Counselling Psychology Assignment Help

Counselling Psychology Assignment Help

Learners seeking quality Counselling Psychology Assignment Help services at Essay For All can always go right. Our competent experts are committed to always delivering the best, which is why we are the leading online service provider. Counselling psychology is a course that no person can underestimate its significance. The course seeks to offer a good basic grounding in the psychology of lifespan development and major psychological theories of personality about counselling.

This course also helps learners to evaluate their ability to perform in a third-level education setting. People who are passionate about advice-giving can highly benefit from enrolling for a degree in counselling psychology. Based on our professional tutors, counselling psychology entails wide-ranging, culturally sensitive and culturally informed practices to help improve people’s overall well-being, preventing and alleviating maladjustment and distress while also helping resolve crises.

Characteristics of counselling in psychology

Counselling as the psychotherapeutic association in which an individual gets direct help from an adviser entails various characteristics. Not any counselling is effective. Hence, psychologists need to understand some of the features of effective counselling, which tends to yield positive results. Considering and understanding such characteristics enables a person to classify a professional and unskilled counselling psychologist.

Counselling entails intense conversations between two parties, a counselee and a counsellor. The conversation’s intensity helps ensure finding solutions to the root problem. Counselling is a highly personal process. Whatever happens in the counselling room is confined between the two people. An effective counsellor needs to bring changes in their emotions and feelings. It helps the counselee empathize with their situation and is ready to help. Effective counselling makes the counselee cheerful, hopeful and more confident in social responsibility. Through the characteristics a good counsellor should exhibit characteristics like;

  • Effective management of their emotions during the counselling session
  • Express their genuine emotions appropriately
  • Maintain genuineness and consistency in their emotions and words
  • Sensitivity to the client’s emotions and experiences
  • Flexibility and tailoring treatment to every individual depending on their religious beliefs, sexual identity, gender, preferences and cultural background

The uniqueness of group counselling in psychology

Not all situations require an individual’s interaction with a counsellor. At times a group with a related challenge may need to see a counsellor and receive group counselling. Group therapy can have a positive and transformative influence. However, counselling has various demands from the clients and the counsellor to ensure the efficiency of the counselling session. Group cohesion is among the fundamental requirements.

Effective group therapy needs to be meaningful and establish trust, a sense of unity and a fulfilling relationship. Some of the group counselling that turns out unproductive fails to have some of the qualifications. Group cohesion happens on prompt and effective resolution of disagreements. It also happens when one perceives a sense of belonging within a group. Whenever group members maintain open and honest communication, group cohesion is evident. Group therapy is characterized by the following;

  • Individual learning
  • Imitative behaviour
  • Development of socializing techniques
  • Altruism
  • Hope Generation
  • Development of socializing techniques
  • Group cohesiveness
  • Interpersonal learning
  • Corrective recapitulation of the primary family group

Problems commonly addressed by counselling psychologists

Psychologists major in mental health and normative developmental issues people face across their lifespans. It also focuses on systemic challenges communities, institutions, organizations, and workplaces face. There are issues that people may face but need more appropriate people to help. For instance, some mental health problems may not require medical practitioners to offer solutions.

In this case, the most reliable people to consult are counselling psychologists. Hence people need to distinguish health challenges that require counselling psychologists from those that demand the intervention of health practitioners. Counselling psychologists use strength-based approaches and practices to alleviate and prevent identity-related, educational, vocational, cultural, social, relational and emotional challenges. Some of the addressed issues by our top professional tutors in counselling psychology are;

  • Gender identity
  • Grief and loss
  • Body image and self-esteem
  • Depression and behavioural changes
  • Stress
  • Anger management

Techniques and skills promoting effective counselling

There are people who, despite visiting counselling psychologists, may need help finding the most reliable solutions. There are certain skills, when possessed by psychologists, that promote effective and successful counselling sessions. Listening skills are very crucial. In this case, a counsellor should listen carefully to the client. Proper listening helps ensure the counsellor can effectively address all the aired-out challenges.

