely on their breathing. It is commonly used when in critical condition or undergoing surgery. The main equipment used to facilitate the process is a ventilator which completely or partially supports the optimum functioning of the lungs. The main functions of a ventilator are to offer pressure to maintain the alveoli in the lungs from collapsing.

It also helps in the removal of carbon dioxide from the lungs. Healthcare givers use ventilators to increase the supply of oxygen to the lungs. Certain brain injuries hinder the brain from effectively communicating or coordinating with the rest of the body, especially the respiratory system, to ensure proper breathing. If a patient has lung conditions or infections that affect their breathing ability, using a mechanical ventilator when struggling to breathe may improve their condition.

Types of mechanical ventilation

There are different types of mechanical ventilation. Technological advancement has also improved the design and efficiency of breathing machines. Doctors in the health sector have modern mechanical ventilators that use positive pressure when pushing air into the lungs. Based on Essay For All Tutors, pressure can be non-invasive or invasive.

During the covid 19 pandemic, there was increased demand for mechanical ventilators since the virus resulted in respiratory issues, especially for people with chronic diseases. Based on our nursing assignment helpers, the covid 19 infection caused the accumulation of mucus and fluids in the lungs, blocking oxygenation of the lung tissue. Hence, the affected people who had severe impact of breathing difficulty relied on ventilation until the total recovery of the people and restoration of the normal functioning of their lungs.

Non-invasive ventilation

It is commonly used at home by individuals having respiratory problems. It is a process of delivering lungs to the lungs using positive pressure. Therefore, there is no need to use endotracheal intubation. Healthcare givers recommend non-invasive ventilation for chronic and acute respiratory failure. Even though it is non-invasive and can be done at home, there are various precautions. The procedure’s success relies on careful titration and monitoring since it also helps eliminate further complications.

Some examples of non-invasive ventilation include bi-level positive airway pressure, continuous positive airway pressure, high-flow nasal cannula and nasal cannula. People who require non-invasive ventilation are the ones experiencing trouble when breathing. The breathing challenge may be from a sudden illness or a long-term breathing problem. Some of the health complications that demand the need for non-invasive ventilation are;

  • Sleep apnea
  • Rib fractures
  • Pneumonia
  • Pulmonary oedema
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Asthma
  • Respiratory distress
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Despite the procedure’s benefits, patients and nurses should understand its risks. For instance, it may cause eye irritation or pressure injury, especially with the wrong fitting of the mask. Lung injury can also be experienced because of some underlying lung condition or high pressures. If the patient swallows too much air, then bloating may result. Another risk is low blood pressure. Hence, the caregiver should constantly monitor the patient’s pressure during therapy.

Invasive ventilation

Invasive ventilation entails the insertion of a tube into the patient’s airway. It mainly happens in an intensive care unit in a hospital setting. Based on our mechanical ventilation nursing assignment solvers, invasive mechanical ventilation uses a tracheostomy or endotracheal tube to deliver positive pressure to the lungs. It commonly applies to critically ill patients.

A nurse must be highly skilled when supporting the process to avoid making mistakes that may cost the patient’s life. You don’t have to wait and learn from your mistakes. Choose our expert tutors, and you will receive the best tips on facilitating mechanical ventilation for patients suffering from wide-ranging conditions and varying severity of their symptoms. Examples of conditions that need a ventilator are;

  • Pneumonia
  • Drug overdose
  • Acute respiratory distress syndrome
  • Stroke
  • Head injury
  • Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome

Before starting an invasive mechanical procedure, the healthcare giver should give the patient sedative drugs to minimize their chances of moving since it paralyzes him. After that, the insertion of an endotracheal tube follows. The caregiver then attaches the tube to a ventilator to support breathing. For any additional information, contact our mechanical ventilation nursing assignment help tutors.

Risks of mechanical ventilation

Healthcare givers who perform mechanical ventilation should be well-trained to avoid making errors. Find the different approaches to avoid mechanical ventilation complications from our online mechanical ventilation nursing assignment help notes. Despite the expertise in the practice, some complications can still happen. Some of them include the following;

Heart and blood flow changes

The machine will likely affect heart functioning whenever a  person is subjected to a mechanical ventilator. Failure of the heart to function normally can increase the heart rate or decrease blood pressure. The variations can lead to reduced effusion.

Bacterial infections

The tube inserted into a patient’s airways can introduce bacteria into a patient’s lungs. In the process, the patient can develop ventilator-related pneumonia though it can be treated using antibiotics.

Prolongs the dying process

There are some critical health conditions that, despite being subjected to a breathing machine, the condition fail to improve or recover. Hence, using mechanical ventilation to aid breathing only inhibits or delays the dying process. Therefore, the patient is likely to suffer unnecessary suffering. Other related risks of the process are;

  • Collapsed lung
  • Lung damage

Nonetheless, mechanical ventilation has wide-ranging benefits for a person. When the body can no longer run itself, and its breathing process, mechanical ventilation helps to maintain the airways open. It also offers the pressure necessary to keep the small sacs within the lungs open from collapsing. When in a critical condition, the body does not struggle with excess, especially breathing. Therefore mechanical ventilation supports the breathing process as the body focuses on the recovery or healing from the underlying condition.

Common procedures that happen when a person is in a mechanical ventilator

Various healthcare professionals take care of patients in need of mechanical ventilation. They help closely monitor the patients and meet their health needs. Some practitioners include nurse aides, registered nurses, nurse practitioners, pulmonologists, anesthesiologists and respiratory therapists. Some of the procedures performed by specialists when managing certain complications include;

  • Monitoring
  • Sunctioning
  • Offering medications
  • Offering fluids and nutrition
  • Mobilization
  • Bronchoscopy


In this case, the healthcare giver links the patient to an additional machine for monitoring the patient’s body functioning. Some assessment aspects include oxygen levels, respiratory rate, heart rate and blood pressure.


Most breathing complications result when there is an obstruction in the airways. Hence, functioning procedure help in clearing the airways. Among the common blocks is mucus. The healthcare giver uses a catheter inserted into the airway to remove mucus or related secretions.


Nutrition remains important for a patient on a ventilator. However, the patient’s condition may fail to ensure they eat normally. Hence liquid nutrition is the only effective way of supplying a patient’s nutritional needs. The healthcare giver can use a tube inserted through the nose to the stomach. However, intravenous injections can also help deliver fluids enriched with nutrients into the patient’s body.


While on mechanical ventilation, medication is also important. Hence, as the machine aids in breathing, a healthcare giver will also administer medications to aid in the patient’s healing process. Though taking drugs as tablets or pills may be challenging, especially if the patient is in a critical state, spray medications always help. Hence, nurses may use a breathing tube to administer spray medications. They have increased efficiency since a person breathes them directly into the lungs or airways.


Another critical procedure for a patient on a mechanical ventilator is assessing the airways within the lungs. In this case, a bronchoscopy plays a vital role. For more information concerning the procedure, seek our professional mechanical ventilation nursing assignment help online.

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