Academic Integrity Policy

Welcome to Essay For All. 

Through our academic integrity policy, we commit to maintaining and ensuring our clients produce original scholarly work. We do not just write for our clients; we help you write better by providing homework help, tutoring, and consultation services. 

Our Key Principles 


We prioritize your privacy and keep all information, data, and communication confidential. We do not share or disclose client information or data without explicit permission. 


Our services follow specific policy; we function as your research and writing partner, providing guidance, analysis, and consultation. Throughout the process, you retain sole authorship of your work, maintaining complete ownership and responsibility for the content, findings, and conclusions presented in your work. 

Collaborative work 

We encourage clients to maintain a high level of engagement when our team is handling their work, ensuring we can achieve the best possible results while upholding the highest standards of academic integrity. 

Regarding AI-Generated Text 

We do not use artificial intelligence (AI) in our work. Tutors found to have used AI-generated text undermine our principles of producing authentic and original work. Any AI-generated content submitted will not be processed, and we will pause the work until we resolve the issue. 

Regarding Cheating 

Using our services as a supplementary resource for students to improve their understanding of course material, explore new topics, or develop relevant skills is considered responsible academic behavior and can contribute to future success. 

We know that some users may misuse our resources; however, we have zero tolerance for actions that violate academic integrity, including copyright infringement, plagiarism, or attempts to gain an unfair advantage. If anyone is found guilty of submitting another person’s work they will be permanently banned from our website.  

For further details, check our Terms of Use, Honor Code, and Copyright Policy. 

Regarding Misuse 

As highlighted above, our goal is to be a supplementary resource supporting our clients’ school work. However, clients who use our platform in ways that contradict its purpose violate our Terms of Use and Honor Code. 

Clients should be familiar with their institution’s academic integrity policies to ensure they use online resources such as Essay For All responsibly and in alignment with those policies. 

Some of the actions we highlight as misuse include directly copying and pasting content from our website, presenting it as your own work, and uploading recordings of classes or lectures without proper authorization.  


  • We prohibit clients from engaging in any activity on our website that contradicts your instructor’s or institution’s academic integrity code. 
  • We do not allow cheating or plagiarism. Therefore, anyone found misusing our platform to submit another user’s work as their own or gain an unfair advantage during evaluations will be permanently banned. 



We implement measures such as plagiarism checks, we train our tutors, have a strict recruitment process and abide by strict guidelines that prevent participating in unethical practices. 

Plagiarism includes presenting another person’s work or ideas as your own and using unauthorized sources in your work. It also includes copying large sections of text without include proper citations and references. At Essay For All, we handle plagiarism by using plagiarism detection tools and have guidelines for handling cases of plagiarism, which includes warnings and penalties. 

Violating this policy may result in the suspension or termination of a tutoring service. 

Tutors provide guidance, feedback, and resources that help students understand their homework, improve their writing skills, and answer homework accordingly. 

We have an outlines procedure our client should follow when the want to report violations such as contacting our customer support agent. 

For further information, please contact us. 

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