Bone and Mineral Disorders Nursing Assignment Help

Contact Essay For All Tutors for quality bone and mineral disorders nursing assignment help solutions. Bone and mineral disorders are associated with chronic kidney disease. Kidney disease attributes to an imbalance in the blood levels of phosphorous and calcium. The mineral imbalance has negative impacts on the blood vessels, the heart, and the bones.

Various minerals support the development of strong and healthy bones. However, if the body suffers from mineral disorders, the bones lack access to the required minerals for strong bones. The bones help in the movement, diving the body shape and supporting the body. Kidney health is essential in preventing the risk of getting bone and mineral disorders.

Therefore, people should refrain from drinks or foods that harm the kidney and strain their functioning. We have competent tutors with outstanding knowledge of bone and mineral disorders. Register today and enjoy grade one bone and mineral disorders nursing assignment help services.

The leading cause of bone and mineral disease

The leading cause of bone and mineral disorders is always associated with kidney damage due to chronic kidney disease. Impaired kidneys can no longer function effectively in creating mineral balance. For instance, the damaged kidneys fail to remove excess phosphorous from the blood.

Hence, high blood phosphorous levels cause blood to extract calcium from the bones, weakening bones. The destroyed kidneys also convert vitamin D into calcitriol. The conversion causes calcium imbalance in the blood.

Damaged kidneys also result in the parathyroid glands releasing excess PTH hormones into the blood to remove calcium present in the bones into the blood to restore the optimum blood calcium levels. Hence the bones end up lacking the required calcium levels.

Essential minerals and hormones for bones

The bones require constant rebuilding to remain healthy. Bone health relies on three main components: parathyroid hormone, active vitamin D, calcium, and phosphate. The hormone is released by the parathyroid glands, which are located in the neck. It helps in maintaining a balance of blood calcium levels.

Anytime the kidney fails to function, the glands release the hormone to move calcium from the bones into the bloodstream to create balance. When seeking our online bone and mineral disorders nursing assignment help services, you will discover that calcitriol, or active vitamin D, is essential in the formation of new bones and also in maintaining the balance in blood calcium levels.

Calcium and phosphate are the main minerals that help keep healthy bones. In kidney damage, the body loses the ability to balance blood phosphate and calcium. For more details, contact our professional tutors.

Chronic kidney disease

Chronic kidney disease is also known as chronic renal failure. It is characterized by reduced kidney function because of kidney damage. The disease is very prevalent among older adults above 70. However, the younger population can also develop chronic kidney disease. There are various causes of chronic kidney disease which include;

  • Abnormal kidney structure
  • Family history of kidney disease
  • Being Asian American, Native American, or black
  • Obesity
  • Smoking
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes

The warning signs of chronic kidney disease include;

  • Kidney pain experienced from the back
  • Change in urine
  • Fluid retention
  • Fatigue

Worsening and untreated chronic kidney disease cases have many health risks to the body. Among the possible complications that can arise is the development of bone and mineral disorders. Hence, when someone experiences an abnormality in their kidneys or the urinary tract, it is essential to seek urgent medical attention.

Osteoporosis as a bone and mineral disorder

Based on Essay For All Tutors, osteoporosis is an example of a bone and mineral disorder. It results in the weakening of bones when they also become very brittle. Hence, if someone falls or gets mild stress from coughing or bending, they will likely get fractures. A human bone is a living tissue constantly replaced in a person’s lifetime.

When a person develops osteoporosis, the bones no longer regenerate but degenerate. Any person is vulnerable to osteoporosis. However, it is more common among women in their menopause. Other factors can worsen the condition. Osteoporosis is a severe disease since it may impair a person from performing most of their daily routines due to the fragility of their bones.

Any person suspecting to be having osteoporosis should seek urgent medical attention. Besides, women in menopause should also consult health professionals on best practices that can lower the risk of osteoporosis.

Symptoms of osteoporosis based on our 

When osteoporosis is in its early stages of development, a person may not experience any unusual symptoms. However, increased degeneration of the bones, causing significant bone loss, may result in various symptoms. According to our experienced bone and mineral disorders nursing assignment help tutors, such symptoms of the disease include;

  • A stooped posture
  • Loss of height after some time
  • Back pain
  • Bones that easily break

Foods for healthy bones

Once a person is diagnosed with bone and mineral disorders, various strategies will help address the disease. Apart from medication, proper nutrition is also essential. By visiting a healthcare practitioner, you will be advised to consume foods enriched with specific nutrients, especially minerals. Vitamin D and calcium are the primary nutrients that support healthy bones. For instance, adequate calcium helps healthy bones, while vitamin D enables the body to absorb calcium. The primary sources of calcium are;

  • Fish
  • Bread
  • Nuts
  • Plant-based drinks
  • Tofu
  • Soya beans
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Milk, cheese, and other dairy foods

Based on our bone and mineral disorders nursing homework helpers, the primary source of vitamin D is direct sunlight. Other significant sources are fortified foods, egg yolks, and oily fish. Even with healthy bones, consumption of the diet is significant to ensure minimized risk of developing the disorders.

Diagnosis for bone and mineral disorder

Performing tests is very important to confirm if a person presents bone and mineral disorders symptoms. The test results also support the prescription of appropriate drugs for a confirmed disease, increasing the chances of promoting improved outcomes. A healthcare professional can perform various diagnoses, such as;

  • x-ray
  • biopsy
  • blood test to determine the levels of substances such as vitamin D, PTH, phosphorous, and calcium
  • physical exam to determine any changes in the bone structure
  • evaluating the family history

Treatment for bone and mineral disorders

Any bone and mineral disorders treatment seeks to protect the bones and blood vessels. The commonly prescribed treatment for the affected people includes medications, supplements, and a proper diet. If the kidney is severely damaged, a person may also require dialysis.


In this case, a person with bone and mineral disorders requires medications that help reduce phosphate levels in the blood. Such medicines include calcimimetics, vitamin D supplements, and phosphate binders. Phosphate binders are in the form of tablets necessary to soak phosphate in food. The process minimizes the amount of phosphate absorbed into the blood. A patient with bone and mineral disorders should take phosphate binders with meals or before meals. According  to our bone and mineral disorders assignment help experts, examples of phosphate binders are;

  • Calcium carbonate
  • Calcium acetate
  • Lanthanum
  • Sevelamer

The challenge with using the medicines is the side effects of a chalky taste in the mouth, feeling sick, diarrhea, and constipation. A health professional can also recommend vitamin D supplements to help raise calcium levels while lowering the PTH levels in the blood. The doctor can also prescribe Calcimetics. The drug imitates the effect of calcium on the parathyroid gland. It helps in protecting the bones by lowering the level of parathyroid hormone.


This is always the last option that can be considered in treating a patient suffering from bone and mineral disorders. The surgical procedure aims at removing a single or both parathyroid glands. It helps in lowering calcium levels. The patient requires an increased supply of vitamin D and calcium tablets in those cases.


Bone and mineral disorders are connected with kidney damage. In case the kidney is highly damaged and can no longer play its function effectively, dialysis becomes a reliable option. It helps in removing phosphate from the blood. The patient should also refrain from food rich in phosphorous for improved management of bone and mineral disorders. Get our online bone and mineral disorders nursing assignment help for more professional guidance.

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