Attending skill is also important, especially when a counsellor pays proper attention to the counselee. The inability to listen and pay attention to a client during counselling sessions may result in more disagreement, conflict and inability to find solutions to the problems expressed by the client. A counseling session without feedback is unfruitful. That is why it is always important for the counsellor to make a summary and find the meaning of the client’s feelings and emotions after listening to the client. Additional wide-ranging skills like;

  • Refocus
  • Questioning
  • Non-dependence
  • Self-disclosure
  • Interpretation skills
  • Show connection
  • Be with patients’ feelings

Principles of counselling in psychology

Counselling psychology theories

Based on our expert writers, counselling theories are varied notions psychologists hold concerning why people think the way they think. They help in informing treatment interventions performed with clients during counselling sessions. Many counselling theories counselling psychology students need to understand. Some of the theories you will find clarifications are not limited to holistic/integrative theory, humanistic theory, cognitive theory, behavioural theory and psychodynamic theory. Never hesitate to contact us since we are always available to respond to student issues.

Humanistic theory

The founder of the humanistic approach in counselling is carl Rodgers. According to carl rogers, people are inherently good. However, they need a counsellor to help them understand their goodness. It also suggests that people have the ability within themselves to lead happy lives. Therefore, individuals need to explore and utilize that inborn strengths and abilities. The humanistic theory encompasses existential, gestalt and client-centered therapies. However, carl rogers focused mainly on client-centered therapy, which believes that people can control their destinies.

Cognitive theory

In counselling psychology, cognitive theory concentrates on the impact of people’s thinking on people’s behaviours and feelings. The therapy involved in cognitive theory of counselling psychology problems problem-solving. Negative feelings like depression and anxiety result from negative thought processes, according to cognitive theory. The theory is essential in situations that require quick and effective counselling interventions.

Behavioural theory

Based on behavioural theory, behaviour is learned. Classic conditioning is the most common example always discussed under behavioural theory. The process happens unconsciously. Learning through classic conditioning results in behaviour creation whereby a specific stimulus accompanies an automatic conditioned response. In counselling psychology, classical conditions may apply to people under drug use who seek to recover from substance abuse disorders.

Individuals using drugs in certain contexts seem to get unconsciously conditioned to relate drug use pleasure with the related environment. That is why doctors or psychologists advise individuals recovering from substance abuse to avoid environments or situations that can trigger them into substance abuse.

Psychodynamic theory

The psychodynamic theory or the psychoanalysis theory is commonly associated with Sigmund Freud. The theory aims to understand the present through a clear knowledge of past experiences. It proposes that an individual’s feelings and actions are controlled by their unconscious mind, which is affected by the past. Our professional tutors also suggest that individuals based on the theory can unconsciously create desires that may persist throughout their lives.

The psychodynamic theory is very helpful to clients in counselling sessions who seek an understanding of their past and the impact of their past on their present behaviour. It is very common to see counsellors and psychotherapists using the psychoanalysis approach in analyzing past relationships, such as traumatizing childhood experiences regarding a person’s present life.

Principles recommended in counselling psychology.

Counselling psychology students need to understand the basic principles governing the discipline. There are many principles. One of the principles is the principle of acceptance. In this case, the counsellor needs to accept the client no matter their cultural, economic, social, psychological or physical identity and characteristics.

The principle of communication is also integral. It promotes that communication needs to be skilful, verbal and also non-verbal. Good communication helps promote the ease of finding solutions to problems the counselee presents. The principle of confidentiality over the years has been governing counselling sessions. Any information a client shares with counsellors must remain a secret to the involved parties. A lack of understanding of the principles before attending a counselling session becomes increased ethical risks. Other principles guiding counselling are;

  • Principle of empathy
  • Principle of non-mental involvement
  • Principle of individuality
  • Principle of non-judge
  • Principle of respect for the client
  • Principle of permissiveness

Essay For All experts, the trusted online Counselling Psychology Assignment Help

Our professional tutors are reputable for serving psychology students at varied academic levels. Some of the assignments we handle are not limited to case studies, report writing, essay writing, dissertation writing and research proposals. No matter the assignment requirements, we ensure students get the highest quality papers professionally completed.

Despite the affordability of our services, we are committed to driving academic excellence among students. You should consider Essay For All tutors as reliable assignment doers for many reasons. Register today for our services and enjoy the benefits of partnering with experts.

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