Why IKEA SWOT & PESTLE Analysis?

IKEA SWOT & PESTLE Analysis can provide business professionals, professors, and students with a comprehensive understanding of the internal and external factors affecting IKEA’s operations. IKEA is a well-established and globally recognized company specializing in designing, developing, marketing, and selling furniture and home accessories. IKEA’s business model is fascinating since it has enabled it to be among the most successful furniture retailers in the world. This makes it interesting to conduct the case study on IKEA SWOT & PESTLE Analysis since this can help develop strategies to mitigate risks, address company weaknesses and leverage its strengths to take advantage of rising opportunities in the market.

IKEA Company Overview

IKEA is a Swedish multinational company founded in 1943 by Ingvar Kamprad, headquartered in Delft, Netherlands. The company specializes in designing, developing, marketing, and selling furniture and home accessories. IKEA takes pride in its more than 400 stores globally and operations in 52 countries. IKEA is also a privately held company led by its CEO Jesper Brodin, who has held the position since 2017.

IKEA is known for its unique product designs and modern furniture that promote eco-friendliness. It is also known for low-cost and high-quality products enabling the firm to gain cost leadership. In 2020, IKEA reported €39.6 billion in annual revenue, €41.9 billion in 2021, and €44.6 billion in 2022, indicating progressive growth in revenue despite the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic. Overall, IKEA’s innovative business model, sustainability efforts, international operation, and marketing strategies have significantly impacted its success as a leader in the furniture retail industry.

IKEA Products and Services

IKEA offers its customers a wide range of products and services that help them meet their needs. For instance, the company sells affordable and stylish furniture that is easy to transport and assemble. IKEA’s products include sofas, beds, tables, chairs, shelves, cabinets, drawers, kitchen appliances, and different storage solutions for the bedroom, living room, bathroom, kitchen, and dining room. IKEA also offers various home accessories such as lighting, decorative items, textiles, curtains, and rugs.

On the other hand, IKEA provides customers with various services, including home delivery and assembly services, to ensure they set up their furniture at home. The company also provides an in-store restaurant serving customers Swedish food, giving them a unique in-store experience. IKEA also provide design services, including interior design, kitchen planning, and home organization services to help customers organize their living spaces.

IKEA Competitor Analysis

IKEA faces significant competition from different players in the industry. The primary IKEA competitors include:

  • Ashley Furniture Industry: This is an industry leader selling home furniture and accessories with over 1000 stores and operations in over 123 countries worldwide.
  • Amazon: This e-commerce firm offers a wide range of furniture and home accessories. Amazon has a strong online presence with a wide range of products and competitive prices.
  • Home Depot: This is a home improvement retailer offering a wide range of furniture and décor items for homes. The company has over 2300 US, Canada, and Mexico stores.
  • Wayfair: This e-commerce company specializes in furniture and home décor products from various brands. It has a strong online presence.
  • Other Competitors: Additional IKEA competitors include Walmart, Target, Groupe SEB, and Crate & Barrel.

Overall, IKEA faces stiff competition from both local and international players in the furniture and home décor/accessory market and must strive to maintain its position as the leader in the industry.

IKEA SWOT Analysis

The first analysis in IKEA SWOT & PESTEL Analysis is the SWOT analysis. A SWOT analysis is a crucial strategic analysis tool providing insights into company strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to help improve growth. IKEA’s SWOT analysis includes the following:

IKEA Strengths

  • Strong brand image. IKEA prides itself on strong brand identity and recognition globally due to its stylish and affordable furniture products.
  • Extensive product range. IKEA offers its customers a wide range of furniture and home accessory products to cater to their needs.
  • Unique business model. IKEA’s in-store experience and flat-pack furniture designs are unique, providing customers with functional and affordable furniture solutions.
  • Cost leadership. Affordability of IKEA products is a true brand strength that keeps customers coming back for more. The company has found ways to lower product costs without affecting product quality.
  • Strong international presence. IKEA has over 400 stores in about 52 countries, making it a strong player in the industry.
  • Sustainability efforts. IKEA has made significant efforts to ensure its operations are sustainable. It has adopted waste recycling and waste management, and the use of renewable materials.

 IKEA Weaknesses

  • Bad press. IKEA has faced ridicule and bad press due to employee complaints over poor treatment. Its advertising techniques in non-western countries have also faced backlash. The company has also had to recall some products due to injuries. The bad press creates distrust among customers affecting company sales and revenue.
  • Limited Customization. The flat-pack furniture IKEA offers limited customer customization according to their needs.
  • Limited online presence. Although IKEA has a strong brick-and-mortar presence, its online presence is not as strong as its competitors, especially e-commerce firms in the market.
  • High dependence on suppliers. IKEA heavily depends on its suppliers to produce and deliver company products. This could affect the availability of its products.

