Joint Disorders Nursing assignment help

Essay For All professional tutors has the best joint disorders nursing assignment help for all nursing students. Place your order today and get professional assistance. A joint disorder is any injury or disease of joints. Among the commonly known joint disorders is arthritis. Joints and bones have a significant role to play, especially in supporting a person’s physical abilities, especially in motility.

Ensuring good bone and joint health is very important. That is why there is an increased need for nursing students to understand the different types of joint disorders and understand the diverse ways of assisting patients suffering from the condition. Despite the interest in the course, or the necessity to undertake the program, it is common to get overwhelmed with too many assignments. The good news is that among the many online service providers, Essay For All is the leading and among the few reputable and highly qualified in offering top-notch joint disorders nursing assignment help.

General overview of joint disorders

A joint is a structure where two or more bones fit together or meet some other tissues available within a joint: synovial fluid, cartilage, tendons and ligaments. A joint disorder happens whenever there is a complication in either of the structures. Joint disorders always affect a person’s ability to engage in physical activities or active movement.

The most common symptom of joint disorders is sharp and severe pain which may persist or come and go. A person with a joint disorder will also likely suffer swelling and warmth in the affected joint, limited motion range, and stiffness. Since muscles also get affected in case of the development of joint disorders, the common outcomes are bruising, tenderness and muscle aches.

Joint disorders can develop because of traumatic injuries, which may lead to dislocations, sprains and broken bones. There are various risk factors for joint disorders explained in detail in our joint disorders nursing assignment help notes including;

  • Improper use of safety equipment during activity
  • Age advancement
  • Repetitive motion through hobbies, jobs, manual labor or sports
  • Overweight or obese
  • Sprain
  • Gout
  • Arthritis
  • Involvement in high-impact sports

People can still support good joint health by taking various precautions. Healthcare providers always advise people, including those at high risk of developing the disease, to maintain a healthy weight, rest whenever necessary, and avoid overtraining. While exercising, people need to use proper footwear to support the hips, knees and involved joints. If an activity results in overstraining or causes pain, people should avoid constant engagement in such activity.

Classification of joints

People can move easily from one place to another because of joints, among other structures. Not all organisms use joints, bones, ligaments and related structures for movements. For instance, microorganisms rely on structures such as flagella and cilia for motion. According to our joint disorders nursing homework doers, joints are the connection between bones within the skeletal systems. The two main classifications of joints are functional and structural joints.

Functional joints

These are joints classified depending on the joint disorder type and degree of movement. They include;

  • Condyloid joint
  • Saddle joint
  • Ball and socket joint
  • Hinge joint
  • Plane joint
  • Pivot joint

Structural classification of joints

The three main structural joints are synovial, fibrous, and cartilaginous. The synovial joints are important in the body as it helps in performing a wide range of motion like typing, running and walking. Fibrous joints are the fixed or immovable joints available around inflexible bones. Such joints include the skull, pelvic bone, backbone, rib cage and upper jaw.

Types of joints


Bursitis is a condition whereby a person experiences inflammation of the bursa. Bursa is a small fluid-filled sac that helps cushion the bone and other parts like the skin, joints, tendons and muscles. Bursitis commonly develops in the joints around the hip, elbow and shoulder. However, there are rare cases where the joint disorder develops at the base of the big toe, heel and knee.

Joints that undergo frequent and repetitive motion are at high risk of bursitis. The best way to manage or treat bursitis is by resting the affected joints to safeguard them from further trauma. Bursitis pain always happens and goes away after some time. According to our professional tutors, a person should visit a doctor when experiencing;

  • Excess swelling, rash, and bruising around the affected joint
  • The sudden ability to move a joint
  • Disabling joint pain
  • Fever
  • Sharp pain when exercising

Ankylosing spondylitis

It is an inflammatory disease, also known as axial spondyloarthritis, which may result in some spinal bones’ fusion. The fusing results in reduced flexibility of the spine hence causing hunched posture. If the disease also affects the ribs, one will likely experience breathing difficulty. Some warning signs of ankylosing spondylitis are stiffness in the hip and lower back and back pain.

