Developmental Psychology Nursing Assignment Help

Anytime you want to partner with experts who can offer you professional developmental psychology nursing assignment help services, Essay For All is the place to be. Developmental psychology studies people’s growth and change during their lifetime. There are a lot of changes that happen to human beings from the point of conception to birth and all through to death.

Developmental psychologists, therefore, consider various aspects of the growth and development of a person in their entire lifetime by looking at the physical changes and cognitive, emotional and social development. Psychologists can work with people of varied ages by addressing growth and development issues and supporting their positive growth.

However, some developmental psychologists concentrate on a certain age of people, such as old age, adulthood or childhood. Over the years in the industry, we have offered nursing students the best quality developmental psychology nursing assignment help solutions. Choose our expert tutors for the best and most improved outcomes.

Theories of developmental psychology

Attachment theory

John Bowlby proposed the attachment theory. The theory explains the importance of meaningful relationships in early childhood development. Based on Bowlby, the early relationships with a child helps in the formation of relationships with objects, places and people, which determines and affects the developmental patterns in the child’s life.

Cognitive developmental theory

The developer of the cognitive development theory is Jean Piaget. He considers that there is a difference between how children and adults think. Hence, caregivers and adults must offer children with necessary materials that can improve their interaction skills and enhance their ability to reflect on their actions. Contact our developmental psychology nursing assignment help tutors understand the intellectual development of a child.

Psychosocial developmental theory

There is a significant role that Erik Erikson played in the discipline of developmental psychology. For instance, he developed the psychosocial theory that explains human growth in different life stages. Every stage has an impact on the person’s development. However, there can be challenges for an individual to experience, effectively and successfully handling or overcoming the challenge results in developing positive virtues. However, the inability to resolve the challenges may negatively impact a person’s growth and development.

The main aspects of developmental psychology

Emotional development

From the perspective of our developmental psychology nursing assignment helpers, emotional development is the ability to learn and understand the meaning of emotions and feelings, how and why they happen, and the ability to recognize individual feelings and other people’s feelings while creating effective strategies for managing them. Four main areas of emotional development determine a person’s level of emotional intelligence, which include;

  • Self-management
  • Self-awareness
  • Relationship management
  • Social awareness

Cognitive development

Based on Essay For All Tutors, cognitive development concerns how children think, explore, perceive, and understand things. This type of development concerns dispositions, problem-solving, general skills and knowledge development and acquisition. Brain development is the main part of cognitive development.

Physical development

Physical development entails any refinements and advancements of motor skills and the ability of a child to use and control their body. The main stages of physical development are infancy and toddlerhood. Examples of physical development milestones include raising the head and chest while lying on the stomach, grasping an adult finger and kicking both legs and arms while on the back.

The seven stages of development

Infant development

Based on Essay For All Tutors, infancy is from the point of birth and progresses until the infant attains 18 months. The period focuses on the relationship the mother has with the infant. In the absence of the mother, then the relationship addressed is the infant-caregiver. Infant development also focuses on the conflict of trust and mistrust. For instance, good parenting and caring for the child creates trust.

However, a neglected child will mistrust their parents or caregivers, which will be evident even in the later life stages. There are some people in life struggling with trust issues. The infancy stage played a critical role in the challenge experienced. According to our developmental psychology nursing assignment doers, good child upbringing, especially during infancy, is very important for them to be hopeful and positive about life.

Toddler development

Toddlerhood is the period between eighteen months and two years. It is a life stage where the toddler starts acting and learning independently. Parents should support their independence and nurture the child’s autonomy by encouraging the toddler’s independence and self-confidence. However, some parents or caregivers scold or mock the toddlers for some of the curiosity expressed in this stage. Such actions make a child develop negative emotions such as guilt, self-doubt or shame. These kinds of insecurities hinder the toddler’s personal growth since they destroy a child’s confidence, which is fundamental to the evolution of a person. The primary conflict addressed in this life stage is the conflict of autonomy.