IKEA Opportunities

  • Increasing demand for Sustainable Products. The company’s sustainability efforts place it in a good position to address and cater to the rising demand for eco-friendly and sustainable products.
  • Emerging markets. IKEA operates in only 52 countries. This is a low number considering the company’s brand recognition. IKEA could expand its operations to emerging markets where demand for affordable furniture and home accessories is growing. The company also has low or no presence in developing countries.
  • E-commerce growth. IKEA could leverage its strengths and the growing trends towards online shopping to increase its online presence and increase its sales through offering more products through its online channel. With over 800 million annual visitors, building a strong online presence could widen its reach and sales.

IKEA Threats

  • Intense competition. IKEA faces stiff competition from both local and global players in the industry. This impacts its market share and profitability.
  • Economic instability. Economic downturns, currency fluctuation, and rising interest rates impact IKEA’s financial performance and profitability due to reduced demand for company products.
  • Changing consumer needs and preferences. The changing trends and preferences impact the demand for company products. This means IKEA must continually adapt its product offering and strategies to meet these needs.


The other crucial framework in IKEA SWOT & PESTLE Analysis is the PESTLE analysis. This is a strategic tool that businesses use to analyze the external factors that affect company operations. Since IKEA operates in over 50 countries, it faces various external factors affecting its business and operations.

Political Factors

  • Government trade regulations. IKEA operates in about 52 countries with varying government regulations on trade. Tariffs and trade barriers associated with government regulations can affect the cost of raw materials and production costs, affecting company profitability.
  • Taxation policies. Changes in corporate tax in IKEA’s countries of operation could affect the company’s overall financial performance.
  • Political Stability. Political instability in various markets, such as political unrest in countries like Syria, Egypt, and others countries, could make it difficult for IKEA to operate.

Economic Factors

  • Economic environment/Global economic conditions. Changes in the overall economic environment can significantly impact the company’s sales and profitability. For instance, economic disturbances, downturns, and recessions limit consumer spending affecting company sales.
  • Income levels. Customer income levels affect company sales and revenue. IKEA customers look for affordable furniture and house décor options. A change in their income level can impact demand for company products affecting company sales.
  • Exchange rates. IKEA operations in different countries highly rely on imports and exports. In this case, changes in exchange rates impact the cost of raw materials and company products, affecting its profitability.
  • Interest rates. Changes in interest rates in countries of operation affect consumer spending, which in turn impacts IKEA’s sales and profitability.

Sociocultural Factors

  • Changing lifestyles. The changes in lifestyles impact IKEA’s product demands. For example, people opting for minimalist living demand affordable furniture options.
  • Changing consumer preferences. As consumer preferences change in terms of product design, functionality, and sustainability, IKEA must adopt its product offering to remain relevant.
  • Demographic changes. The changing family structures and aging populations impact IKEA’s product offering and marketing strategies. For instance, the older population prefers comfortable and easier-to-use furniture.
  • Environmental consciousness. As consumers become more environmentally conscious and IKEA’s impact on the environment, IKEA must commit to sustainability and other measures to reduce environmental impacts.

Technological Factors

  • Technological advancements. Advances in technology affect IKEA’s product offering. For instance, it is necessary to incorporate smart technologies in company products such as wireless charging in its furniture.
  • Automation. Technological advances in automation have significantly affected IKEA’s supply chain, logistics, and operations resulting in increased production and distribution efficiency.
  • E-commerce. E-commerce growth has revolutionized the retail industry resulting in increased online presence and increased sales. IKEA must adapt to these realities.

Legal Factors.

  • Labor laws. IKEA operates in many countries with varying labor laws. This impact the firm’s ability to operate efficiently by ensuring it maintains ethical labor practices.
  • Consumer protection law Various consumer protection laws in countries of operation can impact IKEA’s product offering and marketing efforts in certain markets.
  • Intellectual property laws. IKEA and its partners are protected by various intellectual property laws impacting the firm’s ability to expand to new markets and protect its brand.

Environmental Factors.

  • Climate change. The climate changes affect IKEA’s supply chain and operations, including the availability of raw materials.
  • Sustainability has become an important issue, and IKEA must develop sustainable product offerings to reduce its environmental impacts.
  • Environmental laws. IKEA must comply with various environmental laws in its countries of operation to avoid challenges associated with non-compliance.

Overall, IKEA SWOT & PESTLE Analysis provides crucial insights into the internal and external factors affecting IKEA’s operations. The analysis can help the business develop strategies to leverage their strengths, overcome weaknesses capitalize on opportunities, and mitigate company threats.

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