Chronic Kidney Disease Nursing Assignment Help

Chronic Kidney Disease Nursing Assignment Help

Chronic Kidney Disease Nursing Assignment Help offered at Essay For All is the ultimate choice for students who need online tutor services. Chronic kidney disease destroys your kidney, impeding its ability to filter waste from the blood. The underlying function of the kidney in the human body is to filter blood within your body after every half an hour.

Blood filtration eliminates wastes, toxins, and extra fluids from the blood. In addition, the kidney also ensures that a person has adequate red blood cells. This illustrates that the kidney is essential in maintaining good health. Unfortunately, about one in seven individuals in the United States suffer from Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). Individuals suffering from this condition may have the following complications:

  • Low blood count
  • Weak bones
  • High blood pressure
  • Low-quality nutritional health

Knowing if people have CKD in the early stages is always challenging. Chronic kidney disease is hazardous since if the kidney fails to filter wastes from the body, the wastes accumulate to extreme levels in your blood, making you unwell. Kidney infections also increase your chances of developing heart and blood vessel illnesses. The condition happens gradually but persists for an extended duration. It may cause kidney failure whenever CKD worsens, which calls for dialysis or a kidney transplant. Currently, approximately 37 million United States adults suffer from chronic kidney disease. Generally, health experts reiterate that early detection is vital in curbing the progression of kidney disease to kidney failure.

Chronic Kidney Disease causes, symptoms, and risk factors

There are multiple causes linked to CKD. Chronic kidney disease occurs when a disease or a condition tampers with kidney function. Whenever this happens, kidney damage occurs and gradually worsens. However, there are other conditions and diseases believed to cause CKD. These conditions include the following:

  • First, CKD is caused by diabetes and high blood pressure. Approximately 67 percent of chronic kidney diseases arise from hypertension
  • Diabetes also causes chronic kidney disease. Generally, diabetes occurs when your blood sugar is extremely high. Gradually, unregulated blood sugar can cause damage to multiple body organs, including the kidney
  • High blood pressure occurs when your blood pressure occurs due to an increase in blood pressure against your blood vessels’ walls. Increased blood pressure can cause strokes, heart attacks, and chronic kidney disease

This condition involves the damage of kidneys inhibiting their capacity to filter blood. Therefore, when this happens, excess fluid and wastes from blood remain in the body and may cause extra health complications. CKD is the leading cause of death in the United States. In addition, 40 percent of individuals with declining kidney function usually fail to know this.

Its severity also worsens gradually. Individuals suffering from CKD may not feel ill or have any symptoms. Thus, urine and blood tests are the only sure way to ascertain if one suffers from chronic kidney disease. However, CKD’s signs and symptoms develop over time. As a result, when the kidney fails and wastes buildup in the body, the following symptoms can occur:

  • Weakness and fatigue
  • Loss of appetite
  • Muscle cramps
  • Swelling of feet and ankles
  • Uncontrollable hypertension
  • Shortness of breath due to accumulation of fluid in the lungs

Furthermore, this condition has various risk factors associated with it. These risk factors include the following:

  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Smoking
  • Obesity

More insights about CKD

Kidney filter all the blood in the body after every thirty minutes. Generally, it works to eliminate toxins, wastes, and excess fluid from the blood, which are released from the body as urine. Chronic Kidney Disease damages kidneys and thwarts their ability to filter blood. Chronic kidney disease also has multiple complications that can affect various body parts. Some of the potential complications include the following:

  • Fluid retention leads to the swelling of your arms and legs, hypertension, and pulmonary edema due to the buildup of fluid in your lungs
  • The second complication is a sudden rise in potassium levels in your blood. This condition can thwart the routine functioning of your heart, and this is detrimental to a person’s well-being and health quality
  • Weak bones and susceptibility to bone fractures
  • Decreased immune response making your body more susceptible to infections
  • Anemia
  • Heart complications since the kidney cannot adequately purify the blood
  • Another frequent complication caused by CKD is pericarditis, which is an inflammation of the suckle membrane that envelops the heart
  • Finally, permanent damage to one’s kidney is another complication linked to CKD. This forces a patient to go for dialysis or seek a kidney transplant

How to prevent CKD

Chronic kidney disease is a life-threatening disease that occurs due to kidney damage. Thus, it limits the kidney’s primary role in purifying blood to remove toxins, wastes, and bodily fluids. Due to its severe health risks, it becomes imperative for individuals to master appropriate preventive measures to minimize the chances of developing CKD. Prevention is better than cure. Therefore, people should prioritize preventive measures to mitigate their chances of developing these conditions. Below are some CKD preventive measures:

  • The first strategy to prevent your chances of developing kidney disease is to maintain a healthy body weight. People are encouraged to maintain healthy body weight through regular physical exercise. You can as well contact your medical experts for better strategies for maintaining healthy weights
  • Quitting smoking is another measure to minimize your chances of developing CKD. Cigarette smoking can severely damage your kidney and worsen your kidney status. If you are a smoker, you are more susceptible to chronic kidney disease
  • Consult your healthcare provider for appropriate measures to remain healthy. For this reason, you need to follow the provided guidelines by your health care provider and facilities to maintain good health

Chronic kidney disease, synonymous with chronic kidney failure, encompasses gradual damage of the kidney impeding its capacity to tackle its functions appropriately. It is a hazardous and the leading cause of death in the United States. This implies that as a nursing student in the United States, it will help if you have appropriate knowledge and understanding of this condition to offer appropriate patient care.

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