The symptoms are evident after moments of inactivity and also in the morning. Another common early symptom of the disease is fatigue and neck pain. From our online joint disorders nursing assignment help, the people at high risk of ankylosing spondyitis have the HLA-B27 gene. Some 0f the complications associated with the disease are;

  • Compression fractures
  • Eye inflammation
  • Heart complications

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a joint disorder that is both an inflammatory and autoimmune disease. It results when the immune system attacks healthy cells in the body, impacting the joints. The common signs of rheumatoid arthritis include joint stiffness, swelling and pain. The symptoms of the condition develop gradually and worsen with time. Since rheumatoid arthritis is a lifelong disorder, its symptoms always return even after treatment. It is always important to seek medical attention as soon as possible for improved outcomes. The common age at which arthritis develops is between 30 and 60 years.

Nonetheless, people of other ages can also develop rheumatoid arthritis. The disease develops in various stages. The four main stages in the development and advancement of rheumatoid arthritis are synovitis, pannus, fibrous ankylosis and bony ankylosis. Book our online joint disorders nursing homework help services for more detailed information. Though rheumatoid arthritis has no cure, lifestyle modifications and early treatments help manage the symptoms.


Based on Essay For All Tutors, gout results from the buildup of uric acid in the blood. The kidney plays a critical role in filtering uric acid from the blood. However, suppose the kidney fails to be effective in the filtration process. In that case, uric acid can accumulate in the blood, resulting in the formation of tiny sharp crystals around the joints.

The crystals, after some time, cause painful feelings and inflammation. Our professional joint disorders nursing assignment helpers confirm that gout affects the joints available at the base of the big toe. Hence, one is likely to suffer a limited range of motion, inflammation and redness of the affected area, lingering discomfort and intense joint pain.

Some food also triggers an increased buildup of uric acid in the blood, including organ meats, seafood and shellfish, red meat and alcohol. Despite the excruciating pain resulting from gout, a patient diagnosed with gout can rely on NSAID medications. The best way to offset the high accumulation of uric acid in the blood is by increasing the water intake to flush out the uric acid crystals.


Osteoarthritis is a common type of arthritis that gradually affects bones and joints. It entails the disintegration of cartilage within a joint resulting in swelling, inflammation, pain and reduced range of motion surrounding a joint. The disease commonly happens around the knees, hips and hands. Based on our joint disorders nursing assignment help tutors, osteoarthritis results when joint tissues, including cartilages, break down and change structure.

Improved lifestyle is the main and most effective treatment for osteoarthritis. For instance, a person needs to choose a healthy diet, regular exercise, and effective weight management strategies. However, incorporating medication into the right lifestyle helps relieve the resulting pain. Some of the risk factors of gout include;

  • Blood cancer
  • Kidney disease
  • Hypertension
  • Diabetes
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Obesity and overweight

Sjogren’s disease

Sjogren’s disease is an autoimmune disorder characterized by the immune system attacking its healthy tissues, especially the saliva and tear glands and related secretory glands throughout the body. Other symptoms of Sjogren’s disease are muscle and joint pain. It is more common among women. The population at high risk of the disease is older adults from the age of 40.

Treatment of joint disorders

Diagnosis of joint disorders is very important to understand the type of joint disorder a person suffers. Using symptoms alone is never enough to confirm the underlying condition. Hence, healthcare providers should perform blood tests, antinuclear antibodies tests, rheumatoid factor tests and other laboratory tests.

Joint disorders get varying types of treatment depending on the condition and severity of the condition. Some treatments for joint disorders are elevation (RICE) therapy, compression, ice and rest. Pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medications also help relieve the disease’s symptoms. If you want to specialize in treating joint disorders, partner with our expert tutors to guide you.

Why choose our Joint Disorders Nursing assignment help

  • Experts in joint disorders
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  • Excellent research and excellent skills
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