Preschooler development

Preschooler development is during preschool years, which range between three and five years. Though preschoolers may be eager to learn and operate independently like an adult, the main conflict they face is the conflict between guilt and initiative. During preschool, the parent or caregiver should encourage the child to operate independently and achieve their objectives or desires without disruption or discouragement. Any incidences or actions of criticism or demotivation are likely to stir up the feeling of guilt.

Middle child development

According to our developmental psychology nursing assignment help tutors, middle child development happens when a child is in the early school years between 5 and 12 years. There are significant changes that have happened over the years. A child in this age bracket may experience tension between inferiority and industry.

It is a life stage whereby the child becomes more self-aware, which entails emotional and social development. Cognitive development happens in this stage, whereby the child understands how to read and write. The best way to make a child industrious is through praising them and through their accomplishments. However, failure to recognize their efforts or success may cause them to feel inferior and feelings of failure.

Adolescent development

Adolescence starts from the age of twelve to eighteen. Adolescents mostly experience the challenge of identity while they consider their future through investing in social connections. The greatest challenge adolescents face is the need to be accepted by their peers.

This stage requires a healthy support network that can help enhance the ability of adolescents to form relationships despite their potential differences. During adolescence, a teenager is likely to explore diverse role types they wish to occupy when they enter adulthood. With proper guidance, the adolescent journey can be clearer. For more information, seek our online developmental psychology nursing assignment helpers.

Adult development

Adult development is broadly categorized into three different stages;

  • Young adulthood
  • Middle adulthood
  • Late adulthood

Young adulthood

It is the period between 18 and 40 years whereby people are developing their social, financial and professional basis to support their lives. The main conflict common in young adulthood is the conflict of intimacy versus isolation in personal relationships. In this case, a young adult may avoid intimacy because of fear of commitment, failure, or disappointment. However, such adults may feel lonely and isolated. Young adults feel a sense of satisfaction when they get a solid social network whereby they feel connected and understood by those around them.

Middle adulthood

Middle adulthood ranges between 40s to 65. Middle adults mainly experience the tug-of-war between stagnation and generativity. The adults think of what to transfer to their younger generation. The positivity of middle adults supports their ability to be a productive part of society while showing care to the young generation.

Late adulthood

The final stage of life is late adulthood, whereby a person is above 65 years old. It is a period characterized by deep introspection and reflection. Those adults who are content with the type of lives they live are likely to enjoy deep peace. However, those adults who never accomplished in life will likely suffer a lot of regrets and feelings of failure, despair and resentment. For deeper insights, order our developmental psychology nursing assignment help notes.

A good understanding of the different life stages enables developmental psychologists to address wide-ranging developmental issues in a person. The Psychologists treat conditions unlimited to;

  • Motor skill delays
  • Developmental delays
  • Intellectual disabilities
  • Learning disabilities
  • Mental health conditions like dementia, depression, anxiety
  • Speech and language delays
  • Autism spectrum disorder
  • Auditory processing disorder
  • Issues with emotional and social development

Roles and Responsibilities of developmental psychologists

Based on our developmental psychology nursing homework doers, a developmental psychologist concentrates on human growth and adaptability in different life stages. They help people understand changes and their advancement during growth and development. Some of the roles of psychologists are unlimited;

  • Studying treatments for developmental issues
  • Research on adolescent and infancy development
  • Determine ways of helping older adults remain independent
  • Studying and researching developmental disabilities and their treatment
  • Evaluation of different populations to identify a developmental disability

The common work settings for psychologists include;

  • Homeless centres
  • Mental health clinics
  • Psychiatric and general hospitals
  • Assisted living environments
  • Health care facilities
  • Universities, colleges and schools
  • Government agencies

Some of the basic skills required to act professionally and competently as a developmental s psychologist include;

  • Excellent communication skills vital for people of all ages
  • Critical thinking skills
  • Research skills
  • Positivity
  • Compassion
  • Observational skills
  • Active listening
  • Collaboration
  • Good planning and organization skills

Why prefer us for Developmental Psychology Nursing Assignment Help

  • Attention to detail
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  • Highly professional services

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