Language Acquisition Assignment help

Language acquisition course becomes more exciting when learners get reliable Language Acquisition Assignment help whenever they meet any assignment-related challenges. Essay For All is one of the few credible places with quality psychology assignment help solutions. Language acquisition is a process undergone by people which entails the development of the ability to perceive, produce and use words in communication.

Once one acquires the language, it is retained and continues to advance, making the communication process more effective and productive. The process entails learning syntax, vocabulary, phonetics and semantics. Language acquisition psychology is among the branches requiring keen student attention and commitment. It has a lot of ideas that the students need to master.

Much research work is also vital to ensure they are well-informed about the discipline. The ability to complete assignments on time and offer quality papers meeting professor instructions is also a requirement for successful course completion. If you want to avoid too much assignment-related pressure, choose our professional tutors who offer exceptional quality language acquisition psychology homework help services.

Stages of language development

The prelinguistic stage

The stage happens when a child is 0 to 6 months old. It is the very first stage of language development. At this stage, a child lack developed language skills; hence they mostly communicate through sound production. Some of the expected behaviours exhibited by children within the age group are making cooing sounds, crying and having nasal murmurs.

Babbling phase

Based on Essay For All language acquisition psychology assignment helpers, children between the age of 6 and 9 months fall in the category. In this stage, children cannot utter words. However, they make syllables, noise and babbles. However, their teeth and mouth muscles at this stage continue growing and developing to support advanced talking.

Holophrastic phase

The holophrastic stage of language development happens when a child is between 9 and 18 months old. At this point, a child can utter words even though some may not be meaningful. However, they can still speak some words that make sense through ‘one word’.

Two-word stage

It is a stage characterized by a child speaking two-word sentences which are meaningful. Communicating the two words helps the parent or caregiver to understand what the child intended to convey.

Telegraphic phase

In language acquisition psychology, a child aged 24 to 30 months undergoes the telegraphic stage. Though a child can communicate, the text is likely to need to be grammatically corrected. However, the message at the telegraphic stage is more advanced than the one at the two-word stage. During this stage, a child speaks more than two-word sentences having different language elements.

Multi-word stage

After the telegraphic phase, a child becomes ready to enter the multi-word stage, which is common among children aged 30 months. It is a time that a child communicates more effectively by using more complex sentences. Besides, children at the multi-word stage can also use morphemes in constructing more semantically sound sentences or phrases.

Language acquisition among children

It is common to see some students wonder how children acquire language. It is not parents who teach children how to talk. Children develop language without teaching effortlessly, easily and quickly in language acquisition psychology.

Since it is automatic, they hardly rely on parental teaching. Despite the less contribution of parental support in a child’s language acquisition process, they play a significant role through regularly talking to their children. That is why it is challenging for children with less interaction with others and parents to acquire language.

Hence, it is critical to use language during interaction with the child. Through regularly earing the language, the child will automatically start talking the language, mainly when it is often used in their interaction process.

When children are still growing, expanding their circle of interaction is essential to encompass not only adults but also other children. Normal children thriving in normal setups with active conversations help them acquire even more than one language simultaneously.

Advancement of an acquired language

The primary stage of language acquisition involves a child advancing from babbling to using proper syntax in between 20 to 30 words. The next phase is the intermediate stage. It happens when a child is between the ages of 5 and 10.

Such children can learn language mechanics, like phonology and vocabulary and support effective communication. At this point, anyone around the challenge within the context that uses similar language can facilitate effective communication with minimum or absolutely without errors.

The middle stage happens to children aged 10 to 14 years old. High levels of fluency characterize their communication. Besides, they can expand their language skills by venturing into different language complexities. That is why students between 14 and 18 years in their high school years can use advanced language in communicating in diverse ways like writing, reading and language interpretation.

The idea of cognitive acquisition in language acquisition psychology 

Based on Essay For All language acquisition psychology assignment doers, cognitive acquisition is a fundamental concept within the disciplines. It is a process that happens whenever students interact with various objects, their identities and their function. Such interactions and associations result in the development of schemas among people. Schemas are unique abilities that enable them to store mental information and recall it whenever they need to use or access it.

Schema development determines students’ academic performance ability. For instance, it determines the learners’ background knowledge, which is fundamental in different dimensions of content learning. From our language acquisition psychology assignment doers, a student’s cognitive development relies on their immediate surroundings. That is why instructors must constantly expose learners to the right content to improve their learning process and related outcomes.

Theories of language acquisition theory 

Various theories explain the language acquisition process that happens among children. If you need assistance understanding the ideas, don’t hesitate to ask for our grade one language acquisition psychology assignment help services.

Theory of imitation

According to the theory, children tend to repeat what they hear after a child listens to certain verbalized information. Some behaviourists studying the theory include Pavlov, who contributed to the conditioning idea. Other people of influence within the concept are;

  • Thorn dike
  • Tolman
  • Skinner

Thorn dike

Based on thorn dike trial and error and of significant impact in a child’s learning process. He also suggested that learning never involves insight but happens in increments. Thorndike concluded a continuous series of studies on animal behaviour. He also acknowledges the significance of the law of recency in the learning process. Based on the law, the latest response determines the next occurrence. Seek online language acquisition homework help services from our expert writers ad learn more theories within the discipline, such as the;

  • Empiricism
  • Emergentism

Factors determining language learning in children

Learner’s age

As determined by Essay For All professionals in language acquisition psychology, a learner’s age is of significant importance regarding the development of mastery of a new language. Whenever a child from a young age begins to learn and understand a new language, it becomes easy for them to become fluent in the language, whether in speaking, reading or when it comes to writing. The process is quite challenging for adults, unlike children. If a parent wants their children to learn a specific language, they should introduce it when they are still young since it becomes easy to master.

The motivation of the learner

Motivation is integral in achieving many things in the learning process and in an educational context. According to Essay For All language acquisition psychology assignment doers, motivation is among the key ways of improving the language acquisition process among children. Teachers or parents need to be motivated and encouraging to ensure that learners find it much more exciting to learn a new language.

When operating in a foreign country, learning a new language becomes easy when a learner has motivation which exists in various forms. An example of a motivation factor is the necessity of learning a foreign language for more effortless blending with new people. It gives learners more interest and determination to acquire a new language, no matter the accompanied setbacks.

The native language of the learner

When interested in learning a new language, a person’s native language highly affects the new language acquisition process. If there is a similarity between the native and the new language, it becomes easy for a person to learn the new language. However, when there is a significant difference or no relationship between the two languages, the process takes much time. When you need help understanding the point, contact our language acquisition psychology tutors for guidance.

Exposure to a new language

Exposure is significant for anyone who wants to learn a new language. The more a person interacts with the new language in various scenarios, the easier it becomes to understand. However, less interaction and exposure to the foreign language slows the language acquisition process.

Besides, when a learner can interact with the native speakers of the language, write their materials and also get time to talk about the language, they quickly master it. That is why Essay For All tutors encourage increased exposure for anyone interested in studying a new language to fasten the process. Exposure remains a fundamental factor in language acquisition, whether in children or among adults.

Order Language Acquisition Assignment help!

Never spend more time online searching for credible expert writers when you could use the time to conduct more research on language acquisition psychology. If you have been seeking the best and most reputable site with the best psychology homework help solutions, you are at the right place.

You can now interact with our language acquisition psychology tutors and get help based on your underlying assignment needs. Whenever you want quality, seek Essay For All and get the best that will leave you high satisfaction levels. Place your order now and enjoy excellent benefits at cost-friendly rates.

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